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Everything posted by Dunther

  1. I've heard about this, and I'm really curious. Maybe I'll download the Steam version EDIT: WTF there's a demo! I'll try it immediatly!
  2. I used to love Gambit and Mega Man in the first one, but even if I will not take the third (don't own a PS3/360) I hope they'll remember about Viewtiful Joe, he was present in Tatsunoko VS Capcom and still is one of my favourites Capcom heroes ^__^
  3. Unfortunately, I don't own a PS3
  4. I'm a newcomer of the series too, but I like challenges I can't wait to try...
  5. I didn't had the possibility of trying the demo seems that in Europe they forgotten it...
  6. Pre-ordered at GameStop. I don't think it will arrive here before 26 april but better than nothing (wow I've been promoted to Ryu Hayabusa ) Man I'm in the same situation, but some friends of mine pre-ordered MHT too, so I've decided to do it, I'll be able to actually use WiiSpeak
  7. Nice, but I will not be able to play it because I don't own a 360 I need to play the second one too...
  8. Those visuals reminds me of PSX JRPG with 2D characters in 3D environments. And that's not bad if you consider how the graphics were in the fourth generation.
  9. Now available for PC and iPhone too . I don't own a DSi, so I was very happy that a Steam version came out too, and I bought it instantly. It seems that this NES style prequel is better reviewed than the original Dark Void itself and that's because it's really funny. The game it's similiar to Metroid, but instead of a big map there are different maps for every level, and I am pretty sure there're 3 of them. And all power ups are not permanent (you can carry only 1 weapon). To go on you must search cards that opens doors that have other cards behind, until you can leave the level (not before beating the boss naturally). In every level there are 100 Tech Points (you can call them simply "Coins" ) and a secondary objective that needs exploration to be copleted (like finding 5 lost diaries). Steam archievements and leaderboards are also supported. Like Mega Man 9-10, it's all in 8bit, and soundtrack (by Bear McCreary) is good too (although not awesome as the VVVVVV's one in my opinion). Probabily isn't a big game, but for 4€ is worth the price Someone else tried it?
  10. I always dreamed to have a more personal interaction with your Pokémons, something that can make them different in both appearance and stats (and moves maybe), in a "good" or "bad" way. I personally really liked the idea of a "Dark Dragonite" for example. In the trading card game there is something like that...
  11. Absolutely yes. I like different evolutions, it reminds me of Tamagotchi Anyway, light/dark evolution would be great in my opinion....
  12. Ahaha I think it'll be interesting, I can imagine what you mean...
  13. I found this: http://dod.vgmix.com/past/2010-02-february/01-Scaredsim,BrouHounF-DiddyKR-Future-DoD.mp3 I really love it, but I think the song it's from space levels wich I never managed to reach
  14. I really don't know, I want to know more about it. 3 seems a perfect number for evolution, so an additional stage isn't much needed in my opinion. New types would be great instead...
  15. Source: http://www.destructoid.com/hot-new-pokemon-black-white-details--171001.phtml Edit: And Source: http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3178814
  16. (splitted because it was too long)

    But I like learning other languages anyway, I would like to learn Japanese but it's really difficult and I don't know if I will ever seriously appling myself in it :P

  17. To tell you the truth, English is not very common here. Most of people don't know very much of it, and even if it is teached in schools, good votes are not always related with English knowledge. i.e. a friend of mine doesn't knew anything at all, but often all that matters for the teachers is that you know the rules and things like that. So he was taking 8s and I was about 6-7 :D

    After all so, I am an exception. Naturally I'm not the only one, but I learned and improved English myself, for gaming reasons :D Ocarina of Time put me in the need of knowing what people were saying, and a good vocaboulary did the rest :) . When I got internet all became easier, thanks to many sities and videos around (like GameTrailers and AVGN) I improved my listen, and now I don't esitate to watch things in English. Still, I don't always understand everything so I must improve this too :D .

  18. Mono characters are the simpliest kind of game, and that's not always a bad thing. Many songs are too difficult with different colours to collect...
  19. Finally something new from KI! I really like your approach to one of the coolest main themes in videogame history keep on improving
  20. I like this remix, and I'm playing SS in these days ^^ .
  21. Outstanding game, I think I'll never get tired of it. I put just about every kind of music in it, and obviously I often try OCReMixes maybe someone saw me on the leaderboards...
  22. I really like this one, but I don't know how can you remix it without remixing this. I mean, it's a remix itself, if someone wanna do a Paper Mario remix should pick in consideration mainly the Paper Mario variation, sure...but anyway it doesn't matter
  23. Yeah I'm not saying that the game couldn't be greatly improved in both story and challenge Anyway, I always hoped to have a more Tamagotchi-style interaction with your Pokémons...something like Digimon World for PSX, if you know what I mean.
  24. I wouldn't like a different plot, I like the Pokémon canons, but they can be done really better and "mature". Anyway, I think that the first versions got a more interesting story in some points. Like the Team Rocket, before the anime's Jessie and James it remembered me a sort of mafia...
  25. You think that DS's not capable of this kind of sounds? You kidding?
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