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Everything posted by Dunther

  1. First listen DONE. Not enough to have a complete opinion but aside from some tracks it seems all done well . I need to listen it again and again until I will classify (with stars, I mean) all of them...
  2. I haven't listened it yet downloading the FLACs right now! First time listen must be lossless listen!
  3. Check the site! This time is real.
  4. Same here. Today I listened the whole soundtrack while I was waiting this album... I feel sleepy, but I can stay I little more....I think....zzzzzzz...
  5. Pretty sure it's a correct link, I found it on the trailer's comments.
  6. Yeah I remember that too...
  7. Another 25 minutes and here in Italy we'll be in the 16 March so... TIME PARADOX
  8. Not really, the DKC2's graphics are more detailed for what I remember. Better (and more diversified) backgrounds, more characters, more characters animations and so on... Even if someone can dislike its pirate style, I think is really inspired and fully integrated with the DKC universe. Have I talked about the gameplay? Have I talked about the MUSIC? I just love this game.
  9. I just can't stop refreshing the homepage...
  10. http://dkc2.ocremix.org/ add this to your bookmarks
  11. Really liked it in the DoD, even if I didn't played Ecco games at all.
  12. The first SPE it's, in my opinion, a perfect game. It's a 30 years old concept, but made in a still pretty fun way; graphics and sounds are awesome, and it's damn hard in the last levels. Never tried the sequel, yet...
  13. Hotel Dusk is one of the best DS games I've played, I hope that the sequel will be localized, but a fan translation should be fine too...
  14. I hope in Chris Vrenna's return as game composer
  15. Maybe you can chose to have two characters on screen (like Sonic & Tails in Sonic 2) and even who the characters are... Sounds less impossible than a two player co-op...
  16. Yeah I got it this morning early, I tried numerous times because the DS was not finding any mistery gift. Maybe it was TOO early, lol. Anyway, I will send it to my SoulSilver copy if I will find a way to do it (I have only one DS :S ).
  17. I have an idea for the site that's in my mind since I've seen the near the games wich have an album project dedicated. Every time a project comes out, some of its tracks become individual OCRs, and sometimes there are changes from the two versions, like Snappleman's 'Thrash the Plank', that has different starts, and sometimes happens that the tracks have different names too, like the prophet of mephisto's 'as time goes on (you are love to me)'. So, I think that would be nice to have an near the "Project Tracks" too. I don't like having double tracks in my library, but it's not only that, it can be useful for the overall mixes management in my opinion. What do you think people?
  18. Mmm I don't find the reference, sorry...
  19. From a 6 seconds jingle? That would be odd... But if someone would like to do it...
  20. Aw...that's bad, I don't have a 360...
  21. Anyone knows when the PC version will be released?
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