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Everything posted by TaVeRnErO_RuDd

  1. how and where do i submit my entry for the contest?
  2. ROFL.....looking like aiur...or damnm planet CHAR! i don't care...those areas look awesome...fit in the story (somehow) and i ain't complaining...can't wait to take my flying mount for a spin in that awesome area indeed...the expansion would get old if it all looked like durotar...that annoying red ground
  3. HOly shit the rogues got some crazy dmg thingys.....the locks get felguards....the shammy get dual wield....it seems like fun for every class looking forward to the burning crusade
  4. gygas is very easy...you just goitta use paula's prayer after he's down to the second form
  5. words fail to describe how AWESOME this mix is! 30/10
  6. HEll yes...this mix pwns...it's my first recommendation (along with duck blur) to ppl who are interested in VG mixes
  7. wait...wheres episode 052?
  8. wow thats awesome!
  9. Gorgonnash (PVP): Lvl 50 pally: tavernerorud Gorefiend (PVP):Lvl 60 shammy: tavernerorud
  10. well...falling in the void will have to be something dumb....but i hope that thing where you get dismounted when dazed or slowed in some cases is removed...i woukld hate to find ppl ambushing you in mid-air and making yoiu fall in the void just for the heck of it
  11. pallys will get flying mounts free i hope
  12. You're either stupid, or an Alliance retard trying to get a viewpoint: "OMG WE'RE NOT OVERPOWERED IN PVE AT THIS POINT IN TIME NO-SIR THAT FREE 36 MANA EVERY 5 SECONDS AND 59 MANA EVERYTIME YOU WAND, AS WELL AS DPS BEING ABLE TO GO HARDER AND TANK TRANSITIONS THREE TIMES EAISER DOESN'T MAKE IT EASIER VOTE FOR ME IN '07!" First of all, like any good troll, you forgot to notice I listed abilities only, and only in a PvE aspect. Congratulations, since you were talking in a PvP aspect (which sounds like you suck at, considering you think Alliance's racials aren't good at all), so your entire post was a moot point. Grats! Go back to making music. If you pick two abilities and compare them even when they are in no way oriented for the same thing, you are sure to find imbalance. I mean, hammer of wrath is much weaker than chain lightning. However, blessing of wisdom is better than mana tide totem... except it does the job a lot quicker... Your comparison are weak, mine were a parody. You responded seriously, I laughed. harsh
  13. i roflmaoed.....
  14. know your lore before posting this kind of stuff lol
  15. well /shrug...i dunno what role shammys will play when the paladoons arrive...but whatever the role...blizz will make it work
  16. Im not trying to attack you, just those fools Tigole and Furor. but after patch 1.11, where Blizzard CMs (the European ones of course, Eyonix is a worthless piece of trash who took an insult from a single forum troll as an excuse to communicate with us even less) said that the developers never got our mountains of feedback and suggestions, and we recieved a buff to elemental, a nerf to enhancement, a small buff to resto, and zilch for our totems, while watching druids get their innervate made trainable while our inferior mana tide remained at 31 points got me pissed. then eyonix said that they weren't really done with us and that there would be more coming in 1.12. more meaning the nerf to WF totem because horde raiding and shaman PvE is so awesome and way too powerful. the only reason that this nerf didn't survive was the massive outcry from horde and alliance who saw the existing imbalance being made even worse. so after our review, shaman and horde issues were not addressed at all. so what does blizzard do? fix the raid imbalance by giving horde paladins, and completly screw over every raiding shaman in the process. the only thing we're good for is bringing 1 or maybe 2 along to soak up loot and drop WF totem for the melee groups. gg cmon...thats not true....i rolled a shaman as my first char and he was pretty decent..joined zircons guild and all and he raided without many problems i think having pallys alog with shammys will be a pretty good thing...not unbalanced...sure some spots will have to be givn to the newcomers..but hey i think it will be a new experience that will be quite enjoyable....blizz won't let us down...wow is the friken best MMO ever...stop dumping on blizz...sure they make mistakes and screw up sometimes...but they fix most of their mistakes relatively quickly...i'm sure they'll make it work name something unique that a shaman brings to the raid. name something that makes a shaman a better choice for a raid slot over a paladin. bliz has screwed shaman over 3 times in a row now, and show no intention of slowing down. shamans have their totems...and thats a LOT..imagine...nefa or rag fight with not only FR totem helping but also fire res aura...that would help a lot...shamans and pallys will make good combos, also this will only come up in the expansion ALONG with major class changes for ALL the classes...after this great series of change..i'm sure the results will please us all
  17. Im not trying to attack you, just those fools Tigole and Furor. but after patch 1.11, where Blizzard CMs (the European ones of course, Eyonix is a worthless piece of trash who took an insult from a single forum troll as an excuse to communicate with us even less) said that the developers never got our mountains of feedback and suggestions, and we recieved a buff to elemental, a nerf to enhancement, a small buff to resto, and zilch for our totems, while watching druids get their innervate made trainable while our inferior mana tide remained at 31 points got me pissed. then eyonix said that they weren't really done with us and that there would be more coming in 1.12. more meaning the nerf to WF totem because horde raiding and shaman PvE is so awesome and way too powerful. the only reason that this nerf didn't survive was the massive outcry from horde and alliance who saw the existing imbalance being made even worse. so after our review, shaman and horde issues were not addressed at all. so what does blizzard do? fix the raid imbalance by giving horde paladins, and completly screw over every raiding shaman in the process. the only thing we're good for is bringing 1 or maybe 2 along to soak up loot and drop WF totem for the melee groups. gg cmon...thats not true....i rolled a shaman as my first char and he was pretty decent..joined zircons guild and all and he raided without many problems i think having pallys alog with shammys will be a pretty good thing...not unbalanced...sure some spots will have to be givn to the newcomers..but hey i think it will be a new experience that will be quite enjoyable....blizz won't let us down...wow is the friken best MMO ever...stop dumping on blizz...sure they make mistakes and screw up sometimes...but they fix most of their mistakes relatively quickly...i'm sure they'll make it work
  18. OMg...this is quite a schoker.... i have great faith in blizz as they have never let me down...but....i hope this change only applies to dreanewi and BE...because it would be quite weird to see a night elf shammy fighting an orc pally
  19. i want possible solutions plz
  20. I'm getting that today too. Site must be down. thats not todaY..IT'S BEEN ABOUT 1 week already and in my brothers pc it's working fine...(we share the same connection) so something is wrong
  21. i have a question that is related to world of warcraft....but not necessarily from the game i used to visit their commmunity site every day...but when they revamped it i could acess it for about 8 days then i started getting this following message:(it's in portuguese but i'm translating) The XML page could not be shown could not show XML page using the XSL template..correct the error and press refresh ________________________________________________ the element was not closed. error to process the resourse 'http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/new-hp/layout/layout.xsl'.line 2 document.getElementById("<xsl __________________________________________________ someone please enlighten me....i really like that site...and the rogue talent prewiew is up (and btw...gorefiend does have a really small pop...but twice as many alliance than horde,,i was from GF)
  22. someone mentioned Lechuck from monkey island 2...hell yeah he's damn hard until you figure out what you have to do (but thats the fun of point and click...using your head) another guy i found hard was masamune in chrono trigger (when they fuse) .,...it took me a lot of deaths to find out you had to use slash to stop himn from doing the "yes indeed" attack that almost always killed marle and lucca leaving chrono defenseless and healess There is Savato from Trauma center:under the knife, his fight is long and keeping the guy nalive while you fight as crazed bacteria for 10 mins is a lot of work lol
  23. i love this song...one of my favs...sounds very nice. mother likes it too =)
  24. this mix sounds sooo good....congratulations to you all...love pixietricks's voice. just didn't understand much of the lyrics...but hey...musikc doesn't have to make sense
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