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  • Real Name
    Eric Mikols
  • Location
    Western NY
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  • Collaboration Status
    1. Not Interested or Available
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm

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  1. Wow, talk about making my day! Played more DW3 than many other games on the PS2 and, yep, this source is a forever tune in my head. Loved that keytar! Thanks mixers, this is fantastic!
  2. I liked seeing Chimpzilla bring up Tangerine Dreams. I wouldn't have thought that myself but now I totally hear it. And its just a great remix as well!
  3. I'm liking the Rush-vibes. Reminds me of their Power Windows phase.
  4. MkVaff just casually retaining his GOAT status.
  5. Don't know how I've missed this track after all these years. It came up on my iPod in shuffle mode and I'm loving it. Such a fun, happy piece.
  6. With all those "(insert type) of music for studying" videos on YouTube, I was wondering what the policy of OCR is for those? In terms of, can someone make one with OCR music, give credit to OCR & the artists and it's okay? Or do they need to be set to private? Public with no monetization? Ect, ect. E.G.
  7. Me, on the other hand, loves cheesy vocals. What's the source for these?
  8. You're browsing OCR in between Inuyasha episodes, a Mama Celeste pizza is in the microwave. Jennifer Gardner is going to be Elektra in a new Marvel movie. MkVaff has released a techno mix of an NES game. The year is 2024.
  9. You created something that has been part of my life for more than 20 years and I've interacted with OCR tracks more than any other music in my life. I'm glad your moving on to do what you heart is leading you to but I'll be forever grateful that you not only started this site, but then you led it to amazing heights and standards. Thanks for making such a positive and active part of the internet and video game culture.
  10. MkVaff, please keep making music forever.
  11. I liked the movie!
  12. I hope I didn't come off as trying to be unkind. I love the site, have for decades(!). If this site was still the 2000's orange design, I'd still use it.
  13. With the forum and the comments being less used then back in the day, I think the main page could do with a reorganization. Moving the new tracks front and center, or something like that. Considering most of the community has moved to Discord, it probably wouldn't hurt to have a link for that somewhere. And Soundcloud is great and all, but the Jet Force Gemini album came out nine months ago but it takes up a ton of real estate. I suppose it looks fine on mobile, though I'm sure it could be more streaming friendly. Anyway, I suggest all of that without having any knowledge of future site plans, costs or the amount of time any of that would take.
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