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Everything posted by avaris

  1. ZOMG I heart Dan. Completely agree. To be honest I have found that the anime from the 90's is by far the best era. There was some stuff in the early 2000's IMO that has a similar feel that is excellent. Macross Plus I could not recommend enough. There is something special about that show. Prob has one of the best melodies EVER for it's opening and main theme. (same song) The Vision of Escaflowne came out in 1996, and is also excellent. Has one of the best soundtracks of all time. It all along with 12 Kingdoms, Record of Lodoss War(the first one that came out) are just friggin awesome if you are into medieval fantasy type stuff.
  2. "Prolific and sexy anime/videogame music remixer Avaris turned 23 today! Happy birthday Shaun!" This statement is 100% true. Thanks dude! I am def gonna be at Mag this year, had a helluva time making it from across the atlantic but I'll be there.
  3. Yo dude glad to see you on here! You've worked your ass off the past couple of years and always taken to criticism EXTREMELY WELL. One of the coolest things about the track is that the source tune is very simple. You really took the best parts of it and made an entire cohesive song out of it. Not always easy to do but can make for some kick ass remixes. Love the searing leads at the end. Now go make some more muziks dude!
  4. Yo congrats dudes! Love it how Jill is wearing a similar white pic and Andy is wearing the OCR shirt instead of the suit n tie. To be honest the OCR shirt is more class than the suit n tie. Wish you two the best!
  5. Ahh love the breakdown. Nice to see you on the front page dude! Really enjoyed the chilled groove. The gated synth was a nice touch to the ending. Although crazy enough my favorite part was def the breakdown about 1/3 the way through. Good stuff dude can't wait to hear some more of your stuff!
  6. Ah sweet one of my favorite VGM evar. That short two hit staccato background doesn't go with the background. The general beat and piano def go well. Your vocals are good per usual. For production def look at some late 80's/90's tracks for reverb and stereo placement I think the production and mixing will just all fall into place on this one. Would def like to hear some pads or more more harmony added in. Good stuff so far dude!
  8. I believe we have 16 tracks done. Website is done except for peoples info, wav files, mirrors, and few other fixes. Basically people just need to finish their shite. There are tons of other projects just about finished, so we might be behind in the pecking order for a release date. I'll be done with my grueling exam schedule come this friday; after that I'll start organizing the shite so we can call this one finished! Thanks to everyone who has finished a mix thus far!
  9. Haha yeah I was in a similar boat. I graduated with a BS in Management Information Systems (databases; oracle; business) but I am in grad school for Music Technology right now. A fast and up and coming field is Film Studies in the academic world. Lots of stories and fiction in there for sure. Also there is some technical to wet your beak there too. I can't think of any other post-grad programs off of the top of my mind but Film Studies or something similar might fit the bill. If you are that passionate about writing you might want to look into PhD's in certain fields that would allow you o write a book. Write the book you have always wanted and hopefully you can structure it in a way that you can get a PhD for it too. Don't know if you're american but over in the Ireland/UK you can get your Masters in 1 year and it costs less than american schools...far less even with exchange rates taken into account.
  10. I heard the kid already has da mad skillz on da beatz yo....fo real! Congrats dude!
  11. Great chords dudes. Love the combo of chiptunes and guitar wankery. Congrats ToN on the 1st mix, and the DP u guys.
  12. Did you try installing ASIO4ALL per chance?
  13. Chrono Trigger...multiple times Replayed FFIV tons of times but mainly bc I wanted to play ir, the bitchin music is always adds into the equation though.
  14. Love the slap bassline. Agree with Palpable on the lead synth in the beggining, could have used a nice synth lead layered in. Although it does have a very nice megaman vibe to it. Arrangement is pretty killer along with the transitions. The pacing is nice, the song is always moving forward and keeping the energy. The breakdown section was pretty killer too, loved when the energy picked up in it. Good stuff Jimmy!
  15. How stuff. The song is very reminiscent of some Oceanlab/Above&Beyond track. Best of luck the track is absolutely killer!
  16. Friggin rocks, love the drum n bass influences. Really nice to here this all too familiar theme with a nice twist. Would of liked some more drum fills overall, but eh gotta try to find something. Will be listening to this for awhile.
  17. Well that wasn't very sarcastic. I'm def gonna make it to Mag now...woot! It was not easy to pull off, but will def be worth it...damn I owe some people some beers, good times.
  18. Absolutely loved the beginning. Great sound choices to enhance the "pirate" feel. About damn time you got on here dude! One nitpick; I would liked to of seen a bigger clmax at the end...no pun intended.
  19. 100% agree. What made Super Metroid an absolute classic was that very fact. I never played until two summers ago and it blew me away. What an absolute gem of a game all of these years later.
  20. Slow -> Haste -> Leviathan = WINNAR! Also protect and shell with Cecil. And turn the battle speed down need be.
  21. Ah sweet love your recent Chaoz tracks from Newgrounds. The strings for the sadness theme in the intro are def awesome, but there needs to be another layer in the sound building in that section. There def needs to be a transition in the beginning from the strings to the initial breakout. The rest of the song is too good not to really hook in the listener's attention. 2nd the comments about switching the songs. It is a good place to transitions but it just needs better execution in a way. Maybe introduce some of the other source material earlier on so it does not feel like such a big surprise when it is introduced. All n all, with some proper transitions this is killer. Great stuff dude!
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