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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Completely agree. There is a quote from dance producer Arksun where he says that more dance producers use software more than people realize. Some use software only. As far as I know Arksun uses only softsynths. To add to the synths zircon mentioned would be Blue and the JP8000 (overused but still sounds great, just like the Virus ) Although IMO if you are willing to splash the cash just go for Omnisphere. They just updated it with new dance patches and DAMN...they are prob exactly what you are looking for. Omnisphere has the it's own synth engine along with tons of samples and raw waveforms from other synths and other crazy stuff. It's only $500 compared to the hefty price of a snow.
  2. Yeah as soon as we get 20 tracks we are done. WE HAVE 17 DONE RIGHT NOW. I have contacted a few people and taken on yet another track in order to finish this thing. The website is basically done. It will just have to be updated so it displays the correct info for the final track list. I have contacted people about mirrors too, some have agreed but I still their website info. Artists have been contacted every month or two asking them to finish their songs. We won't be able to release until Tales and FFIV release. If the DK2 project makes faster progress than we do we will have to wait even longer. Frankly in about a month or two things could happen for that will completely take over my life but I will still send out PMs to get this thing released. It is unfair to those artists who finished songs quickly and cared about the project. But in terms of project history Brad pretty much hit the nail on the head. There are some STELLAR tracks on this project from artists. I think there have been in the realm of 3-4 direct posts already.
  3. Thank you so much dude. I truly hope people will at least find one track on the project that pull on the ole heart strings and reminds them of the game. We were all just as excited making this as you are listening to the preview. (that preview wasn't even all the songs either) IMO the greatest talent in music is one of patience, understanding, and work ethic. yf You got those you can do anything. THANKS!
  4. 3rd, 4th or 5th whatever Okami. Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World is a good one too. 2/3 of the lead characters might be a lil meh but the dog sure as hell makes up for it.
  5. I will try to see if can get through on the university network...RIGHT NOW!
  6. Only if they made a song called HEY WE NEED 3 MORE TRACKS AND WE R DONE OKAY! ...Tensei one of them is yours buddy!
  7. OK so supposedly there are midi improvements in Live 8 but they haven't released a spec sheet yet. A cool feature when working with a drum kit is the collapse feature feature where the piano roll will only show the note lanes where that you have notes on already. Which makes a for a pseudo drum sequencer type feel. As a former FL user; the features of dragging and dropping samples is almost exactly the same. In Live 7 and beyond creating the drum rack would suffice as a similar method to FL's built-in step-sequencer. Supposedly with the new Live, or maybe this is with 7 as well, you can view multiple midi notes from different regions at the same time. Basically a must for working on complicated arrangements. Have to agree with Zircon on the PRV edting type possibilities. It's just plain stupid more devs do not hop on the idea. Frankly the new warping mode looks AWESOME. Hopefully the Max/MSP side accepts side-chaining, this would make for some AWESOME phase vocoder type effects that sound pretty good in MSP.
  8. Welcome to your early 20's! You will never have less money and want to spend more of it than you do right now. But things are only looking up from here on out! Happy b-day dude!
  9. Hey this is sounding really sharp dudes! Love the mix of different genres and ideas def my kinda stuff. Sounds like there is some really hi-fi stuff with some awesome creativity involved. Looking forward to the release dudes!
  10. Watch the video that says "Extend." http://www.ableton.com/home?movie=4 This is way beyond Macros and Synthmaker in FL. While conceptually it combines ideas of both, the possibilities are crazy. Creating effects, synths, midi devices, and features with a program that is already ridiculously popular.......mmmm the possibilities. Two thumbs waaaay up Ableton!
  11. One of my favs from your newest batch of tracks dude! This has so many good things goin for it, great sections and sounds that mesh together really well. The breakout right at the end is by far the best section. Loved it at the MagFest when the song went into that section, it's something you don't expect as a listener but totally rocks. The bassline there friggin rocks on loud speakers!
  12. Have friggin awesome bday dude!
  13. I completely agree. I friggin loved that game too. Glad to see this theme get some serious coverage. I really love your tried and true combo of synths and guitar/wankery. It's truly been a pleasure see your production and sound design start to match your amazing song writing ability in areas. Massive ass pats from me on this one dude! Can't wait to hear the your next like couple of songs get posted dude!
  14. Ditto dude! I heart my roomates.......looooong time. As per usual it was a great time that went by way too fast. Lost my voice again this year from laughing so much. Highlights were the DJ sets at the end....ahhhhhhhhhhh so friggin awesome; and B.T.S.'s performances. It sucked that Select Start wasn't there this year but after seeing u dudes(and dudette) that feeling changed. It was great meeting more new people this year, wish there was more time to get to know some more people. Also it was awesome to see BGC let OA win in the Street Fighter HD tourny.
  15. Ahh it's M.D Geist II, and it's only ranked 2nd worst. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/ratings-anime.php
  16. To make sure you're getting the most realistic tape sound make sure it is attenuating the peaks(attack) transients by -6db. Tape on average cuts 6db from the transients, which gives a compressed sound, along with slightly distorting harmonics to give what appears to the human ear as a very warm and rich sound. Would kinda be a hassle to do this manually all the time, but IMO Izotope is one helluva company and makes some top notch plugins!
  17. Tokyo Babylon was EXCELLENT! Even though it was only 2 forty minute OVAs. It's also a pseudo-prequel to X. It def carries the 90 anime vibe. Blood the Last Vampire came out in 01 but is a good one to check out if you run out of options. It's the prequel to Blood+ but is IMO much darker.
  18. Always buy extra ram and hard drives for Mac's from 3rd party vendors...don't ever buy them from apple. Prob once you comfortable with what spftware to use you will prob only use 3-4 synths on a regular basis IMO. Some people can juggle mutliple synths but it is much easier for the workflow to stick to select few. In terms of Yoozer's story with switching to Live due to his personal work flow is great example of making the right choice for a DAW. Start off with simple and cheap software. Learn your workflow and what type of samples and synths you like. If you want you can then move onto the more expensive after that once you have the knowledge to make the best decision FOR YOU. You'll end up saving tons of cash in the long run. Good luck!
  19. The sounds like Willi Wonka and Santa Claus got it on in a barrel cranberries on christmas morning. The DnB bass synth is really cool and the siren shite. Def funky and playful. The voices were pure class, I luv it when a women whispers sweet glitches in my ear. NOW STICK THAT IN UR PIPE N SMOKE IT MR. MEISSNER!
  20. Silly Jay KVR is for kids. http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=233873 Also IMO if you are looking for a synth you can get Zebra2 online for $160 right now: http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=235638 With your style of music Zebra2 should be a nice fit IMO. There is a thing at www.robpapen.com where if you buy Blue you get Albino3 for free. That's a def AWESOME deal.
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