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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Thank you!!! Yeah alot of stories in video games suck pretty hard...but there are exceptions to the rule! I think with psychonauts due to our culture at least is that no one would guess what kind of game it was under the cover. IMO if the game was marketed better it might have capitized on it's potential better. I don't play too many american (western) games, but from your guy's perspectives do you believe the japaneese gaming market delivers better stories in games? This might be subjective due to the fact japan produces about 8million more rpg's per year. Great vid BTW.
  2. Hey dude this has lots of good ideaas and transitions, but for me at least it is still too minimalistic. There are times when there is only one or two sounds playing at a time. The hi-hats need more presence and movement. 2:10 where is the background harmonic support? 1:05 to 1:20 is nothing but hi-hats slowing down. The background FX is cool but it doesn't do enough to support the song. The synth line basically stays with the exact same movement for minutes on end. The kick basically takes up the entire song. Is it in mono? In hardstyle they usually have huge kicks which really are not my thing, but this one is still too big. If you are goin to submit to OCR you gotta cut out the entire first 1:35. Siamey's Ghost of Shadow Moses track got rejected and it had more source in the intro. This really needs extra elements like pads and more movement in the synths. You usually tend to do things in a rather minimalistic style which is cool, but to stick with that style your sound design needs a major bump. You gotta really design some catchy synths. The best example for another song I can give is Traffic by Tiesto. That song is incredibly minimalistic. Although he has a prominent bassline and kick that work well together and work with the song. Listen to how crazy his hi-hat patterns are. Also once the song gets goin he basically uses the exact same synth line the entire time...but it always sounds fresh because he has so much movement in it. I thought the intro really had a lot of good ideas that seemed fresh to me at least. The ending with those FX def struck a tone. Do you got Reason4 yet? If you do I can send you an RNS with all kinds of examples of emulating different effects and synth sounds that are used in tons of dance music. (fattener's, Sub OSC, Spread, etc...) Keep it up dude!
  3. Wow this is beautiful. Always loved Kaijin's older mixes, especially his Rydia mix. Def agree with the 90's vibe. I think all of the little things in this really add up to a memorable and heartfelt mix. Great stuff!
  4. I remember reading on KVR in the Hosts subforum about a sync issue running FL as a VSTI in Cubase. The problem still exists even in 4.1. Guess your only work around is to go the old school route and rip the midi.
  5. You've always been my favorite person on the forum. Oh BTW if you get ur old labtop back...please for the love of god redo/finish your Legend of the Dragoon mix. And if you don't want to I'll do it. Yeah I def agree. I usually only have a certain amount of time per song before my inspiration/willingless to work and refine on a song runs dry. If I don't finish the song in that timeframe I usually have to wait 2-3 months before I can make a good attempt to finish it off. In my experience the more of an emotional attachment I have to a song the easier, faster, and funner it is to work with. Another good way to spark creativity and to learn your software is to take some time once in awhile to experiment. Try the craziest things you can think of. Not only do you learn it's fun at the same time. Also chances are you'll create different methods or tricks to making music that sound very unique.
  6. My track is till sitting there almost done. Just let me know when you wanna start this back up and I'll finish it up.
  7. Damn congrats guys! Looks like the link is dead... http://www.zirconstudios.com/remixcontest2k7/
  8. Game: ICO Song: Wish you were there MIDI: http://swallace21.googlepages.com/ico-youwerethere.mid We could actually use a compo like this to finish up old lingering site projects too. Just an idea.
  9. I live in Rhode Island and the only place that had any was one of the Wal-Marts near my apartment. I live about 20 minutes away from 5 Gamestops too. They had jack shite. Most of the top games are sold out in every store here too. Oh yeah has anyone here ever played Lunar Knights? It's made by Hideo Kojima who made Metal Gear Solid. I've played about 3 hours so far...it's an awesome anime style, overhead action-adventure rpg. Def check it out.
  10. This is pretty solid dude. But some of the mixing and mastering could use some TLC. For instance when the sections are goin what is the sound that is out in front? It'sthe reverb off of everything. The background elements are louder than the melody. Since the melody has much less reverb than the background elements it makes the spacing feel very off. :59 is a good example. That high lead just sticks out really bad. I agree about screams. Although in some part they are good. 3:27 those would suite much better in the background. 1:37 is nice though. Def a way to pay tribute to that part of the source. From an arrangement perspective the songs has 3 apparent sections, but I don't see how the song progresses through the sections. Really try to take another listen and remember to concentrate the flow of the song. The parts that go up and the parts that go down. :28 that lower flute, it sounds it has the same playing style over and over. It starts to sound extremely fake. 3:08 that piano sounds forced and sequenced. It also sticks out in front of all of the other elements in the song. Bring the volume down and work on varying the velocities, and slightly change the timing just to give it a human element. The ending needs work. 4:05 a quarter note for the last note in the song. It seems like you set that part up to be very climactic and it just isn't executed as well as it could be. You got the big drums before and things kinda die out without ever really giving the song a proper climax and ending. There are lots of little things that feel off, especially in the mixing/levels. Try take step away from the track for about a week. Get your ears fresh and then really go back with a fine tooth. This is easily one of my favorite source tunes of all time. Thank you for taking the time to make a remix in this style as the source totally calls for it. Good luck dude!
  11. that friggin carrot flute is AWESOME! Whatch EWQL come out with a music library for a veggie orchestra.
  12. Hey dude you got a lot of good music, don't get me wrong but for me here is the main thing that stuck about that post. "I tried copying styles from professionals" This is def something to do if you are starting out, bc it helps you identify how to recreate your favorite music. But you def aren't a begginer. This might sound strange and is def not true for everyone. For me I started to make OCR quality music when I stopped trying to make OCR quality music. For me trying to meet not only my own high expectations but those of OCR really killed my creativity and drive. I started making music that I had a strong emotional attachment to and made the songs how I wanted them to sound. My inspiration, creativity, and quality went to another level. I think you've been around music long enough you don't need a ton of feedback to know how to make your songs sound good. In my honest opinion what would prob help you out tremendously would be to write in different styles. Seriously try to write a real orchestral remix. IMO good orchestral songs have absolutely incredible writing compared to other genres. Get some experience writing a very complex orchestral song under you belt. Then go back and make a trance song. Your view and how you look at music might completely change. An easier exercise might be to only give youself absolute shit soundfonts. A piano, strings, bass, and some type of legato lead. Make a song only using those. If your writing is good enough you should be able to make some type of emotional impact with the music only using those elements. I bet if you took the same song and put really awesome synths and sound design behind it, it will prob be a pretty kick ass song. The best thing to do IMO is to always find something to improve on. Find your biggest weakness musically and only focus on that for a month of two. Make that weakness your biggest strength. I promise in 6 months you will be a much better musician, and you prob have a helluva lot more fun realizing your creative ideas. Good luck dude!
  13. Def a well executed mix for lots of experimental ideas. It's def interesting to hear how the songs evolves throughout. Kudos for taking an awful source tune and making something awesome out of it!
  14. GOOGLE! http://www.tales-cless.org/starocean/talesofphantasia/midi/top_58ps.mid http://www.tales-cless.org/starocean/talesofphantasia/midi/top_42ps.mid I think this website has a midi for almost every song: http://www.tales-cless.org/starocean/talesofphantasia/index.htm
  15. Thanks dude! Aighty we got 2 more finished mixes in the past 2 days! ONE more and that brings us to a total of 10 finished mixes. Keep it up dudes!
  16. It's not the sound choices by themselves are bad. IT's just when you got everything goin there is this wall of, especially around 5khz and above. Which basically fatigues your ears really quick. There is a big lack in dynamics and punch. Be careful how you use compression. Just for experimentation try using really high attacks and really low releases. Then use low thresholds and high ratios. See how that changes the sound. Also more stereo seperation to spread everything out and make it feel like it's coming from a natural room. Perusual the arrangement is really good.
  17. BIG UPDATE! Humans Disc 1)Foxhull-June Mermaid 2)avaris-Aveh, the Ancient Dance 2)POCKETMAN-Fuse 3)Geoffrey Taucer-The Treasure Which Cannot Be Stolen 4)Foxhull/Geoffrey Taucer/Fishy/Tensei-San/The Prophet of Mephisto-Awakening 5)Fishy-Shebat: The Wind is Calling 6)Vampire Hunter Dan- Flight, Emotions, The Ship of Regret and Sleep 7)zikon-Tears of The Stars, Hearts of The People 8 )ziwtra-Bonds of Sea And Fire 9)Fishy-Steel Giant 10)POCKETMAN-Wings 11)Prometheus-Lost...Broken Shards 12)CHIPP Damage/cawnil-The Valley Where the Wind is Born 13 ) OA - Gathering Stars in the Night Sky 14) CHIPP Damage/Tensei-San - Tamasu Man of the Sea Gears Disc 1)R3FORGED-Omen 2)about:blank-One Who Bares Fangs at God 3)Wintermute/Troy Lawlor-Bonds of Sea and Fire 4)avaris/Blue Magic- The One Who is Torn Apart 5)E-Bison-The Light from the Netherworlds 6)Siamey-Back to Sleep 7)Another Soundscape/Avaris-Daijiru: City of Burning Sands 8 )avaris/Jewbei/Nutritious-June Mermaid 9)ziwtra - Wings 10)Geoffrey Taucer/Ross Kmet-Omen 11)Electric Concerto-The Wounded Shall Advance to the Light 12) MaZe - Faraway Promise 13) Nutritious - Leftovers of The Dreams of The Strong 14) Tensei-San/DragonAvenger - Stars of Tears Blue - Done Green - Almost Done Orange - Tracks Available - Need to Hear from SOON! Updated Available Tracks: 8 - Forest of The Black Moon 9 - Shattering of the Dream Egg 13 - Graaf, Emperor of Darkness 18 - Invasion 19 - Stage of Death 20 - In A Dark Sleep 21 - Singing In The Gentle Wind 22 - The Wounded Shall Advance to the Light 25 - The Blue Traveler 27 - The Jaws of Ice 28 - Knight of Fire 31 - The Sky, The Clouds, And You 33 - Tears of The Stars, Hearts of The People\ 36 - Solaris: Eden of Heaven 39 - Pray For The People's Joy 43 - The Beginning And The End 44 - Small of Two Pieces ~ Broken Shards
  18. 1:36 is the shtite! I swore I was listening to a Bare Naked Ladies Track. An awesome foundation with solid rhythms and melodies combined with some uber well executed creativity all over the place. Lovin the voice over too. Totally sick groove and execution throughout. Awesome work, thank you for making another tune dude!
  19. The writing and arrangement are A+++ as usual. Personally I liked how the song has this sad and somber tone to it, but transition nicely into more epic upbeat sections. This really reminds me of the Final Fantasy Tactics Soundtrack. This would fit in perfectly.
  20. We got three 99% done mixes posted on the project forums in the past 3 days. Check em out! Keep those finished tracks coming!
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