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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Wow this sucks I really enjoyed his movies. He had an incredible on screen presence. RIP dude.
  2. Ouch that sucks dude. As long as the HD wasn't fried as well there are devices to allow you to hook up a laptop to desktop. Then you can merely copy and paste the info from HD to another on your desktop. If you go to get your data backed up somewhere this is exactly what they will do. Hope everything turns out all right.
  3. Sweetness good to hear. We got a ton of tracks right near the finish. The sooner we can get the tracks the sooner we can release the project. FYI Ziwtra has been working on the website so we got all of our bases covered thus far. Thanks to everyone you has participated in this project. The tracks have been awesome thus far, many Wips and finished songs have gone on playlists of mine already. Keep it up dudes!
  4. Bastard...my hat was worth way more than $350 in that pic. Can we use a picture of our Mii per chance? Kinda legit but not really.
  5. SGX and Sephfire - Intense Color mp - Rape of a Planet Beatdrop - Revolutions Those make me feel like drivin fast and kickin some ass.
  6. If you are lookin to learn more about Logic you really can't beat this dude: http://www.youtube.com/user/SFLogicNinja?ob=1
  7. Using "Upgrade" on Cid's weapon and give it fire properties then he actually can help against the Dark Elf. But yeah he isn't the greatest character. At least he has higher HP than Kain at the same level. Just a glorified punching bag.
  8. I am going to try to make it but it will be tough since I am trying to come from overseas this year. Depends on $$$ and timing. But hopefully I will get to go, it was friggin awesome last year!
  9. The kick sounds a little too hollow. It blends it pretty good once the song gets started at :41. Before that marker it really sticks out in a bad way. I really love that lil synth in the very beggining. There is all kinds of movement in the synths throughout that really add a lot of character to the song. While elements are added in every measure the song isn't mvoving forward fast enough. 1:51 the bells are way too soft. Make sure to lower some of the filters on some of the synths. They are masking some of the lead instruments. Which makes the harmonies stick out over the lead instruments. this is really evident at 2:06 when the main lead comes in. Def try out some different wav forms on some of the synths. Having many of the synths saw based will only decrease the sonic space in the mix bc there is no contrast in the sounds. 2:47 is a great example of how the rest of the song should sound. The sounds compliment each other much better. Great choice for a lead in the that section. It sits much better in the mix. Transitions throughout the first are weak. They offer enough ear candy to really keep the listener glued in to the song. Great ideas just needs some fine tuning all around to capitilize on what you got!
  10. Happy bday dude! Damn you're dominating the announcements thread for all the right reasons. Have a good one.
  11. Haha yeah the battles are insane, but it's still fun. Edward will die in one hit from the turtles you fight in the antillon cave. His Life Song set up on auto attack When you get Rydia head up to the water cave and get Tellah as well. That way you'll 3 people for the damage to be spread around enabling Rydia to gain levels faster. Also setting up the Auto-Attack abilities for Rydia and Tellah to Rod KICKS ASS. Tellah takes off around 240.
  12. Yeah the new dialogue is great. There is a stronger focus to help develop the relationships between the characters in the dialogue which is pretty cool. Make sure after talking to certain characters or characters associated with them to switch through all of your party members as leaders and then go to the menu. There is a lot of story development in the little thought boxes in the menu. Also alot of people in the towns and villages actually have completely new dialougue that helps to strengthen the plot as well. They really did an awesome job so far on the remake. The battles can be tougher bc proper strategy is needed alot of times to ensure victory. This really makes for a more engrossing experience in the battles than the standard press the attack button a million times until the battle is over type of system.
  13. I just got Tellah and am now about to level up some before I tackle the cave to the north. I was listening on monitor headphones and there was def static in the beggining. I like the instruments in the town theme. Although the instrument playing the bassline in the fight song was weak. The other instruments were cool though. But yeah this is friggin awesome I feel like the clock got turned back over 15 years ago and I am playing this new friggin awesome game all over again for the first time. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. P.S. Beware of those friggin birds that inflict petrify in the beggining...bastards.
  14. Here is another good site to check out: http://www.academicsuperstore.com/products/Image-Line+Software/FL+Studio/881637
  15. I've been listening to alot of music from The Last Samurai at work recently and this defiantly hit home. Wonderful blend of synths and natural elements. The section from :55 to 1:17 felt a lil sparse though. I thought the synth bass was gonna back back in or at least have some type of crescendo. The orchestral build ups are wonderfully done. Breakdown at 3:15 was def the highlight. Awesome sound choices to create a very strong mood.
  16. Yeah that was a good post dude! While I have only done about 2-3 songs entirely in Reason I use it in almost every song I do. For beats and rhythms it just kicks ass. Now if they only built in Recycle and put a reverse button on ReDrum. Overall I think it's a great learning tool to help learn about mastering and production and especially the importance of signal flow in an FX chain. It's closed environment is a great place to help learn the valuable lesson of "do the best with the tools you got." Whether it's synth sounds fit your musical style is entirely luck. Although it has TONS of awesome affordable Refills with good vintage synth sounds. The Deepflight Roland D-50 refill is mouth watering. Allowing 3rd party devs to develop plugins for it would be just about the best thing for the program. Unless they really start getting innovative by Reason 6.0 things will start to get stale from a development standpoint.
  17. This remix was supa-fly! I really enjoyed the arrangement and all of the little ideas on how to expand on the melody. Excellent piano work in areas per usual.
  18. I can def see where some of the nay sayers about the game are coming from. I really didn't care for the prehistoric and futuristic sections of the game. Although Zeal was just about the best thing ever and the middle ages portions. Time traveling and always goin through different stages of the world always kept things flowing. A bunch of smaller stories all combining to make a bigger one. Back in 95 when I first played it; it was def kick ass and had an absolutely incredible level of polish all the way around. The battle system for a game made in 95 felt very interactive and fun to play. I def won't be buying this as I still have the original and the PS1 version.
  19. Wait a minute don't tell me Fishy recorded the guitars for Facing 2 already!?
  20. Well the new game does have a few slightly redone tunes in some regard. For instance Theme of Sorrow has a new bitching instrumentation on the DS version. Rydia's Theme and the Theme of Love sound incredible on the DS version. We're keeping it old school and basing the arrangements off of the original OST. It's just easier to keep things simple and to pay homage to the original that we all are loved so much.
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