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Everything posted by avaris

  1. No prob dude. Using a unison and different effects in different places in that combi really beef up the sound. I was browsing the web for Reason stuff, and I came across a page full of free Refills made this dude who I believe made some of the factory presets for Reason 3.0. http://ccmixter.org/media/people/marcoraaphorst/ (would a mod maybe/please rename the title of the thread to "Reason Combis and Refills" the current title of the thread is a lil misleading as to what the content of the thread contains now, thanks!)
  2. Haha no prob dude, I know from listening to a bunch of ur songs u gots tha mad skillz all around. Def send me that "Still Fighting" cover.
  3. Wow dude this sweet, sends chills down my back. I feel like I'm watching "The Rock" for the first time in a long time. Where's the ending? IMO Also towards the middle section it starts to feel a little repetative, I was wating for the breakout to come in a lil sooner. Maybe come in with the breakout a lil sooner and then fade out in the end with the meloncholic melody. The fading into the distance type of feel. This is friggin sweet.
  4. Yeah a copy of the new album whenit comes out would def friggin sweet. Besides that Nicole's T-Shirt idea is pretty cool.
  5. Great turnout guys. Congrats to Mustin what a damn good song, and it was unfinished too! Yeah Proph you and your mighty sexaphone were pretty amazing. There were tons of really strong entries, my condolences to those who tried the chocobo theme I'd prob stay away from it at all costs unless I could do some mad shredding on the guitar with it! That's what I thought Fishy was gonna go for, but a guitarist made a bad ass mix without guitar and doin a insane theme.
  6. The giant fire demon boss in the volcanoe is Valkyrie Profile 2...omg. It took literally over an hour to beat. Plus if u make on one move ur toast. The trick to beating it was to randomly find some fire armor off of an enemy you defeated.
  7. http://swallace21.googlepages.com/StirofEchoes5.mp3 OK I am happy with it. Added a lil swell right before the reverse kick. I kept the percussion, I think it serves a basic purpose. There was some small hints of clipping in the ending piano. BC of Kontakt the samples being played were the "high velocity" samples. So I toned down the velocity just a smidgen and now the medium ranged samples are the ones being played. Thanks for the link blank, I read through it and I feel I have addressed all of those issues and then some. This friggin song sure has come a long way. In my opinion alot of the sound design and ideas are pretty raw, but I like them, and they are testament for me at least of where this song has come from and the unique style and sound it has. As far as this getting accepted on OCR, I give it a 50/50 in my honest opinion. It has great ideas and some really cool stuff but it is raw and crazy. If I was a judge I would find a song of this nature extremely hard to judge. Hopefully I can get a judge's input before I submit. I'll be sending this off to tha sauce and vgmix when it gets back up. And if it gets rejected this time around then I'll do an infamous (OCR EDIT) and resub. Anyways thanks guys for all the feedback these past few months, it's really made a huge difference.
  8. I think this is all set to go, send this puppy off. Awesome, great production values. I'm digging this.
  9. Seconded. The first three books "The Chronicles" are absolutely friggin awesome.
  10. Thanks for all ur time homes, who else is gonna close forum topics with sarcastic comments. Those will be missed. Hope to hear some new music from ya soon dude!
  11. Yeah i really love their first big time album fallen and their first album origin. Def agree with Nario on all those points. Their piano player can have my left nut. Listened to bout 3 tracks from their new album but it didn't seem as good as their first, IMO.
  12. Oh haha, didn't reconize ya since the name change and being sigless. Hows that brambles piano song coming along? http://swallace21.googlepages.com/StirofEchoes5.mp3 OK, so yeah I don't know about the rythms in this. They're ok, I don't anything driving or nothing bc it would really detract from the piano. I might just use the hihats and turn them down. Also any thoughts of the reverse kick right before the breakout? Oh the overly detuned feel on the piano was from me modulating and putting LFO on the DB levels of individual freq levels, I took it off and it sits much better in the mix now. I also learned some new stuff bout Kontakt and tweaked the piano a lil bit.
  13. Damn straight! Well things have been goin pretty good so far, most people have already met the 1st WIP deadline and then some. We've been getting a ncie even flow of mixes and updates. Get crackin on those awesome mixes. I'll prob have an update of my aveh mix pretty soon. I need to add in percussion. And then flesh out all the instruments. Reforged is pounding away at the rythms for the Broken Shards mix, I'm gonna get back from him sometime soon. When you guys n gals can, make sure to to give some feedback on mixes over at the forum.
  14. I gotta hand it to ya hb, some of the thing u said were right. The pads sounds and timing clashed with the piano. The pads sounded great by themselves, but didn't sit well in the mix. Since then, I have reworked/replaced the pad sounds (way too much attack on the pads before). I also moved around the piano so it is now in sync with the pads. Didn't think I could keep the character of the composition and still change the timing. I checked out that song, the intros are almost identical (same ideas!?) I seriously have never heard the song before. I'm gonna try some more rythms in there and see how they'll fit. If i can get something that works great, if not then I'm just gonna keep with the hats. Any kind of wood block etc... would clash with the piano. I originally wanted to use wood blocks and what not for the first section but it didn't work out. I'll have an update sometime tomorrow or late late tonight.
  15. Wow dude it's been awhile, you have def improved. This whole first half is awesome. That reverse symbal you are using sounds like it has a lot of phase on it. Doesn't fit in well, try to go with something with more body, or a fuller sound. The strings also sound a lil phased. A big thing on this is structure, i see how your introducing all of these different parts of the source but it doesn't seem to flow as well as it could. That's just a feeling I'm getting. Needs a better ending, and more of a climax. Try working on giving some sounds a fuller feel. Just slightly, i think that would def improve the quality a lil. The percussion feels thin at times. Go listen to some of Gray Lightings tracks for some good examples of how ur type of sound can really sound lush. And yes this does slightly remind of some of Gray's remixes. I def think with the right amount of work and what not, you can get this on the site. It's got that certain quality to it.
  16. Alrighty, this weekend I decided to pick up this song again and try to finish it. I felt it was about time. Last night I went through and fixed all of the clipping, by doin some major editing with compression, volume, and FX levels. Basically I was trying to keep the same character of the sound while lowering the DB levels without using any limiters. Splunkle you were dead on right on some of ur points. I also fixed up some lil things in the first section and added some soft hats to give it something xtra to keep the casual listener's attention. Replaced the rainstick in the middle of that section with the dark voices, fits much better. http://swallace21.googlepages.com/StirofEchoes4.mp3 Any final comments or suggestions before I RESUB? This is the final version unless... As I said before I am down for do whatever it takes to make this song kick ass. If this is the final version, I'll rip the very first WIP of this song dating back to last july just to jog peoples memories. Just in case anyone was wondering, there is about 0 reverb on those pads. And only slight reverb 25-35% on bout half the leads. (low freq cut at 400hz too)
  17. I'm digging the backdrop you did for this, but alot of the other synth design is lacking. The lead synth in the beggining is alil too sharp and loud. Same thing at :58, it's sound especially dull. I think you got something here, but it will need a lot of work on the sound design to flesh things out. The section at 2:00, that stabs coming out of the left get to be a lil much. Trying throwing a lil LFO or Flangus on that part only, a lil swaying movement would be nice. Trying feeding in more more production values in the composition. Keep the listener wanting to listen, also vary up the leads more. Get maybe 2-3 leads playing off of each other goin in and out for each section. Maybe adding in some ethnic percussion in areas could really be a nice touch. You'll also prob need more arrangement to get it past the judges, if you r making this to get it on OCR. This def has something to it, def give it a good update.
  18. I think mr.green approves of this remix compo idea. (right click on the mr.green image down at the bottom and copy, and then paster where u want it) Haven would def be a sick track to remix, along with the other 3. Maybe just do the 4 of them? Me Semper Maneas would also be pretty sick with some crazy glitch action. Are we strictly goin off of loops and audio samples, or will midis and rns files be available?
  19. I usually like just bout anything ambient you do, and this no exception. Turned this late last night after getting home and then about 20 mins later i realized holy crap i'm still listening to the same thing and I still wanna listen. Def mood setting and something to drift into.
  20. Bass line that starts at 1:40, that instrument leaves a lil more to be desired. It is a lil too loud, and overpowers everything. Back off on the volume a lil bit. Also throw small some small amounts of LFO(or something) on that bass line just in that section. Since it's a breakdown section, giving that it some slight movement in the sound texture would go a long way. Right after that bassline ends and that new synth comes in at 1:53. Also maybe throwing in a reverse cymbal somewhere could be a nice addition. But then again maybe not, you aren't lacking in production values anywhere. Also when the hats are goin really fast,(1:05 is a good example) panning them even harder left and right. So they are bouncing back and forth between the left and right channels. Wow you really improved on this, you got lots of sweet sounds and variation. What program do you use? You've really put alot into this, it shows. It's a good thing you didn't rely on the 4 on the floor for movement and feeling. Adding in and fixing those few things I mentioned this has an excellent chance of getting accepted. The only thing is, is that it uses the main james bond theme from all the movies. There is a good chance they'll reject it for that sole reason. The rejected sephire's first sub of his FF7 mix for a similar reason, bc it contained stuff from Advent Children. I def try check with a judge or something if by any chance you can get ahold of one before submitting. I gotta say again, the variation is ridiculous you packed a whole lotta sounds and ideas into a short time frame.
  21. I'll have to check that out, and yeah I def agree with you that Meridian Dance is much more remixable and catchy theme. I think Prometheus is remixing Meridian Dance for the SD3 project.(SoM2) The Thanatos theme will take some clever sound design, and also very good production values in the composition to keep the listeners attention. But like all SoM music it is simple yet highly emotive.
  22. Leah is doing a SoM mix for Crescendo to Chaos Boss Battle Project. I don't know which theme from the game she is covering though. The CtC thread is over in the WIP forums. Maybe she'll cover the Dark Litch theme?
  23. OMG triple post... RNS: http://swallace21.googlepages.com/SpektralZRePassFilter.rns Combi: http://swallace21.googlepages.com/SpektralZRePassSynthesizer.cmb The reason it's called "Spektral" is because you can draw in on the vocoder the exact "filter" type you want each part to be. I suggest looking at the RNS file, I threw is some random high and lows so you guys can hear what it sounds like. Basically here's the flow: 1. Analog Synth 2. Analog Synth Split into two channels. One channel it is layered with OSCA and the other it is layered with OSCB. 3. Each channel is sent to a basic filter on the Malstrom. 4. Each channel is then sent to a vocoder set as an EQ. This is where you draw in your filters. 5. Each filter is sent to it's own channel in the mixer. The volume levels are then automated as fast as Reason can allow. 6. Then both channels are combined and sent to the maximizer and the the stereo imagager. *make sure the stereo imager is set to the max on spread. *steps 4-5 emulates the Z filter *in the original Morpheus hardware synth a basic LP filter was applied at stage 3. But you can do whatever you want. I basically used Reason to copy the original Z-Type synthesizer called 'Morpheus'. I've only used the Reason for less than a month, but in reading descriptions about Z-Type Synthesis in general they mentioned adding in some LFO's and Auxiliary Envelopes. Honestly I have no idea on how to do Aux Envelopes in Reason. But as soon as I do, I can rewire this combi to feature that. Hope some of you guys n gals get some use outta this. Any other crazy shite you can think of trying emulate? EDIT: Putting a Unison between the main signal and the maximizer in the combi is def another way to boost the sound quality. Also putting a Chorus/Flanger on each of the seperate signals before they reach the vocoder, to apply varrying amounts of LFO and give you some crazy results.
  24. Well I got something that is close. It is almost done, I'm just trying to enhance the features of this massive combi. I should be able to post tomorrow. It will involve some manual drawing of the automation though, but with Reason you can create the automation "loops" so to speak and then just copy and paste down the line. So who knows how accurate or not this will follow the sound reproduction. I am following the logic from the Morpheus which was the original synth that used z-plane filtering.
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