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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Haha yeah the cpu hit always slows me down big time when making tunes. Of course pretty much anything from steampipe2 in Reaktor5 would easily fit with this mix. You could always compose with Reaktor5 in a different flp file and then just rip a wav andi import? I def agree with you on the high end. Of course just for a lil variation in the freq range maybe giving some of the different sound clips ur using a high end boost could fix the dilemma.
  2. While i get where your coming from, i think keeping it the way it is, is prob fine. The composition has a very laid back kinda feel. IMO the soundscape and production should match and enhance the emotions in the composition. Ooh drums in that 1st section sound much better! Overall make sure the "crunch" of the drums doesn't muddy everything up too much. It's not too inherent, but def something to be wary of. Backing at 1:50 sounds a lil thin. See if you can't give if some more depth, of course there might not be any sonic space left. Also do something within ur writing to lead into the backing entrance. Just something very small, like an xtra snare hit or something simple. 2:26 sweet idea for the transition. I notice overall that some of ur lower frequencies(maybe 120hz and below) are peaking a lil bit higher than everything else. Also the breakout section at the end is sweet. That crazy thing u got that swells up before everything kicks back in is def the right idea. But I'd say have it start coming comining in a lil bit sooner. A longer more gradual raise until the breakout. Also make the breakout section twice as long and ur golden dude. This song has def come a long way. You've made some huge very noticeable improvements in terms of ur mastering and production abilities.
  3. I def like the update, i gotta second radiowar about the y-sounding on sytrus. It sounds like u changed it a bit in this version. Also if ur planning on using kontakt 2 for anything is had a wicked lo-fi effect in there for stuff. But beware it's insanely sensitive. keep it coming dude
  4. fuckin rocks, thanks for "accidently" posting it.
  5. Sweetness I love FFA, or secret of mana 1 I thought the intros and outros were tastefully done. Def has that BGC flavor. The biggest strong point of this mix for me is the composition. As with BGC's other mixes they deserve multiple listens to full analyze and see what's going on. Oh yeah and the underwater part was def a nice idea and gave this mix an xtra aspect.
  6. Yeah dude this is sweet, it def carries the vibe ur goin for.
  7. bumpty bump bump Siamey's gonna do 'Back to Sleep' so that's taken now.
  8. Nice stuff, I like how the composition and instrumentation the fit the source. Some good production writing in places. 2:36 and on is def my fav part of the mix. Def the right choice to go with the arrangement.
  9. Lufia is one bad ace game. This is def one of the best source tunes from the series. Music technology has really shot through the roof in the last couple years yet the sound design is still relevant and def enjoyable by today's standards. The strings then guitar combo is def a smart choice for the arrangement of this mix. The whole arrangement is build around building up and displaying the incredible melody of this. Def an emotive piece that is well executed and build around the basic principles of the source tune.
  10. WOW i was surprised seeing this one have so lil reviews. I have been listening to this for over a year. This is def my fav Mazedude piece, it's right up there with his zeal piece. He really captured the emotion and feeling of the original. I remember way back when playin this game, thinkin the moon and the big giant airship(blue whale i think?) were the coolest things in the world. This mix is not only a nostalgia trip it's a great piece of music. Minimalist yet highly emotive, right up my alley. "To the moon Alice, to the moon!"
  11. Right o' mate, good idea. Now it's time to find some new music to listen to.
  12. I like it, but it could use more in some parts to kick it up a knotch. When the drums kick in, give the piano a more dynamic range in composition. Up and down. I was expecting things to expand a lil more there. Also you tack on another section at the end, with the expanded more dynamic piano and have some ripping guitar. You know like brian adams 1980's ripping guitar oh yeah that'd be sweet.
  13. Yeah we gotta figure out what's goin on with Dajiru, rpggamer180 i'll send you a PM about it soon. Pi has to be Terry Tate Site Project Linebacker, I pity a fool wit no WIP. I got a WIP in too WTF, your day will come!!!
  14. Run for your life jeremy soule VHD is back in town! No seriously though I've heard lots of stuff from Dan, and every new piece always amazes me. The fact each one seems a lil more polished than the last. Also the fact he always includes about 800 songs in his mixes, and makes everything seem so seemless is friggin amazing. From a remixer perspective the composition on this astounds me. Great stuff all around.
  15. You can't top pirates of the carribean everyday Yeah i'd def say this is out there and pretty darn creative. Who woulda thunk to do the beetles this way, yoko ono? I don't think so. I wanna hear more with the splicing of the vocal sections that was def the best part. Adding in a more reconizable boomin bassline might be be good. But it also might ruin the beetles vibe this has goin on, but then again it could be cool.
  16. Holy crap I never thought we would make it to this day. Well I knew we would, but still wow. We got Zikon aboard now for some orchestral goodness, sweeeet.
  17. Yeah there r def some open tracks, if u wanna send me a PM with some of your stuff I'd be happy to find something to fit ur style. What type of genres do u write in? Or do u just do whatever style comes to u? I've heard ur linkin park song, but I'd like to hear some others too to know ur arrangement styles and other musical capabilities etc... rpggamer180 might chime in he might not, I know he's insanely busy for the next month, so just send the stuff to both of us. It should only take me a day or two to get back to you with some ideas and other things.
  18. Awesome, this is something u don't friggin everyday. I've listened to this tons of times and I always notice something new everytime.
  19. Alrighty lil announcement: Since Blue Magic's oh so nice WIP only included 'The One Who is Torn Apart' 'Light from the Netherworld' is now open. And E-Bison has now claimed 'Light from the Netherworld.' SWWEEET And speaking of E-Bison, there is a global announcement over at the forums about mastering for all the tracks that everyone NEEDS TO READ. EDIT: 'Dajiru City of Burning Sands' is also spoken for.
  20. uhh limited at $1800 Don't get Compaq, Dell or Sony. Compaq have horrible reliability. The Dell laptops coming out the past few years only last for about 2 years tops. On most of them their hard drives fail and ur shit outta luck. Sony ur just payin too much for the name. HP's r pretty good but ur playin Russian Roullette, bc every now and then u get a stinker. I'd say ur safest bet is gateway or IBM. If ur a MAC guy and you just wanna a computer for basic home use. You know just writing papers and surfing the web go with a MAC. MAC's are made for home use.
  21. duhhhhh, sweet. Guess the only thing u could do is reintroduce the melody, and have it been less sin/tri wav based? Main melody def sounds much better. More scratching and vocals would be sick. Really doing some hard panning left and right with some of the different rythm breakdowns would really add a nice dimension. You might already be doin this I can't tell prob bc I'm listening to it on speakers.
  22. It's ambient, it's suppose to be this way. Ambient really is a love/hate type of music. I know. But my point stands - ambient and background music is a different genre, but this song sounds like it wants to achieve more than that. You could use its genre as an excuse, but I don't think that quite works for this song. I dunno, maybe it's my inexperience talking. Nah dude u def got a point, I've made the exact same point about some of Skrypnyk's songs before. But he usually just keeps them the way they are. I could be wrong this time. That comment was just me "assuming" he was gonna keep it in the ambient style genre like he usually does with these type of mixes. I def like this song and have been listening to it. Back on track, seriously dude when can we expect an update. I had an idea, when u are about to introduce the melody you do some big scratches. If ur gonna have a more climatic part in this, right before the climax have the db levels of all the intruments linked to the peak of the scratch using the fruity send. Then the whole soundscape would flow right along with the scratch right before the climax. Just an idea though.
  23. It's ambient, it's suppose to be this way. Ambient really is a love/hate type of music.
  24. Sweetness thanks. Of course I need to start selling myself to elderly women now to raise the money to buy it.
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