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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Thanks Leah, I usually just use my media player for some strange reason even though I got spectrum analyzers...old habits die hard. Glad to know I'm not the only FF4(FF2) lover out there. I'm actually gonna try to get an update out for this sometime this weekend before my ideas go dry for it.
  2. Oh cool thanks dude I gave up on anyone commenting on this. There are some other things I did in here you coulda ripped me a new one for. But yeah I totally agree with a lot of stuff you said. I have an updated version, that sound way cleaner and much more professional, but I gotta go back and redo all my volume levels so everything sits right. I also fixed the high end problem too. I rolled off alot of the lower freq from everything, and then redid the entire drum kit and it took care of the problem. I'll also def try to change the rythm on the gated synth at some point during the song. I also have ideas in mind on how to give one section a new flavor that will spice up the song more. And also I need to find another element or something to put in here to really put it over the top, that's the only part I haven't come up with anything yet... I won't be post the update until i got all the new stuff implemented, hopefully that'll be sooner rather than later. Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated. EDIT: maybe some granulzied choir patches to replace the gates in a section would be nice...hmmm maybe.
  3. Ah cool, eventually I'll have a refill made! Most likely it will involve alot of crazy routings and shite. Def another good idea like Another Soundscape's.
  4. def liking it, not much critique the composition/arrangement elements seem pretty solid. Try add in some more shite in between the different section for some kick ass transitions. Maybe also more drums fills, or have the drums pick up in the last section.
  5. Nice def liking wat you did, why does everyone feel the need to glitch everything in an SGX song...I'm guilty too in my early wip for the comp. New material is blended in very well. The pitch bends are a good idea, but i'd say redo em, they sound pretty off and totally change the mood of the material. Def likin this one so far!
  6. mp - dirge for the frosty plains oceanfire - xenosphere
  7. Oh wow hot stuff here, hopefully someone with a knack for some killer orchestral sounds picks this up. Very uplifting melodies and harmonies.
  8. I'll give it a shot, i got pretty much every sytrus plugin there is, so if it's out there I should be able to find it.
  9. I listened to this the first time and I thought it was ok...suffice to so say I have now listened to it too many times to count and it keeps getting better. I'm really glad someone remixed this source tune in this manner, the re-composition is beautiful and fits the theme perfectly. Sound quality is awesome, def goin to be enjoying this one for awhile.
  10. Oh cool seems like you already got most of ur bases covered then, at this point in the song I'm being uber picky and trying to find anything I can. I'd def try to get some feedback from someone who does mainly rock mixes. If u ever go onto IRC there are a few guitarists who hang out at #ocrwip who would def be able to give some good specific feedback on the rock elements.
  11. So many refills so little time...this list keeps growing bigger bwhahaha Reason Station has sooooo many...
  12. I found this link to an RNS file where this dude only uses 3 Maelstroms for the entire song, and it's suppose to absolutely friggin awesome...sucks I'm at work right now and don't have access to reason. http://www.reasonstation.net/songs/songinfo.php?song=51184
  13. Sweetness got another new mixer on board. Dale North is gonna take 'Gathering Stars In The Night Sky' and 'Singing In The Gentle Wind.' And they rejoiced yeaaaaah! (Monty Python Knights of the Holy Grail Reference)
  14. I have an old method of doin rythms that I am starting to do again that is similar to what po! is describing. I build a basic structure, but then I move around each percussive element to really flow with the composition as well as possible. I usually take my song in fl studio and set up ghost channels to see common points where chords or the really moving notes in a melody/harmony reside. Once I find those common points I map out the different percussive elements to match and enhance the composition. Doin this way I have found almost endless variations to rythms, bc it really forces me to match the rythms with the ever changing feel of the composition throughout the piece. Overall finding some basic struture to follow throughout the song that you can add and subract from easily will make it a lot easier on you to make rythms. Also I def 2nd about lookin and studying beats and rythms done by artists. You can find lots of midi files that contain rythms from songs, then with the midi you can actually see how those sweet rythms are established.
  15. I was waiting for this one! Awesome soundscape, apart from the judge's critiques this is an insanely enjoyable song to listen to. Soundscape is def sweet, especially that sine wav based synth you got going. For the common listener this has tons of lil bleeps and breaks to keep your attention. I def agree with Darkesword, this is def similar to metroid prime OST mainly bc of the calm/chillout mood coupled with some chord structure and progressions that leave you an epic feeling.
  16. Is this OCR worthy...yes it is! But you still got some more work to do on it, in terms of mastering. Mastering is a bitch trust me, but once you start to learn it, things start to get a lot better. Hmm the lead guitar volume could come up just a hair. It needs to cut through the mix more, it's too muddled. A big thing overall, that'll make a slight difference is think about "how everything sits in the mix." Now this is what I personally do, it's not good for everybody's style but it works for me. (mainly bc i use tons of sounds at the same time and fx out the friggin yang) I roll off frequencies like a mofo! For instance that synth, cut everything below 250 or so. Lead guitar I cut out prob everything below 250 or 160. Hats cut out everything below 400. Cut out 100 and below for everything except the kick and bass. If u got a graphic equalizer you'll notice some small hints of sound in the 50-200 freq ranges for all ur other instruments besides the bass and kick. Well when you got all those other sounds, all those lil xtra frequencies add up and can cause mud. I forget which generic freq are good to boost for a lead guitar...but def make sure it has it's own sonic space to shine through. Try adding a lil bit of overdrive to the lead and see how it sounds. If that lead is muddy u'll get rejected. I don't how much reverb u got on this, but if you got too much decay on the verb with a song that moves this fast that can cause a lil mud. Question, are you using any kind of maximizer or compressor on the master track? Because the whole first section of the song, everything is pushing 0db 100% of the time? If you are using one of those two, cut em back a lil bit, bc there are parts where it feels like the db should drop a lil and it doesn't. This would add to overall dynamics in the first section. It sounds like the composition is there to allow for this, but it isn't happening sonically. God i fuckin love that breakdown, I wanna put on some ray-bans and go back to the 80's when I hear that part!
  17. Around 1:21 in that section you reintroduce the synth it sounds like, it doesn't come through very clean. I can hear it but it's muddled. Either turn it up just a hair, or make sure it has it's own sonic space (EQ dat bitch). Go check out housethegrate's Mega Man X track: http://djpretzel.web.aplus.net/songs/Mega_Man_X_Light_in_the_Fortress_OC_ReMix.mp3 Hear how the synths come through nice and clean in that one? Percussion and overall flow are much much better in this version! Percussion is much better. Overdrive is ur friend in rock songs.
  18. I agree. Also Dirge of Cerebrus was a pretty tight game, i didn't mind and didn't notice the gameplay deficiencies. Also it has one the best OST's I've ever heard from a video game. Overall a damn good experience.
  19. The drums and snare sound a lil thin. Also the snare is a lil too loud, by the middle of the song the snare is getting old bc of it. Usually the kick is louder than the snare. Try throwing some small amounts of overdrive on the snare and kick. Throw in some pad sounds in the intro, or layer in something else with that opening synth to give it a fatter and fuller sound. Also that scratching with the guitar or whatever right before you hit the long note def needs to go, or toned down. It is too sudden and harsh. Besides those comments this is some good shite, the breakdown right in the middle is pretty friggin sweet. The arrangement and composition are very good. If ur gonna submit this the judges might knock you down for the fade out, you'd win some major brownie points from them by putting one last section in the end where everything picks back up and you do some crazy soloeing. Although I really like the song as is, i def think a section like that on the end would def be the icing on the cake.
  20. Wow, def one of those gems I'm glad I found. This is a rare combination of soothing intruments, calm driving beats, and excellent synth design and execution. This is some hot stuff, it's not only enjoyable and fun to listen to it is also relaxing. Ziwtra did a wicked nice job of building the proper momentum and variation in and throughout the sections. Awesome stuff, this even sounds high quality on crappy headphones.
  21. Lufia2 and Zone of Enders 2 are prob the best sequels(Lufia2 is obviously a prequel) in terms of improving 100% on every aspect of the game. I def agree with Cerrax about Vampire Hunter D. End of Evangelion > The ending for the TV series (Neon Genesis Evangelion) Suikoden 5 > Suikoden 4 Ogre Battle 64 > Ogre Battle Also Reason 3.0 is def better than 2.5... I can't believe everyone forgot about all the music software!
  22. FYI Ipod's (especially the nano's) have horrible reliability. When I used to work as techy, I'd get at least one broken ipod everyday, not kidding. I can't believe people still overpay for ipods. (Sorry dudes but I am extremely biased towards ipods..aarrgh) If ur gonna get a new one get a sansa, I have never seen one with a problem yet. But ok onto ur ipod, it'll prob be gone for at least 3 weeks. If the restore doesn't work, then your turn wheel might be broken. Which means it'll need to be sent off to be serviced. Also make sure to update ur ipod, u can find the updates over at apple.
  23. Foxhull, Vampire Hunter Dan is gonna drop 'Wings' and add 'Flight' to his track.
  24. i already said my opinions on the forums...but... Oh yeah I decided to join in on the fun and throw in an update, and no it's not of Broken Shards, sorry to dissapoint. Although Reforged and I have done some work on it, he is currently very very busy and finishing up some of the rythms for it. Due to his hectic lifestyle we might not get an update out before the WIP deadline, but when we get it out I can promise you it's goin to be a massive super friggin pinch ur nipples in excitement awesome update!
  25. That's cool dude, sh!t happens. Just like DJ SymBiotiX ur still welcome to check out the private forums and listen to all the wips any time. If ur schedule clears up ur welcome back anytime. Since Vampire Hunter Dan absolutely loves 'Flight' I don't know if he'll wanna cover it now or incorporate it into his medley, but 'Flight' is now his track until he says otherwise.
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