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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Thanks dude, wow reading up a lil bit on the z-plane filter...WOW. This is goin to be fun. I'll see what I can do.
  2. Yeah dude some of the ideas are cool. It does get repetative though. Also that intro sound, is way too scratchy. It's a good idea but in it's current state it's not listenable. A big thing thing that would be good to concrentrate on is prob sound design. Work on fleshing out these sounds. Layering, good use of effects, and getting some good non-piercing sounds in the higher EQ range to even things out would be a good idea. Try to vary up the 4 on the floor in places a bit. You to lead into a new section or something. Those voices at 1:53 are pretty cool, integrate more shite like that.
  3. There are a lot of Reason users out there who share all their tips, tricks, and rns files with everyone. THANK YOU. Well since I got Reason, I've been able to learn the program fairly quickly due to this. So, in an attempt to give back something I decided to try and come up with some new trick or something in Reason. One of my favorite plugins/effects of all time is Native Instruments Spektral Delay. So on my way to work this morning, I went through all the logical steps on how to reproduce this effect in Reason. And well I managed to come up with something. http://swallace21.googlepages.com/SpektralFX.cmb When you open the combi you'll notice the two vocoders set to EQ mode. Well the signal from the instrument is split to both vocoders. The FX vocoder is then run to whatever effects plugin you wanna use. I used a delay for this example. Basically, whatever frequencies you wanna add delay to you simply raise one of the bands on the FX labeled vocoder. Also remember to lower the same band in the normal vocoder by an equal or similar amount. So now you can isolate whatever frequencies from the instrument you wanna have delay on. Of course you can use other effects besides just a delay. In the end, it's still the same signal accept certain frequency bands have whatever effects you wanna throw on them. NI's Spektral Delay does the same exact thing, except only with delay. Also you can take that main signal after it is run through the combinator and add other effects to it. Of course you can add and build in as many vocoders as you want and apply a different effect to every single frequency band. Of course that would be crazy. I haven't tried it yet, but using SGX's reverb modulation trick on isolated frequencies would be pretty sick. Hopefully I'll come up with some other crazy stuff. If anyone has any type of big $$$ vst effects plugins they wanna try and emulate in Reason, give me a description and maybe I can come up with something.
  4. Good entries all around, I had a pretty hard time voting.
  5. Good stuff, another reason why so much music today feels emotionless and fake.
  6. They didn't finish it yet, for shame! But they said they are gonna finish it.
  7. That guy is pretty good, you should throw this up on the 'mastering and production' thread. You can find alot of this information online for free, so unless you got money to burn u might be able to find similar info online. My favorite part of the whole thing is this: 5. You can’t boost something that’s not there in the first place.
  8. Try out some basic bass lines in here and see if it fits. If not this is still really good without it.
  9. Wow, sweet stuff. I'm sure a lot of people prob would never hear this since it's from a lesser known game, but damn. This is emotional, provactative, and the composition are oh so sweet and catchy. Great synth design and soundscape, great arrangement fleshing out new ideas all the time, this is really something worth listening too. It's sad Unipulator has only had 2 remixes, but they are oh so sweet. Thanks for the music dude.
  10. Considering you got 3 yes votes last time, with the vast improvements in production and sound quality I think this has a wicked good chance. Not only that, this has a real good chance of being something alotta people are gonna listen to. I def agree with what Skrypnyk said bout this being something new and original to the scene. (the WIP thing goin on at Tha Sauce was an awesome idea by whomever set it up) Good luck dude. GO WIP board junkies!!!
  11. I concur, it sounds more so like a village theme to me though, a village in the woods... 1:25 - 1:50 sounds like a completely different song. Structure wise when that part kicked in i was kinda like huh? But it still sounds good.
  12. Haha sweet stuff V, it all actually seems to fit together and flow pretty well.
  13. What a coincidence, I got Reason around Dec 12, and started mine on the 28th at about 1am for an hour. Then I finished it on the 29th and 30th. I was seriously just screwing and came up with the soundscape, and then I started rewriting the chords to fit the mood, and then went from there. Damn alot of people in this compo used Reason
  14. This mix sounds very different, in a good way. The best part about it is all the little things goin on. (Pitch bends, vocals, rythms) When those strings start hitting really fast is def the highlight for me, good stuff dude.
  15. Ah that's cool I ended up doing some layering and other things to get another type of sound that still fits pretty well. Yeah I'll def hit u up on IRC, thanks V.
  16. bump, WIP deadline is the 31st get crackalackin on those songs. We've had some good catchy music so far keep it up dudes.
  17. Sweetness, surprised not more people have commented on this. Guilty Gear is another soundtrack that needs some love. On the production end this is very clean and sounds very good. Arrangement wise, this has some great melodies like the one in the intro and in the build up parts(1:01). But i don't think there utilised as good as they could be. Using the sadder more evocative melodies after the build ups could provide for a much catchier song, and then the lighter parts as breakdowns. The production values in the writing are awesome though. Also a lil short, but it doesn't feel that way though at all. Overall this is a really good song, but if you rework some of the composition and up the emotion level this could really be something else. It's all already there for you, ya just gotta utilize it.
  18. Sweet stuff dudes, it's nice to see all these people step up to the plate and give it a go. Now onto deciding my top 3, this is gonna take awhile...
  19. We got some bitchin entries this week, despite the holidays. Voting wasn't easy.
  20. I went to a party that some people my friend works with. Then my buddy got partied a lil too much, so I spent the rest of the night watching over him before it was cool. There were some cool people there though, and I got plenty to stuff to make fun of my friend for now...whahaha
  21. 1. Learn to cook better, I seriously suck at cooking... 2. Uhh, learn how to play the keyboard better. 3. Finish all the WIP's I got goin so I can do some new stuff. Oh yeah and Pi get some arm and leg weights that joggers/martial artists use and wear while playing the Wii...BRILLIANT
  22. Encountered a lil error: Click a remixer's name on the frontpage. Then click to view their profile. Then click 'forums' inbetween where it says 'home » forums » viewing profile' and it takes you back to the old phpbb2 forums. http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/index.php
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