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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Well Ganondorf was from Zelda64 OT thats the only thing I can see... Besides that horrible screw-up everything else is cool.
  2. wtf i don't reconize it, ahhh there we go. Good stuff soc, some sweet sounds. I like how the main melody is up front and really sets the mood.
  3. avaris - Salamando Madango There's my entry, that;s two total so far? Not a bad start.
  4. Awesome piano work, a very professional sound, and damn this just good music. I sure as hell didn't know Dale could sing. For me this stacks up to Dragon Song and Pillar of Salt in terms of pure awesomeness. Great composition all around, also the production values in the composition really enhance the mood at the perfect moments.
  5. Since I know Tensei is def throwing down on the guitars for the lufia track, put his name down there next to mine on the list.
  6. Hehe there are more wip's than those posted on the private forums too. Different wips I've gotten from people through emails and PM's, hopefully they'll post them for everyone. I gotta say I'm really glad to hear all these sweet tunes, we got a lot of styles with some really unique concepts that are already kickin some ass even in their early stages. Keep those wips coming!
  7. AS thanks dude for creating this thread, it's much needed and appreciated.
  8. Reason is def nasty, no cpu hit either! Thor looks nasty, bc u can switch all those different filter types in and out. Almost like a mini version of Reaktor.
  9. Alot of rythms and composition sound really good. But the production/mastering and synth design feels pretty lacking compared to the composition. While the basic rythms are darn good, a lil more variation in conjuction with the different intruments coming in and out within the sections could go a long way. I'd def say beef this one up a whole lot more, bc the composition is all there.
  10. Lots of free Refills by a dude who did some of the presets for Reason's factory soundbank. http://ccmixter.org/media/people/marcoraaphorst/
  11. Wow nice request thread, although I won't be able to fill any of those requests...check Remix Tha Sauce, it has a Soul Blazer Remix. http://remix.thasauce.net/list.php Also the Seiken Densetsu 3 project is remxing the Meridien Dance track.
  12. Sweet stuff, def diggin the melody. As usual the synth design is friggin awesome and fits the melody awesome. Nice touch with the piano. Good mastering too, I'm listening to it on crappy headphones and it still has tons of energy.
  13. Hahaha oh god this song. Even if my entry sucks complete monkey balls I am entering this just because it's Secret of Mana. I wanna see Xela do some of that new age contemporary crazy shite he was talking about with this.
  14. Haha school does suck. Can't wait to hear it, it's been a long time coming.
  15. DrumUltimA? If he has the time maybe...hopefully...doesn't look like it at the moment
  16. I wish there was some developed samples in this...but maybe not. Def a unique song, as a lover of video game music I cannot shun away from this at all. The creative flow and ideas are awesome. Kudos on all the ideas, and also trying to take a chance with the whole feel and vibe of this one. I forgot which judge said it, but wow I wish vg music sounded this good back in the day.
  17. Ah that's cool dude, your always more than welcome to pick up any track at any time in case u get some inspiration. Hopefully you get some inspiration for one of the tracks. If not, you still got access to the private forums so you'll b able to check out all the wips.
  18. The combinator is my left nut...Kore might actually be pretty cool then. FM7 has a horrible GUI, and this is kinda lame but it ain't very pleasant to look at. I'm def checking out FM8 as soon as I get home from work.
  19. I've looked at Kore I don't know about it, but what the hell free demos right? I'm def lookin forward to trying out FM8, it looks a million times better than FM7. I'm hoping absynth 4 will be good, as I absolutely friggin love absynth 3. OA, u should def check out FM8 you'd prob love it. Thanks Zoola!
  20. Sweetness just got a rough WIP from E-Bison it's hot shit! Hopefully he'll get a chance to throw it up on the forums pretty soon.
  21. Xela I actually thought urs was pretty good, one of ur better ones in terms of composition and structure. The very beggining of the drums reminded of George Harrison's 'I Got my Eyes Set on You.'
  22. Congrats AS and Kholdstare. I was really curious how this was gonna end up. Glad to see this one extended so there would be more entries.
  23. Bumporama, most people have already met the 1st wip deadline. Those of you who haven't know who you are.
  24. I find listening to this at night def does the trick. I really like what this piece is all about, mood and subtletly. Def my kinda style. This also has enough intagibles and variation that the average listener would enjoy listening to it also.
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