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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Oooooooooo ready for resub are weee I'll say this first off, overall your improvements have really depth and upped the quality level of the sound and the production. 2:12 that beat being off beat doesn't work. Nice Panning at 2:13 (hehe i finally have monitor headphones instead 2.1 speakers) 2:59 new high piano is def a nice arrangement idea, the backing strings should be a lil high in volume, since the piano is up an octave you got more room in the midrange for the those strings. Have em swell up a lil more. Also the ending now...IMO seems a lil too fast. Good idea, but it's too big of a jump. Trust me I know the feeling you find something cool then over do it. Def have other people chime in on this, preferably someone who hasn't heard it before. BC half of this just be me, bc i've heard this so many different times. Also for some reason the guitar right at the very very end sound a lil uhh thin. Prob just copy and paste and have the instrument playing what u got and have it octave below for a lil more depth to the sound. This is uber uber picky and prob just my opinion, but that was my gut reaction when I heard it. Also one last thing overall, look at ur winamp/WMP whatever you use. Notice how the low freq are slightly above the mid freq, and the mid freq are slightly above the high freq? There is a nice even diagnal line. Just throw a parametric eq on the master and slightly boost the high and cut the lows, so there will be on 'average' a nice even line the freq range. Besides that jazz, if I was a judge I'd PM ya and tell you to fix the beat at 2:12 and throw on the parametric eq and give this an emphatic: YES Awesome job overall, prob one the catchier and most original remixes I've heard in awhile. P.S. Out of all those samples i think i've only used one, but using those crazy sounds in reverse as build ups...genius.
  2. Still works for me. Check ur pop ups and shite. On my comp, it opens up in WMP11 in another browser.
  3. If this was longer i might kill myself, of course it would sweet with some vocoding action. Dude this would seriously be the best ringtone ever!!!
  4. Yeah I was def expected a very sad and emotional piece. This is somewhat chillout style. It's done out very nicely, good job on the recomposition and lil ambient additions. I just wish it was done today with some of the sounds that are available today that weren't available back then. But still this a sweet song. The sounds that are used fit the piece well, kudos on the sound design. The lead synth for the melody still sounds pretty sweet and matches the emotion being displayed.
  5. Sweet stuff, catchiness is enhanced by the composition a tell-tale sign of a good song. Some FX and other stuff coulda been added. Some of the slight panning is def a nice addition. This def has the old school OCR feel in a good way. Simple and catchy, it's good music. I really like how the arrangement went places, with all types of similar elements coming in and out, the ideas really fit well with the source. YES MORE SoM LOVE.
  6. This is one of the first songs from OCR i ever downloaded and kept on my computer. I'm a huge SoM fanboy and this song def fits the bill. The first time I heard this there was major instant nostalgia and then some. This is short, simple, emotive and I wouldn't have it any other way. What this track does best is that it friggin delivers. It's an awesome piece of music. The melody and the simple backings are awesome.
  7. You're damn right you do. Now SWIM, bitch! Somehow this whole thing reminds of some horrible Kevin Costner movie called 'Waterworld.' EDIT: took away the america bashing comment before michael moore goes ape shit.
  8. WTF is this haha. As i've recently come to realize it takes a certain type of person to remix this source tune. I think BGC fits the bill... Listening to this on headphones I see all the friggin panning, nice job. As usual tons of good composition goin on all over the place. If i had to think of something this song reminded me of it would def be the Robin Williams movie 'The Bird Cage.' If anyone has ever seen that movie you'll catch my drift... Kudos on takin one crazy source and making it listenable and something to enjoy.
  9. There was a ton of automation i was throwing in and out all over the place. But never any automation over this certain riff. Of course who knows what could have happened. V I'm sending the RNS file your way. Thanks dudes.
  10. quick question dudes, i just starting using reason 3 bout 2-3 weeks ago. I'm working on this song, and I got a piano riff in the 2nd section. Now I copy and paste the piano riff onto a synth, and well it plays the first 4-5 notes and then it just goes silent. The DB meter under the M and S is still goin in sequence with the notes but no sound. Also after it goes silent, no sound comes out of the synth when i hit notes on my midi keyboard also no sound. Now if i go back to the beggining of the riff and let it hit those notes that sound through and thenstop it before it hits any notes that are silent the synth will then respond with my midi keyboard. Big thing is how I can get to where the riff doesn't get cut out? Thanks dudes.
  11. Yeah I think it doesn't flow as well in some places as the previous versions, but on the contrary all the new scratchin and vocals are sweet. I noticed a small bit of clipping around :30 - 1:15 sorry i can't remember I'm at work and I don't have my good headphones on me. I do know the clipping/ or xtra static is def not coming from the rythms. Besides that jazz, i still like it dude, and have been listening to it the past couple weeks.
  12. Haha holy crap this is crazy. This song sounds like how I feel after eating curry. ...This is pretty insane for back in 01. All the synth choices, plus the crazy rythms...golden. The vocals in the background really are a nice addition. All the ethnic instruments really are a nice touch, and they are tastefully and intelligently used in the right places.
  13. Holy crap base, well the biggest thing bout this mix is making an entire song out of something for short and utterly simple. Not easy by any means, kudos for the arrangement.
  14. I def love the arrangement on this, I find it very catchy and chill to listen too. I've actually had this on my OCR playlist for months and still come back to listen to it. My thanks for working your ass off on this one, it shows.
  15. I've listened to this on good speakers and shitty headphones and the quality is good on both. Very bright, upbeat, happy dance track. It reminds a bit of rainbow road from mario kart. Good stuff, breakdown at 3:00 was def a good choice.
  16. Some great stuff here guys n gals, really. Had some hard decisions to make. Overall there are gonna lots of solid entries that won't make it into the top 3, damn nice compo.
  17. Ahh I thought you guys bubble wrapped it more than that, you like a complete jump suit of bubble wrapping. The dog doens't look happy though.
  18. Ok a few things I gotta come clean on, Halo fun game but not all it's cracked up to be. The music from halo...friggin awesome 'enchanting' and this mix completely captures that feeling. For me that's saying alot, IMO the music is what told the story and the emotion of Halo. I've had this on my playlist for about a year now it's friggin awesome. The choir, the soundscape, I really couldn't ask for more. I've really enjoyed listening to this thanks dude.
  19. haha...my bad, it sounded similar just not exactly the same. I need to start using reason more.
  20. Good stuff overall dude, composition is pretty solid. All of the ethnic percussion seem to be a lil too loud, they over power everything. Just turn down the volume on those just a lil bit. I know you want the piece to be driving, but this is just wat im feeling from it. Maybe throw in some different FX in different places for some more sonic goodness. Also with those FX do some hard panning left and right. Also with the ethnic elements/beats try to some hard panning left and right between the notes. It's something simple but it could go a long way.
  21. Alrighty I've listened to this on shitty headphones and speakers so... Can't really hear anything till 8 secs. Overall it seems whenever you introduce a new elements they tend to overshadow the sound scape. On headphones the hihats are a lil piercing. Also the part at 2:15 pierces on headphones too. Also 3:09 too. I def agree on adding some more FX and voice stuff would def fit the bill. You got reason right? Try running some of this shit shit a vocoder and automating it in and out with some of the stuff you already got. Also in places try to get the rythms to flow more in sync with the changes in the composition. This is something that is not easy to do at all, but it could def give the piece even more energy. And panning hard left and right of some of FX elements would be a nice touch. Besides all that jazz you's gots lots of nice stuff in this one. This is pretty sweet, but it can be better by goin back over the mastering and production and beefing it up some more. For the piano in the 2nd half check out sgx's website he has a lil tip on there from FF MusicDJ about something echoe delay thing you can do on a piano that is pretty cool.
  22. That is why I tried listening to music during sex. I might try techno next! UNTS UNTS UNTS UNTS.... wat about Bebop?
  23. Nice stuff Quinn I really dig this. I love the flute sound you used. Also the thin layer of sound in the background def sets the mood. This def feels like it's from an anime.
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