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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Haha when I saw 'Fishy' and 'Trance' in the same sentence I had to loook. Those lil FX you got goin on in the beggining are pretty cool. Alot of the flow and other basic elements are pretty good for the short amount of time you have spent on it. The chords are nice, you need more of a lead in before they first come in. In general you need alot more build-ups and break downs rythmically in between sections. The lead sounds are pretty good, but a little soft. The kick drum and bass need an assload more oomph. You put any compression on the kick yet? Get the bass and kick thumping. If you haven't def EQ out the low-end freq on everything except the kick and bass. The basic chord structure is pretty good, that's usually the deal breaker in trance songs for me. Get the harmonies to come through cleaner and more vibrant. I can't remember if Scream4 came with Reason 2.5, but if you got it use it! Try it out on various elements to get a more improved sound. Also in general some small amounts of FX applied to the different harmonies and leads could really help. Also try boost some of the high end 5k and above freq on the chords or leads for a nice airy feel. I really like what you got goin here.
  2. The meaning of the lyric is ambiguous, so whatever the feel of the harmony and melody behind it is what will shape the meaning of the lyric for the listener...IMO
  3. I can't say enough about these two mixes. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01159/ http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00864/#
  4. I used the voice synthesizer on my Metroid Prime 2 track. I time streched a 3-4 second clip from it into about 30 secs. You can def get some really cool sounds with FX and time streching using the voice synthesizer.
  5. It's a rap song!!!... That's cool to hear about some of the crazy songs that are gonna come out of the project. It's nice to see how artists really take chances on creative ideas and concepts on project mixes.
  6. ZOMG a happy go lucky song on OCR!? Been waiting for this one to get posted as I have been wanting to listen to it. Overall the arrangement, flow, and 'feeling' of this song is what does it for me. The only thing that really bothers me is there seems to be a lil too much shimmer on the hats in certain sections. Of course that particular sound fits well with the mood, so it's really just a matter of personal preference. The live guitar is awesome, and comes in at a perfect time. This def great driving music or something to really just put on repeat after a rough day or early in the morning when the sun has just come up.
  7. Holy crap that Tracktion guy is awesome. "Dirty!" in the same clip as the "Well that sucked." I'm prob gonna watch that again. analoq I def agree with you about creative response part. Thanks for reminding me too, sometimes in all the commotion about features it's easy to forget that. I'm def gonna try out cubase before I write any checks though. The two things I've come across while researching it were it's midi capabilities and the sheer # of people who use it. I've watched some videos of it, and from the looks of it the workflow looks pretty good. I got the midi to drop in nice and easy in the live demo. I'm so used to always seeing an "import midi" section in the file menu. Thanks for all the comments everyone.
  8. OMG not this discussion again ahhhhh...ok seriously. OK guys n gals I'm sure lots of you have used many of the different workstations available. I have been using fl studio and reason for awhile. I love Reason and use it a lot, but the only thing I ever use fl for anymore is for it's godly piano roll and to host my vst's. So I'm looking to upgrade to either Live 6 or Cubase 4. I've tried Sonar(just didn't click for me, too many lil buttons/options to move through, great sound quality though) and Pro Tools (ughh don't get me started on Pro Tools). I really like the "sound" that comes outta Cubase. I've used Ableton Live 6, disliked it at first but then things suddenly clicked and I really like the structure and flow, it's insanely fast and intuitive and fun. Kinda similar to how reason is so much fun to work with. Although I don't think Live can import midi which would suck for me bc I can't play by ear yet. The biggest things I care about when it comes to a DAW is: Sound quality (sound engine, I like to have a nice airy organic sound) Midi editing (the only reason i've really stuck with FL, i do everything in midi) Workflow/Intuitiveness (this is where Sonar lets me down) Rewire Capabilities (this is big too) I know we got a lot of knowledgeble people here so I just wonder if you guys could give me some first hand advice. I got a lot of financial aid this semester so I can afford the $399 for Cubase 4 on an academic buy. I also got all the instruments I need so that doesn't really go into the equation either. Also I'm a PC user, can't stand mac's so Logic and DP are outta the equation. Just to reiterate, the sound quality/engine is big for me. I notice a big difference in how the same samples sound on Sonar/Live/FL. It sounds like Sonar has the best sound quality out of those three when I was comparing. The samples in Sonar had more of a natural reverbed sound. In live they sounded well less reverbed. And in FL the low notes sounded god awful, and overall the quality of the samples was less in than the other two IMO. I was using New Age Verb Piano in Kontakt 2 as the sample. I also made sure I was using the same latency on my ASIO in all three. One last thing, I have already read through tons of forums about the different DAW's the past few days trying to get as many opinions as I can. Thanks!
  9. Hola dudes, rpggamer180 should have the new WIP date up soon. He just has to make the final decision. Also Zolborn and awesome vocalist (male, liturgical style) has offered his vocals talents for anyone who needs some male vocals. I suggest anyone who was looking for a "choir patch" maybe hit Zolborn up instead to give you some sweet sounds.
  10. Ah poop! Guess ur having problems with googlepages Abadoss. Friggin google. The link for my song only has 1:52 of the song. It's actually 3:35. Anyways here's the link again for the song. http://swallace21.googlepages.com/avaris_-_Alpha_and_Omega_CMC4.mp3
  11. maybe it fell through or is in line for a DP? This is sweet stuff! Friggin rocks, I really like how you approached the chords with ur left hand in this one, it really added alot of depth to the feel of the song.
  12. grabs box of tissues... Wow that bumps, blind's production skills are gettin to be on the insanity level.
  13. For me I've always found it wierd most of the songs I have on my HD from OCR are from 03-04. I still do have some of the recent songs on my HD, pretty much most of the same songs people have already mentioned. So one day I was curious and bored and decided to check in sequence all the songs that came out from 03-05. I found my answer why I have more songs from that time on my HD. There were about 4-6 songs posted per week, where as now there is 1-2. Simple math, I am prob downloading and religiously listening to the same % of songs from this era as from years ago. Also a big # of the new remixes that are becoming part of OCR are all Project Mixes. Combine Blood on the Asphalt and Proj. Chaos and that's well over 50 more remixes from 06.
  14. I'd like to welcome another remixer aboard, ziwtra who has a killer WIP going for 'Bonds of Sea and Fire.' So you'll hear two remixes of this bad ace source tune on the Project. Ziwtra's will be on the Humans disc and Wintermute's will be on the Gears disc. OH YEAH! We'll prob announce the next WIP deadline very shortly and what were looking for from the next batch of WIP's. And I would like to personally congragulate the Prophet of Mephisto on finally signing up on the forums.
  15. Def sweet dude. Both versions are awesome. This new one seems to have a lil bit better performance in the 2nd half that makes this amazing song even more engaging.
  16. I gotta 2nd that. Being able to at least write your own original stuff is gonna help you more than anything. Being able to really get a feel for rewriting a melody, and building different aspects of a song. Learning production is a whole nother part too. When I first starting using fl studio I found trying to create 30 to 60 second songs was a great way to learn.
  17. This is some hot shit dude. A big thing overall is lot of the leads are too soft, especially towards the later part of the mix. The sax sounds a lil too thin and soft to be sax. It needs more body and a lil more volume. The volume on the sax especially in that section around 2:00-2:15 needs to be louder. Try to give the keyboard(synth whatever u are using) a nice solo section that really dynamically takes the composition places and really provides a climatic feeling at one point. This would really be some nice icing on the cake. Besides that, this is def a sweet take on the Gerudo theme, it's pretty impressive. Good variations on the rythms although volume wise sometime they overpower the leads. Oh yeah big thing, this has no ending? I'm sure you could play around with those chords or something at the end and come up with something. Wat stuff did u use to make this song?
  18. Nice compo everyone! Xela I actually really really liked your remix. I'd take the quality over quantity any day. All around their were some cool ideas in each remix, albeit this being a wicked hard source tune to work with. Kudos to AS for the best/worst song title depending on your views. Wish we woulda had more votes since the battle for first yet again, could be changed with one vote.
  19. There will be if someone takes them! Trust me though there are plenty of remixes coming that are unlike anything you've heard from a xenogears remix before.
  20. I just looked at this and wow...I am speechless and I crapped myself. The song is actually pretty darn good too, basically some really intelligent use automation, delays, reverb, and matrix really makes the song go.
  21. Hmm yes def has more of an edge to it. Everything is coming through much cleaner. I don't think I can find anything else to comment on now. This is great.
  22. Update, I think I pretty much hit on everything that was brought up. Big changes in the later part of the song. http://swallace21.googlepages.com/KainsDeciet.mp3
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