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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Oooh, that's a good one. I've just started to feel really comfortable and confident using a compressor. They seem so simple but they aren't. Can also have a huge effect/alteration on sound. But anywho i bet the arrangement tutorial will prob help alot of people. I know it's something I've been knocked on for my submissions.
  2. It sucks! bwhahahaha just kidding Lot of the high screaching noises drown everything out, that really needs to be addressed. Check out the tips/tutorials section in the remixing forum for some good stuff. Zircon's tips are a good quick read. There are a lot of harsh grating sounds that really wear on the ears. Def read up on those tips and implement as many of those as you can. From what I can hear in this there sounds like there are some good ideas and what not, keep it up dude.
  3. Zircon i'd say go with what ur most comfortable with. My bro and I have had custom built computers for years and have never had problems. I'm just really against pre-made packages due to what i've seen working in the tech field for a while. If ur gonna get a premade computer the best bang for your buck all around would be gateway. Here are some benchmark tests done with some of the processors you'd prob be looking at. Right in the middle are some of the audio tests. http://xtreview.com/review115.htm I'd try and check out more benchmarking tests with the processors, as different tests have different methods to the testing madness. If ur wanting to use the computer for over 3 years try to get a processor that has the less amount of heat generation. If ur gonna be upgrading the whole system again in 2 years u don't really have much to worry about. About the front side bus, the processor, FSB, and RAM all work together in transferring information. The only way to upgrade the FSB would be to buy a new motherboard in the future. So it'd prob be a smart idea to get a large one to begin with.
  4. OK whatever set up you end up getting make sure you get a 64bit processor. If I were you were I'd get an AMD processor any day over an intel. They are cheaper, faster, and use up less power. What more could u ask for? Try to go for one of the multi core AMD Athlon 64's. Also the 64bit soundcards are starting to come out so watch out for some of those. I wouldn't spend an assload of money on a 24bit soundcard right now, but u said u were gonna wait anyways so... Make sure you get the right power supply, with the xtra shite ur gonna put in here you need to be careful. Wait to upgrade to vista it'll be buggy for at least the first 6 months of it's existence. Make sure your motherboard will have a large frontside bus. A front side bus is just another part of the motherboard that controls how fast the information in transferred and processed. The only thing is, it's something you can't upgrade, unless you get awhole new motherboard. For video cards, if your only using this as a DAW and no gaming there's no need to spend any money on a videocard. Save urself some $ and go to the movies or something. If your goin to get anti-virus get trend pc cillan, it uses up a helluva lot less processing power than norton or mcafee. Don't buy Dell, their reliability ratings have been tanking severly the past few years. I'd really suggest getting this custom built, as long as u can get windows for a cheap price from ur school. There are tons of whole-sale computer parts places on the internet you can find stuff mad cheap. There are also lots of "academic-superstoes" you can go to, to find crazy deals on all types of things.
  5. Sweet! I'll take quality over a rushed job anyday.
  6. Def sweet. Love all the variation and the crazy FX and different soundclips. The composition is generally pretty damn catchy too. This one really keeps ya movin. Good stuff.
  7. I'm sure everyone has that favorite song from that favorite game, well this is def mine. The source tune is cry in sorrow, you can check it out over at vgmusic.com. For my knowledge this has never been remixed before. Update http://swallace21.googlepages.com/KainsDeciet.mp3 What I used: fl studio6 battery 2 vanguard vst for all the synths except 1 (it has a build in trance gate effect that I used alot) absynth for the small atmospheric pad in the first section Kompakt for the bass and piano
  8. This is kinda a general statement for both. Awesome composition on both, some really emotive stuff. If your goin pure orchestral this needs a whole lot more depth. More oomph to the sound and backings. If your more drums and pop need more of it. While the composition on both of them are beautiful they both need more to them. More production values all around. Throw in some more stuff to really pull the listener in. Everything does kinda sound in the background though. For both songs, if you keep the reverb, throw some flutes or violins over the top playin a melody. The earthbound track sounds like Mitsuda!? For the earthbound one, listen to JameS George's Visions of Kin' track. It's simple yet highly emotive. Def similar set ups between the two. Except at the moment this track doesn't have all the elements that really grab the attention of any listener. EDIT: dude i'm really like the earthbound mix. Very moving, sounds like it from an anime. I def think it's the better of the two, and has the potential to be something really sweet.
  9. Thanks dude. Yeah lots of lil adjustments all over the place. Trying to make it so anyone can enjoy it, not just fans of the specific genre. The intro piano is actually a combination of one my original tunes with the metroid. They were very similar so I decided to fuse them together. Yeah the breathing outro sounds are actually the aftermath or residue left over from one of the instruments. That is how processed it is... It's not gonna linger that far in the final version. I'm gonna go back over this one more time with some EQ'ing to see if I can't get it to sound more refined what not and then that'll be that.
  10. sweet stuff, the sound has much more professional and cohesive feel from ur stuff from last summer. Did u and Just Chris ever submit ur CT song. Sound good so far. The intro repeats itself againaround 1:00 to 1:20. Either throws in some cool voice clips or cut it out. Besides that jazz def a good start, what game is this source tune from?
  11. Yeah I second all those points. Sometimes the percussion can be a lil overpowering too. The hats get a lil overbearing by the middle. Try to work in some more porduction values into the composition of the percussion. If you added in another instrument playing along with the organ in the intro, kinda play off of it that'd def be a nice touch. Def a good arrangement.
  12. Sweetness another one for AnimeRemix! Just in time for when the damn naruto fillers end. Good stuff DarkeSword.
  13. http://swallace21.googlepages.com/StirofEchoes6melody.mp3 I overdid it on the breathing sound at the end whoops but it's in there and it's def pretty cool. Good call hb on the pads. Turned the rainstick up! I missed it soo much. Also I worked in that haunting melody in parts over the piano, it's soft and "haunting" right now. Should I turn it up a lil? Turned down the velocity overall on the piano in both sections, but kept the volume the same. Less piercing highs but more mood and depth. I worked in some type of percussion alternating very similar to the hats, more so layered the sound in with the hats almost. It sounds like it creates a good balance, bc after a minute those hats can wear ur ears down. I had 2 pads goin on the final final breakout..took one of em out and toned down the other. Now there's room to breathe. I also did some major cutting and volume adjustments to keep that 2nd section feeling less crowded. Thanks for the continueing feedbacks dudes, honestly no matter what I do now this song always sounds the same to me now after listening to it so many friggin times. Any other final tweaks?
  14. This was one of my first OCR remixes I ever listened too, and it's still one of my favorites bar none to this day. Obviously from technical standpoint everything is done very well. The best part about this is the emotional depth it provides. The song really paints a picture in ur mind.
  15. Def sounds good, nice rythms all throughout. I def think adding in some live sax would put this over the top. The sax sample just doesn't carry the same kind of depth a live sax would. The vibe solo is pretty awesome, how many takes did it take u?
  16. oooo all the lil effects and loops from all the songs are awesome. Alot of em actually can fit together pretty well. Thanks for the long timeline, should def allow some good quality time to slowly piece together something.
  17. Damn keyboard haha. Well that's cool, thanks Pi. The drums do sound much better. I'll have u guys an update by the deadline, once I get the live guitars I'm really hoping to tweak it and then finish it.
  18. Thanks guys, I'm a sucker for good criticism. It seems a lot of people have expressed concerns over the piano. I'm not gonna get rid of it, but I am gonna try to incorporate that haunting melody over it with a synth, to maybe give you guys something good to listen to and hold you over till the breakout section. We'll see if it works out. Oh and Penwald i accidently turned down the rain stick a lil bit, I'll turn that up a bit and also cut down on the high notes just alil on the outro a lil bit more. Penwald you said it sounds promising, what can I do to make this friggin awesome?
  19. I've listened to this a couple times and this is pretty solid. The lead sin wave seems like part of the sounsd are being masked. I don't know, it sounds like it could be coming through just a lil but cleared 1:15-till break The composition on the sin wav is the same as before, have the composition have more of a build up feel like the accompaning saw wavs do. Besides that jazz this is some sweet shite, maybe try to add in some FX in places to make it even catchier.
  20. Haha one of the best inspirational ideas i've heard in awhile. I won't be able to make it this round, but keep dem mixes coming!
  21. Sweetness that's cool dude, thanks for droppin a line. Lookin forward to hearing what you do with the mix.
  22. easily the best the french horn free sf2 i've heard of or come across.
  23. This is some cool shite dude. ktriton always seems to come up some original yet refined ideas for songs. My favorite parts about this are the lil splashes of electronic flava they really are the bread winners of this track.
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