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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. pm me a link to it when you have something to show, or any other remixes/music you've made and we'll check it out for you.
  2. I use a laptop for music, but only because i shelled out £1400 for it (~$2800). You're gonna be paying out your ass for something up to date in laptop form. Get a desktop for music and a cheapass laptop..
  3. I don't doubt him at all, I just wanted to make a nerdy funny. I'm really looking forward to this. Bioshock was incredibly cinematic as it was, even if I didn't enjoy the actual gameplay. Tbh I'll probably prefer it as a movie.
  4. Make a video game movie that is good, would you kindly.
  5. Fishy

    Zero Wing

    I agree actually, the soundtrack is groovy, as are most genesis tunes. Remux.
  6. There is no "ideal" bit rate for an mp3. Generally speaking, the higher the bit rate, the better quality. But it also means the filesize will be bigger. A good middle ground is about 192kbps, which gives a good quality, but has a relatively small size.
  7. Week 1: I cleverly got dropped off at my friends house instead of the climbing center, and before I realised he'd already left, my dad was gone with the car, so I ran to the sports center, in an unexpected cardiac exercise. Climbed for 3 hours, trying to stay on the wall and moving for as much as I could, I can really feel the burn from it, so I know I'm having an effect. On the food side, I'm trying to prepare more of my own food, and every time I feel myself wanting to reach for a chocolate bar, I slap my hand and go for an apple instead.
  8. Glorious. The way he said "review" had me rofl'in.
  9. I wanted to try making an acoustic version of one of them aswell maybe. Let me know if you ever decide to make a mix pack.
  10. Its cool that you want to get our permission, but we've already given permission by agreeing to the ocremix agreement when we submit. As long as you credit it, go for it. If you insist though, I'm fine for black wing on my part. Steffan Andrews did a large amount of the track, with the others contributing lil' bits here and there, so you really want his permission above all.
  11. cool, you can play my stuff: http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01655/
  12. GOAL I used to be able to climb a V2, possibly even a V3 on a good day, and although I weigh the same as I did, it used to be all muscle, now it ain't muscle at all. Goal is to be climbing V4 by the time limit, which is when I go to Uni where they have a massive climbing wall I can get ultra fit with. Basically its preparation for the serious shit (and the ladies of course). THE PLAN I bought myself some new climbing shoes yesterday, some nice velcro Boreal Jokers, so we're ballin'. Diet: Imma cut my chocolates and bad sugars from my lunches and dinners and replace them with fruit, probably apples/pears. I eat "ok" apart from the chocolate, not amazingly but not in a damaging way. Exercise: Get up dem walls? My friends have started going twice a week, Tuesday and Friday, of which I'm doing only the latter, mainly for transport reasons. Once I pass my driving test in June, I'll go twice, maybe even three times once i get back into it. Each time we go is generally about 3 hours of on off climbing and messing around. Its a very intensive sport that powers you up amazingly, so I'm optimistic that I will be back to my former sexy self. I don't know if I want to post the before picture until I have the after picture as well. I'll take one, I just don't know id I'm comfortable posting it.
  13. Phill Lamarr is a legend. Also the guy who plays Basch also plays Bloo, so he also attains legend status, though I forget his name.
  14. OCR wins at the internet. Congrats mr super green... ....X!!!
  15. *sigh* I think I just got another spam bot sign up.
  16. They still signed up. I get about 5/10 emails a day asking me to authorize random accounts. That what the guy was getting pissed off at.
  17. Despite the inactivity, I do at the very least check the forum every day just in case someone has updated, it does happen occasionally.
  18. Apparently we had too many spambots, so some dude shut us down until we stop them signing up, which is fair enough i guess. Coops made a funnies :3.
  19. Slight forum issue has occured. Does anyone like... know where they are? My filehouse is still working fine so its not like escariots whole thing has gone down.
  20. Yay, thats awesome, just what I was thinking of as I listened to the origins version.
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