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Everything posted by Penfold

  1. IMDB of Keiji Inafune. Dunno about you guys, but I enjoyed the Megaman Zero series (same with MMZX)...and I dunno anyone who hasn't enjoyed Resident Evil 4 whose played it. Those were all relatively recent, so I'm not sure where the idea that his recently-produced games suck.
  2. So Koei unveiled their new RPG for the Wii, called Opoona. I never got around to playing Contact, but how they explained the jobs was somewhat reminiscent of those from Contact. The battle system seems rather unique as well, and am hoping for good things to come of it. Anyway, it's too bad they didn't have any real visual media to accompany the unveiling. Looking forward to hearing more about this title in the future.
  3. lol, my mom bought WarioWare a couple weeks ago and she's been enjoying it. I let them borrow Wii Play but I don't think they've gotten around to it yet. It's gonna be good stuff IMO. I bought Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones last weekend to feed the FE addiction, but I think it'll make the wait for the new one that much harder after I finish it .
  4. Oh hell yeah. Also read the summary of Suda51's speech at GDC. Kinda makes me wanna play No More Heroes that much more. Also, lol Chris Hecker. "Nah, baby you know I love you. That's why I hit you." Finally, damn I'm excited for Super Paper Mario and Mario Galaxy! Those are gonna be awesome, can't wait to get my hands on Super Paper Mario in April .
  5. I totally agree. It shows the creators of the cartoon knew little if anything about their source material. I had somewhat fond memories of it as a child (though even back then their portrayal of Megaman rubbed me the wrong way), but had dl'd a few eps about 3 or so years ago, which pretty much shattered them (to a slightly lesser extent the same thing happened with the Super Mario Bros Super Show, but that became more easily mocked between some friends and I..."Take one step, and then again...").
  6. lol yeah, I think one of the articles on IGN today was kinda in that regard. About the Sakaguchi mmo, I was just looking at that article and pretty much had the same reaction lol. That's gonna be a huge moneymaker for Mistwalker and Microsoft IMO.
  7. I could be wrong, but I thought it was 5th-9th. EDIT: Yeah, according to IGN it's 5th-9th. They seem to be covering it pretty well, so I think they'd be a good site to visit for news related to it.
  8. lol, good for you man. I've enjoyed Toriyama character designs for games since I played Chrono Trigger, and is why this game even caught my eye in the first place. I also prefer Japanese-style RPGs over, say, Oblivion (didn't like it) so this is right up my alley. That and Lost Oddyssey. Gears of War alone isn't enough for me to wanna buy a 360 (which is pretty much the only game on market I want offhand for the 360, since I heard Lost Planet was only average).
  9. For me, it's not. I gladly paid $8 for Super Mario World, and I don't regret it or feel like I got cheated in some way. I'll gladly pay $8 again for Super Metroid or any other SNES game I really enjoyed. It's all relative (not like you don't know that already though ). I'll stop there since this isn't quite the right thread for me to be talking VC anyway lol.
  10. Well, it's settled. I'll be getting a 360 in August.
  11. Only confirmed Square-Enix games for Wii that I know of are Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers (damn, even it's sub-title has a sub-title) and Dragon Quest Swords.
  12. Bump. Just watched the new FF Fables: Chocobo Tales vids on IGN. Realy looking forward to this game. Also...holy crap, C:PoR is awesome. That is all.
  13. Agreed. I'm hoping Nintendo is gonna give us a little news about Mario Galaxy, SSBB, or Metroid Prime 3 during GDC (if nothing else, I'd like to hear the release date for Metroid), but we'll see what happens.
  14. Cool. As far as brick-and-mortar stores are concerned, I've noticed Toys 'r' Us has often tended to have at least nunchuks and classic controllers in stock, if not wii remotes (in this area anyway).
  15. And is apperantly slow as fuck (any idea why?). One of the many reasons I got a laptop.
  16. lol, wtf was that??? A grenade getting kicked and thrown around is gonna make me wanna buy a PS3? What stellar logic!
  17. Cool. I remember the original Ghouls n Ghosts being pretty good; anybody know how Super Ghouls n Ghosts is? EDIT: Good advice. And yeah, I want my orignal Castlevania and Metroid dammit! I was really hoping we'd get some more awesome classic games during this lull period like Super Metroid, but I guess they're gonna keep me waiting .
  18. Double post again. Anyone get a chance to check what's new on VC today?
  19. I remember hearing about this a yr or two ago. It certainly *could* end up being good, but I'm just gonna wait and see. Agreed, really hoping they model the movie after Sands of Time. I liked SoT way better than Warior Within: no need for the prince to go "XTREEM!!!!1"
  20. Happy belated b-day! Thanks for sharing your musical prowess with us on OCR!
  21. Went to help a friend move some stuff today, and on the way back we stopped at Bestbuy. Much to our suprise, there was a buy one/get one deal (that actually ended up being a 1/2 off sale, when it came to ringing it up) on certain games which they stocked all together in the middle of the main aisle. Got Baten Kaitos Origins and Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin. I know I'm a little late to the party as far as Castlevania for the DS goes, but I'm really enjoying it. Also got my friend to purchase Rocket Slime and PoR too, in addition to getting Rocket Slime for another friend whose had some interest in it. Fun time. Suprised I never saw any adds or whatnot for the sale, which is cool cuz otherwise there wouldn't have been any good games by the time I got there.
  22. Finally had a chance to play it. The demo is pretty awesome, that's a given. Something that kinda disappointed me, though, was the lack of a good number of upgrades - seems to me there should have been more available (I will say, though, the ones they had to offer were quite nice). I'm still deciding whether or not I like how they're handle clearing of garrisoned buildings: on one hand it's nice that units with that ability will do that as their default attack against garrisoned structures, and on the other hand it makes it a little too easy and gives less reason to garison in the first place. Overall, though, very few complaints. Definitely looking forward to the full game coming out.
  23. Yeah, he's got a good vocal range. It's really unfortunate that they decided to go with only putting those 2 acoustic songs on the site though, since the group as a whole is very talented and you don't get to hear what they all can do on those cuts (totally different energy too). They used to showcase a few full album-version songs on there but I guess when they switched labels they changed their site content as well. It's definitely tough to keep up with local stuff, since there's so much and it's so diverse (and there is a lot of crap out there too, and not enough good ways to sort through what's worth it and what's not), especially in our area I think...just one of those things I'd wanna get into if I had the time. Anyway, I think this weekend I'll take my time perusing what's been posted here...more good music is always welcome as far as I'm concerned .
  24. Hmm, I haven't really checked out this thread and just decided to take a glance. I haven't heard of this artist, but what caught my attention was the track called "iai do." Seeing as how in aikido we've studied a little iai, I'm intrigued by the name. I'm not sure what to really expect, but I'll be interesting in hearing it once I get off work today. Btw, Overcoat since you too are a resident Seattlite, curious if you've heard/heard of Maktub? If not, they have a couple free acoustic versions on their site that give you a small sample. As much as I like the acoustic versions, I definitely like the album versions better (and hearing live is SOOOO much better still [as always, but they just have so much better energy on stage]). Dunno whether it's your groove or not, but I had the priviledge of seeing them live twice and gotta say both times were a blast.
  25. Yeah dude, the starbase stage was awesome, and a big part of that was due to it being so vast. I agree though: biggest problem with that game was how short it was. I'll be very interested to see what they come up with for the Wii version (only a matter of time till there's a Starfox Wii). I was really hoping by now there'd be news on some sort of Pikmin game for the Wii (I could even see a Pikmin DS being pretty kickass). I'd prefer it if they made a Pikmin Three (lol, Pikmin Thwii), but even if it were a wiimake I'd look into it. Finally, whatever happened to wiimakes? I know Nintendo mentioned the concept once, then seemed to have vanished. I'm sure at least some people would disagree, but I think it'd be novel to have Luigi's Mansion, Metroid Prime, Prime 2, Mario Sunshine, etc wiimade. Well, anyway, I guess if it happens we'll know about it eventually . And so ends my pointless rant lol .
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