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Everything posted by SenPi

  1. dooooooooooooooo it!!! I need it!!!... must have machines refill... *drools*...
  2. making another bump. Just in case anybody who might be interested didnt see it.
  3. cool Thanks. I added you to my aim. its DJSBXUltima looking for maybe one more if anybody is interested.
  4. Alright, well as I may or may not have said, I'm working on 3 cd's right now.. (yea 3 lol). Anyways the way things like this work, I dont really want my songs getting out. The thing is, it would be nice to get some critique from a few different people while I am working on my cd('s). So if anybody would like to lend an ear to me for whenever I finish a track or something, that would be really awesome. Providing you promise not to let anybody else hear it . Anybody want in? I'm looking for some experienced people in music. (I.e. who can tell me if some freqs are off or what not, like people with really experienced ears as well)
  5. hmm yea.. I didnt really like the kid icarus song. Though I'm totally loving the ocarina medly thing. I think the transitions between songs are pretty sweet, and the song itself is quite good. (I'm sure the quality of these songs will get a huge jump when they are in the game)
  6. To the best of my knowledge this is what he wrote. Puedes leer las reglas aqui http://www.ocremix.org/info/Submission_Standards_and_Instructions Si no sabes que algo dice, preguntale aqui.
  7. hmm, well how is this? DJ SymBiotiX - Traces (Tracing The Noize Mix) Revision like 9 or something
  8. yea, the original was called "Acidjazzed Evening" by "Janne Suni". I believe he made the original song, and somebody else made the chiptune version. Then Timbaland came, and called it his own ringtone. The funny thing is, if you listen to Nelly Furtatos song "Do It", he litteraly took the song and just pasted it in to her song. check this out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2JjPFd7Jr8&mode=related&search= If this is true (which is seems like it is), its a pretty ass move on timbalands part.
  9. Good Evening Mr. Austronaut. As I stated in the video, that was actually my 2nd day. (again, not counting the like 10 times Ive played drum mania)
  10. lol splash beats.. Ive tried remastering that like 2 times.. its got so many layers lol.. its kinda hard. Anyways, I'll totally remaster it super awesome like very soon, so maybe people can hear what I wanted it to be (you know.. all clear and stuff )
  11. Well for a while, I used FL. Honestly, I just dont like the sequencer at all. Eventually I got reason. Watched a little tutorial video about 2.5 and away I went. I'm a little surprized alot of people here say reason hasnt improved over the last 5 years. From 2.5 to 3 its improved immensely. From 3 - 4 its improved twice as much as before. Just a little tidbit. Reason 4 has bpm automation, time signature automation, a clock, and a bunch of other stuff thats most likely gonna put it on top in the future . Again, I'd say the only downfall is no vst support.. but with its new synth, You could probably make anything and everything . Sorry I went a little off topic. I just dont like it when people say things that are somewhat misinformed.
  12. so uhh.. anybody else and stuff?
  13. omfg... I'm sorry to say this but you may need to reformat or something. This happened with 2 of my computers. First my parents computer (which was old and running slow anyways) and nomatter what I did to it, they would just never go away. So I reformatted and now its fine. Same with one of my laptops, I ran diagnostic after diagnostic, and search after search, and I havent been able to find anything to kill it. So sorry bro, I'm not sure what you can do. I couldnt figure out what to do. (though technically I didnt research it or anything, I just reformat stuff lol)
  14. haha thanks for the info, but I had to return the set because I was renting them and I am really busy with school. Hopefully I can rent again in august, and try that out .
  15. As far as I can tell. Yes. I'm not sure what you mean by synthesize though. Either you got your terms mixed up or your uninformed about reason. In reason, you can use your keyboard to provide the midi data. The sounds from the keyboard can not be used inside reason, as reason does not support audio in. Basically any keybord with a usb plug or midi interface will "work" with reason.
  16. Well.. you might as well say that if you dont care about licenses, then you could just not spend the money *wink wink*. Are you sure about that though, usually companys get you to phone them to transfer licenses of stuff, or they just dont like to do that at all then?
  17. well first off, this is the reason forum. Sonar 6 is not reason, also 2, I would think that you dont need a certain sound card to get soundfonts in a program. Either you dont really understand what a soundfont is, or there is something wrong with sonar.
  18. Aight ok, so after another mastering session with this thing, I have come out with revision 4. Let me know whats good/bad/etc. DJ SymBiotix - Traces (Tracing The Noize Mix) Edit:..hmm... I think I'm having some issues trying to make the bass work with this.. I want you to be able to hear it, but I dont want it to overpower stuff.. I'm finding this hard to achieve
  19. so I read it. It turns out that I am the master and I kill everybody. The END! oh and I do hermionie.... yea... thats right....
  20. yea ive noticed that about the hats. I need them at a certain volume where you can hear them, without them standing out too much. Maybe I will lower the treble on them. Same with the crash. I'll see what it sounds like with a punchier kick too. Thanks. Maybe I'll just make a copy of the kick, and use the shortened one for faster kick notes.
  21. no I got excited lol EDIT: Ok so here it is. After almost a year, I finally remastered it . I'm sure there are still some things I could fix, so let me know what you guys think. Original: TaQ - Traces Remix: DJ SymBiotiX - Traces (Tracing The Noize Mix) Revision 3
  22. haha ok ok.. so the 2nd time I entered this song, the mastering was totally ass.. like hardcore.. (which is why it didnt get in). So now, finally after the longest time, I finally have the urge to finish it again. Ive learned so many new mastering techniques, I restarted it tonight, and it already sounds infinitely times. Better. Tomorow I am going to master/refinish it using my really awesome speakers, so it should be done by tomorow night. Expect really really awesome things. Stay Tuned EDIT: Here it is Original: TaQ - Traces Remix: DJ SymBiotiX - Traces (Tracing The Noize Mix) Revision 3 UPDATE: Revision 4! DJ SymBiotix - Traces (Tracing The Noize Mix) UPDATE AGAIN: DJ SymBiotiX - Traces (Tracing The Noize Mix) Revision like 9 or something
  23. heh well, dont worry, youve got like 6 months to become inspired . I'll send the links to the files via pm right away. Just to let you know.. I have a pretty odd Structure when it comes to my reason rack. You should probably understand it, but if you need some help figureing out what goes where, let me know .
  24. wow yea.. this was a really great game. Bought it at launch. For me, it was actually a really fun game, and really brought me to love the GC. After beating it once, I wanted to get the highest score (I think that is beating all the bosses in like 5 seconds or some crap, so you can get the big pearls). I thought it was really fun. As for the music.. I dont remember any of it.. I should check it out.
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