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Everything posted by SenPi

  1. I think I know what he is asking. Basically, he wrote something in 70 bpm, but editing stuff at a slow speed is hard, so he wants to double the speed, but double the space between the notes so the song still plays as if it were 70 bpm, but the notes are spaces out so that the sequencer can run at 140 bpm. Anyways, im not really an FL guy, but there might be a "double"/"half" option for a group of midi notes. If there is, you'll want to use "half" on all your midi data and then increase the bpm from 70 to 140. I hope this somehow helps.
  2. BUMP FOR TENSEI!!! Here is the last thing I ever did with this http://www.djsbx.com/projects/DWRemixv6.mp3 __________________________________________________________________ Alright, im gonna finish this one I swear. Ive decided to get about 2 minutes "done" before I posted this here, so there was actually some content to critique . Anyways, first off a few notes. 1. I know I dont have "too" much of the source tune in there right now.. im gonna have to add some more in there later. 2. Some of the transitions really suck... sorry . Fix those later 3. No, there is nothing wrong with the song around the middle . Anyways, yea let me know what you think so far ALTTP: Dark World Overworld Theme Also.. one day I have to give it a name Edit: Oh yea, theres another dark world song in there. The one where you turn into a bunny UPDATE!!!: Alright so ive added some more stuff (i.e. its longer now). I changed that lofi ish pad to something else. I changed up the glitchy part (though it still might need some more work). Note: Mastering happens at the end so right now its all about the music and interpretation of the source. So let me know what you think ALTTP: Dark Work Overworld Theme V2 (lol the file sais V5) UPDATE 2: AHHHH! So, I have been really busy and havent worked on this untill today. Few minor changes - Removed the bass from the first couple bars. - Added some piano stuff in that string section (before the dark mountain). - Fixed a few note things here and there, slight augmentations to some stuff. - Changed the notes for the bass in the later part - Almost finished my musical ideas. Thing that still need to be done: - MASTERING AHHH!!!!!... yea I havent done a shread of that. Just trying to work out my musical ideas. - Other stuff, like working on transitions. So anyways, do you think there are too many idea switches here? Or does this seem fine. Let me know EVERYTHING you think DJ SBX - DW Remix V3 (lol file says v6)
  3. Well, you can either load a combinator preset into one of the combinators, or you can create a new instrument and just drag the midi data into the note lane for that new instrument.
  4. I dont see a problem with getting a xeon. The fact that the E8400 is SUPER BACKORDERED EVERYWHERE right now, it makes more sense to get an E3110 which is essentially the exact same thing as the E8400 and its cheeper. Im using that exact xeon right now, and it works perfectly fine in any mother board that would support the E8400. Anyways 45 nm is already out (my E3110 is using 45 nm). I have a ASUS P5E-VM HDMI mATX LGA775 G35 DDR2 PCI-E16 2PCI-E1 PCI SATA2 RAID Sound HDMI VGA Motherboard and everything works marvellous with the xeon. so yea.. just some info on the xeon. IT would be a much better choice if you want to buy soon, as you wont be able to get the E8400 for a little while.
  5. well, if your not time stretching them in any way (which is what I think oni 91 was trying to imply) then the sound quality is still there. The ones I received were all high quality ogg files. (had to convert to wav since reason doesnt accept ogg). But yea, they sound just as good as they are in the original. ... man I gotta work more on that remix
  6. Awesome I just downloaded it, I'll be listening to it at work . So far its very very awesome stuff! Which system did these sounds come from? or is it just general chip tune sounds?
  7. haha no, I just didnt know what sound you were talking about .
  8. heh, well now that I have my new computer I decided to make a little 40 gig partition for ubuntu studio. I didnt do the crazy windows thing you said, but I thought I would just post here. Theres alot of interesting stuff in here, and I think it will be pretty fun experimenting with everything. Thanks for reminding me about this, I saw it a long time ago and wanted to try it out, but I forgot untill now.
  9. yea LED is awesome . Anyways I use keysounded bms samples when I do bemani remixes. I dont see why it wouldnt be allowed. It is just sampling from the original essentially.
  10. hmm will do when I get home. Gimme your msn or aim or something. Also what do you mean 16th melody sample?
  11. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=15335 I started a new one. I havent worked on it much since ive been really busy, but expect a good update after this weekend .
  12. i.e. A compressor. Basically hook up a compressor to whatever you want to gate. Side chain like a kick or something in to that compressor. So whenever the kick plays, the instrument attached to the compressor will compress and decrease in volume of your choosing. You can do this and program a kick say every 2nd 16th note, this will cause gating essencially. If you dont know how to side chain in FL, I can answer that as I use Reason.
  13. wow... I want them ALL!!
  14. just use sidechain compression to gate. Works for me
  15. -36 (30 hz) -39 (45 hz) -48 (60 hz) -63 (90 hz) -69 (125 hz) -75 (187 hz) -75 (250 hz) -78 (375 hz) -78 (500 hz) -78 (750 hz) -78 (1 khz) -75 (1.5 khz) -81 (2 khz) -78 (3 khz) -78 (4 khz) -75 (6 khz) -78 (8 khz) -66 (12 khz) -42 (16 khz) I tried seeing what the lowest db that I could hear all the freqs was and this is what I got. Might not be too accurate. Interesting test though.
  16. So ive decided to try and remix AA by DJ Amuro (same guy that did A and SGX remixed it). anyways, since the A's are supposed to symbolize aces in a deck I figured I would call my remix "Pocket Aces" as a little play on the title Anyways, im not entirely sure where Im trying to go with this, but so far its a slightly slower breakbeat OC Remix. I want it to be interesting and in your face with some catchy breakbeat ness lol. Original: AA by DJ Amuro Remix V1: Pocket Aces by DJ SymBiotiX Let me have some of that good ol comments and criticism
  17. hmm the only one I could barely hear on my headphones was the 30 hz one. I guess my headphones are pretty good. Definitely heard the highest freq one, and the volume was pretty low, so I guess they have a good high range.
  18. lol I noticed that the first time I saw it. Anyways I pronouce it 'Re-Drum"
  19. what is this GIGA format business?
  20. could you link to that please, now I might have a little reference as to where to go with this.
  21. HOLY FRIGGEN ******** * * *** ... That seriously just blew my mind. How... wtf... ahhh! Im so getting that when it comes out.
  22. Wow... so I ended up with golden rod city... somehow im turning it in to a trance/dance song.. with some TaQ influence... :S.. I wonder how this is going to fair I especially wonder if people would actually be able to recognize the source tune .. I'm not doing much with it except changing the key and moving/adding a few notes here and there.. but its such a different genre I dont know if people would recognize it at all haha.. interesting. Ima post a preview in a bit. Edit: Ok so here is a little sample I came up with tonight.. I added a little piece of the original at the end for comparison purposes. So tell me, do you think anybody would pick up on the reference? DJ SymBiotiX - Goldenrod City Remix
  23. Birthdays and SGX about to rock the spot!! Happy Birthday man
  24. hmm... 1. Releasing a CD and actually breaking even (with a little extra ) 2. Getting chosen in the top 4 of SGX's 2nd remix album. 3. Fan mail 4. Random ppl using my music in a few youtube videos (w/ credit ) 5. Random ppl adding me to msn/aim just to say they like my music <3 6. Getting some songs on FFR 7. uhh.. more random stuff like that. I dont really have a huge accomplishment, but alot of little ones, but that definitely makes me happy
  25. personally im a big believer in "try before you buy". Sometimes I cant really get a feel for software from the demo. Sometimes there just isnt enough in the demo to know if you'll actually make good use of the software. I download software, and use it for a little while. If it turns out to be something I will definitely use alot then I will buy it, if its software that I might use to make profit in the future (aka. Reason), then I will buy it. Note: I have bought reason . I know I would just hate paying big bucks for some software, and then finding out I hate it, or that it wont do what I wanted it for in the first place. yup.. thats my stand.
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