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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. Oh man! That means you pronounced it "manna!" That's crazy. The next one is about the word Uroboros.
  2. Actually, it's mostly subtitles with the occasional screenshot. It's really a podcast after all. But putting it on youtube will make it more accessible. Plus, I like having subtitles. However, there is a picture of me holding a giant axe at the very end of episode 2. So, enjoy that.
  3. It's official. My RPG comedy mini-podcast is now on a release schedule and EVERYTHING. Check out "Your RPG Playin' Ass" on YouTube every Saturday morning as soon as you get up. Here is the channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/LegendaryZoltan?feature=mhee#p/u You can leave comments and feedback either here or on the youtube video. Spread the word to gamers everywhere and let ME, The Legendary Zoltan entertain your RPG playin' ass!
  4. 誕生日おめでとうございます。 Happy birthday! Now everybody's gonna think that OA stands for over aged. OHHHH SNAP!
  5. I posted episode 11 about Ifrit. Live it and love it... You don't have to live it, I guess. You can just love it. http://www.mediafire.com/?h6h4prdk1zc4reo
  6. Oh my god! That blew me away. Does all your music sound like this or is this style very intentional? It's like a little bit of Chrono Trigger with a lot of Mega Man X with titles by Motoi Sakuraba. And who makes better titles than Motoi Sakuraba and Meteo Xavier? Nobody. Lofty Goals From a Forest Epitaph is my favorite title, I think. It screams Zelda. Hahaha. In Five is Average you actually used Mega Man X sound effects, huh? That was fun. Wealth of Knowledge is really good library music. Lofty Goals From a Forest Epitaph is like Techno De Schala. Starry Knights reminds me of an old game called Kendo Rage. Not it's music just the setting of being a girl killing demons in the school. I would kill demons in my school to that music if I were a Japanese girl in a Kendo club. I freaking love all the fast melodic songs like Tempest Rush and Need Insurance Get a Bullet. Very Mega Man-ish. Anyone who likes SNES or PS1 style melodic game music should get this.
  7. I can't wait to listen to this. The title cracked me up man! Especially since someone called 12 Followers is involved, it reminds me of the Meteor in FF7. Did anyone else make a ridiculous connection like that? Dude, do you mind if I post a link to this on RPGamer.com? It's related to game music so they should know too, right?
  8. Episode 10 is posted. It's different from all the others. It's a review of the game Atelier Rorona which I had just recently finished. I hope you like it. Don't worry there are no spoilers.
  9. Played Grandia 1 and 2. Liked the first and loved the second. I wonder what he died from. Thanks for everything, Miyaji Takeshi. You will be missed.
  10. I'm glad this game is shaping up to be much better. I was looking forward to it forever and then everybody said it was the worst game ever. I was kind of heart-broken. I'm probably going to get it when it comes to PS3. I hope the fans all come back to it and everybody loves Square-Enix again. Hahaha.
  11. That was an amazing video. PLEASE come to consoles. The song that played was epic!
  12. Sweet contest. It's like the title says, it doesn't really get any better than this. Congratulations to whomever wins this amazing prize. I hope it's me. I liked all 3 of those facebook pages. Why I like Uematsu TOP 3: 3. FF6 OST 2. All FF8 battle themes 1. OTHERWORLD!
  13. I agree with British voice actors. All they need to do is change the format of the disc to play in American Wiis so I don't see why they don't just do it.
  14. Thank you. Please change the grammar. I'm sorry but maybe just this once Gecko made a mistake, yo. As for how well Obsidian could do making the next Chrono game, I don't know since I've never played an Obsidian game. But I'm sure that any western game company could make a JRPG and visa versa. Also, if they want to give it to another company, I hope they think hard about whom because it's not like we're ever going to get another better Chrono game if they mess up this one. Level 5 has been doing a good job with Dragon Quest lately. I think they should do it.
  15. Thanks guys. I'm glad you're enjoying them. Sorry I've been missing weeks here and there. Episode 7 is about Kujata and Bahamut and is up now. http://www.mediafire.com/?9vy63qcmbaob6 Does the popping sound better than last time? I tried something a little different this time. I recorded two voices. You'll know what I mean when you hear it. Let me know if you like it or if it becomes too difficult to comprehend. Ambinate: I guess you liked it because I'm also being kind of aggressive. By the way, if I can't find something on the internet, I just fill in the blanks myself, so if any of you think there's a discrepancy, let me know please. I don't THINK there are, however. Quiz! Does anyone know what AWESOME song I have remixed in the background?
  16. No. I don't have that kind of awesome microphone. It's a regular dynamic microphone that you would use to MC a school event or something. Since it's not music, I don't bother to go so far as to cover it with a my T-shirt. But I guess I should?
  17. Episode 6 is posted. http://www.mediafire.com/?9vy63qcmbaob6 I guess I shouldn't resurrect this thread again if people don't have any comments to post. Not a threat or anything. I'm just saying. Anyway, enjoy. Even if the thread dies, the link SHOULDN'T change and you can also hear it on rpgamer.com's podcast RPGcast on Saturday mornings. See you.
  18. Aw! Sweet! It's my first time ever to get a birthday thread! Thank you. I'm 31 now and I feel so damn wise yo. For my birthday celebration I ate 14 slices of expensive as heck pizza while drinking Root Beer and playing Atelier Rorona. Needless to say, it was the greatest night ever.
  19. Bahamut! We love you! It's so impressive that you were able to choose the path that you did. Thank you. I know you can make it through boot camp! After you're finished, you're gonna be so ripped! You won't look like a gamer anymore. Hahaha. See you, Wes. Can I call you Wes? OK. Bye, Wes.
  20. Whaaaat? You don't like Beyond the Bounds? It's so creative! How long do you think it should be? I thought it had plenty of levels.
  21. I'm in exactly the same position as Thin Crust. I've never played an MMO and I'm hoping that it's going to be a great game by the time it reaches PS3.
  22. Ugh. "Take advantage of the right analog stick" does indeed sound like camera work but I for one hope it isn't that. Whenever you play ANY game with a free camera, the camera always spins to look in the direction you're going. I know that makes the most sense but the result is that you play an entire game with a nice environment without ever being able to see it clearly because the camera was spinning all around the whole time. The MGS3 and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow cameras are far superior in my opinion. You can play from more interesting angles if you let the programmers set it. Anyway, I don't mean to sound like a rant. That's my opinion and the reason for it. Also, "something big for next year" would have to be something new for me to get excited. I can't imagine any other remake after these 2 HD collections that I'd like to play. I haven't played Metal Gear 1 or 2 for the MSX though. Is MGS5 the same as MGS Rising?
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