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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. I was just making jokes. Jab Jab Super is just how some of my friends like to refer to it. But anyway, is the sale over already? I just went on PSN and nothing seems to be on sale.
  2. There IS a reason not to own Jab Jab Super (Known to some as Marvel vs. Capcom 2). It's called Blazblue. But those are damn good prices indeed. I am tempted to get Street Fighter Turbo HD because of the OC Remixes.
  3. Thanks Snappleman. I think you may have just sealed it for me. It sounds like Studio is the better choice for me. I'll go talk to the sales clerk about the differences a little more and then probably choose one on the spot.
  4. Thanks for moving the thread. And thanks for all the advice guys. Mustin, I can't find the Producer Exclusives link ANYWHERE. I've got a brochure type of thing however from my local shop which highlights the differences, and it too says that Pocket Orchestra is only included in the Studio version. That's interesting. Yet, you still suggest Producer Edition. What do you use to make orchestral stuff? Also. How much better is Session Drummer 3 than 2, soundwise?
  5. It seems like it should be a simple google, but I can't seem find a list of all the differences between Sonar 8 Studio and Producer editions. Do any of the Sonar users have a recommendation. What I'm most curious about is how good the orchestral samples are in the Studio edition? From what I have been able to gather, it seems like the biggest difference between Studio and Producer is the amount of effects, including V-Vocal, and synths. I don't really care about synths or effects beyond the basics. But I do need some good instrument samples and Session Drummer. Thanks in advance.
  6. Maybe Coop is right. Maybe we should start bustin' out tracks already.
  7. I agree with Schwaltzwald. Valkyrie Profile is such a unique and fun RPG.
  8. If you guys REALLY want to play a turn-based RPG that requires strategy, play a Xenosaga game. Especially Episode 2. It's not as popular as the other two because the characters can all use all the skills and that bothers people, but it's actually by far the most interesting battle system in my opinion. The thing is, every battle feels like a freaking mini-boss battle.
  9. Well, Atmuh, I'd like to put my bid out for a turn based RPG despite your broken machine. Have you played Eternal Sonata? Good -fun battle system -pretty pictures (Tri-Ace games always have great environments.) -abundance of cuteness -great music (some might disagree but they're crazy.) -educational -It's kind of hear-warming, if you ask me. -YOU CAN BE FREAKING CHOPIN AND RIP DUDES UP WITH A FREAKING CONDUCTOR'S BATON! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?! -cheesy one-liners (that's good to me, at least.) Bad -It's ALL dungeon time. -Survival seems ENTIRELY dependent on how well you can block incoming attacks.(I died a lot) -The story is slow-moving -The script is not good at all and the cutscenes are full of long and drawn-out boring oratories.
  10. So now that these games have come out, does anyone have any first-hand opinions? I still haven't received White Knight Story in the mail yet, but I got Star Ocean 4 on release day (which was Feb. 4th in Japan yo!) and have played the heck out of it. I want to know what exactly you guys don't like about it. Here's my review on it in bullet format: -I agree that the music, while good, doesn't exactly blow minds. -I can't believe how right everyone was about how "emo" Edge is. -The environments are to DIE for. -The voice acting and one-liners are not as good as they were in SO3. -The story may be considered to be cliche and average but it's pretty fun for me. I enjoy the totally over-the-top Sci-fi elements. They have a dictionary to tell you stuff like what a Subspace Flight Tracer does and stuff. Whoever wrote the story for this was quite enthusiastic about it, I think. -The gameplay is FUCKING FLAWLESS, and that's coming from a guy who doesn't use swear words. There are a million different ways to go about empowering your characters: The BEAT system, item creation, leveling up the skills individually, or just the good old exp. grind. Lots of things that you can collect and I think, for the first time they actually might NOT be a pain in the ass to get because you don't have to just search every random nook to find stuff. So why didn't you guys like it again?
  11. I've never played a Blaster Master game, but that looked freakin' sweet!
  12. Same opinion here as everyone else. I love Sonic music and TOTALLY want to do a track. In fact, I even happen to have a good one in the making that would make a great Sonic song. I'll mention this stuff on Facebook.
  13. I like how you managed to continue promoting your material even in your coming-clean statement. My question is, what is the song you used for the story at the beginning? That was my freaking type yo!
  14. Oh, come on. So Avatar of Justice and I are the ONLY people who still like a nice JRPG of late? I tend to look for different things in each RPG that I play. I don't expect ALL of them to be Xeno Trigger Fantasy VII. Star Ocean 4 is the game that's been bashed the most but it's also the game that I'm still looking forward to the most. When I play the Star Ocean I expect an insane battle mode, insane difficulty settings, sweet Sakuraba music (yeah, I know all you guys hate him) and cheesy one-liners from perfectly cliche characters. I've heard many people say that they thought Star Ocean has been downhill ever since The Second Story. I think all those people just don't know how to interpret what a Star Ocean game is. In SO3 the battle mode only got WAY better, the lines way more cheesy, and the story way more cliche. What more could you possibly want in a Star Ocean game? In White Knight Chronicles I just want to tap that MMORPGesque endless grind to see how powerful I can make my character. Just seeing the evolution of the battle strength of the characters is one of the joys of JRPGs for me. Heavy Rain just looks like a good story to me. However, if it REALLY is all quick time events, I'll likely skip it. But that was an exaggeration, right?
  15. Have you guys played an SNES game called Kendo Rage. I really liked that game. It was hard for me though. also, I went and did that "mod" to my SNES where you cut out the plastic guides that are in the machine so that Super Famicom games will also fit inside it so I could play a freaking great space shooting game, Macross: Scrambled Valkyrie. It has great gameplay and great music too.
  16. The first one contained a joke that perhaps you didn't notice. The stuff is called "chincontact" but in that video, they said "chinco" over and over again. chinko means penis in Japanese. Useful info for those who didn't know. haha. By the way, this thread is weird.
  17. I can't believe nobody has started a thread about all the sweet RPGs coming out for PS3 this February and onwards. Feb 02 - White Knight Chronicles Feb 09 - Star Ocean 4 International Feb 23 - Heavy Rain And then of course there is FF13 in March and 3D Dot Game Heroes in May. There are more which should be mentioned, but these are the ones I'm keeping an eye on. Among these, I'm actually looking forward to White Knight the most because of all the cool online stuff you can do. I've actually played an MMORPG and I don't really want to start, but I'm hoping to have a chance to play with other people in this game. I'll probably try out FF14 when it comes out though. Anybody else looking forward to the upcoming PS3 lineup?
  18. I heard that Tales of Vesperia was coming to PS3 in America. Was that just a rumor too? I hope not because I haven't played much Tales at all and I want to confirm all this talk about Tales soundtracks being so dull. I'm gonna continue to have faith in the Star Ocean 4 soundtrack though. I feel like it's gonna rock.
  19. Hey guys, the following are opinions from Japanese high school otakus. According to them, FFXIII is... -Way too hard -Has great production values That's all. Anti-climax is my middle name. ^_- I still think it's gonna rock though. Looks like an interesting story. FINALLY, there's another black major character. I wonder if there is going to be anything on-line or trophy-related in it. I hope so. But knowing me, I'll probably like Star Ocean 4 more. COMING SOON!
  20. Hey, Prophet. I have something to add to the list. Thanks a lot. SALE PS3 Grand Theft Auto IV (American) Grand Theft Auto IV Strategy Guide I'd prefer to be able to sell these as a set. They're both extremely mint. I have played the game for several hours and just realized that it's not my cup of tea compared to the other games I have. So I'm ready to part with it after only like a couple of weeks of owning it. If you're interested PM me please. I'll make you a good deal for it. Also one more thing to add to the list. SALE Hardware Gefen Component to HDMI converter with the necessary cables I got this thing for my Playstation 2 after I got an HDTV but I found out that it doesn't do what I thought it would. I emailed the efen guys and they told me that what I really needed was a Scaler. I didn't know about those at the time. So, I just wasted 300 bucks if you include the shipping. The price has DRASTICALLY dropped since then, which is really regrettable for me. Anyway, I just want to get that thing out my house while hopefully getting a bit of the money back. How's 100 bucks? It comes with a PS2 component cable. If you have a TV that has an HDMI port and not component inputs, then you can use this and get component-quality picture and sound. If you want it for a PS2, you're ready to go. If you want it for use with a Wii, then you'll need to buy a Wii component cable. That's all. Thanks.
  21. THANKS you guys. Kanthos' idea about saving as a UTF8 file worked. That rocks. It's not terribly complete but you can see it now. http://n-legend.com
  22. Because I freaking don't. I created the most humble of websites at the following URL. http://n-legend.com/ If you click on that, you should only see a bunch of weird symbols on a white background. If I open the html file directly from windows explorer, it displays perfectly. So I can't figure out why it's unreadable on the internet. I uploaded to a server called Lunar Pages. Any ideas? Thanks in advance for your help.
  23. Is it too late to get the last slot? What robot master remains? I'd like in if possible.
  24. I haven't read the entire thread, so this may have been said already. I've heard the following interesting rumors about Avatar: -It was in development for 12 years because a young kid had a dream for the ultimate sci-fi/fantasy movie that he wanted to see and started writing things down on paper for it at the age of 14! -They used an entirely new way of filming that put less emphasis on the CG and more and the actors. (for the blue aliens) -The alien language in the movie is a fully functional language created by a university professor. I may have misheard that first one, but I could swear I thought I heard Sigourney Weaver say that when she was on the Daily Show recently. If that's true, then we're witnessing a dream come true. And they even produced the video game along-side it. Way to make it happen, Mr. Director! I was happy to hear that they put so much emphasis on a dramatic story and not just human vs. alien battle action.
  25. DUDE! It's like my favorite person's favorite day! . . . You're birthday is your favorite day, right? Happy birthday!
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