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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. Damn! I should have done this, myself! My house costs way more than his! Why didn't I think of doing that?! But seriously though, I think it would be way easier on your conscience and easier to get donations, if you were selling some music to pay for your house instead of just asking for donations.
  2. I wonder if they'll stay true to the book and have just 9 levels. That would be cool if the levels were long enough and each level had the correct types of punishment. I don't remember what they are but I think it was something like a certain type of sinner goes to a certain level of hell and endures a type of punishment specific to that level. If that wasn't MADE to be a video game, I don't know what is.
  3. I have thought of that. But what if I want to sell the work? In that case I should pay the drummer right? How much do you pay for something like that? To be honest, I've always liked the current drums I have, too. I've had them for freaking ever. The bass drum is exactly what I want in a bass drum. However, the strange thing is that whether it's played at 1 velocity or 100 velocity, the bass drum always sounds exactly the same. It's only the bass drum. Isn't that strange? But that's it. I have another drum set that has more realistic cymbals that I can use. So when people get rock remixes passed, they're usually using a 200-dollar set? By the way, thanks for all your help guys. Just so you know, this was all started when I realized that I have a ton of great metal compositions laying around, and I'm hoping I can become some kind of online artist with them.
  4. UWAA! Addictive Drums is 250 bucks! I don't suppose there are any good ones out there for say... 100? Also, it looks like they don't make that Gearbox thing anymore. Now it's Pod.
  5. I make a lot of rock/metal tracks and I'm pretty sure that I need better drums. First of all, I'd need a VST or something that is compatible with Sonar 5. Secondly, I'd like to know how the people who don't have midi drum pads input the drum parts. Do you just click them in and then alter the velocities one-by-one? And Thirdly, the following file is my usual drum set. May I please have feedback about why it may or may not be good? http://www.mediafire.com/?zmzxou3kjlt Thank you very much in advance.
  6. Sweet! BUT the link didn't work. I got the page not found error. I'm curious to see it. I'm sorry you had to recreate that whole map.
  7. Like some others, I wasn't crying out loud but there were some tears. SPOILERS are plentiful in this post. The ending of Star Ocean 3. Despite having the best that cheese has to offer, the music really gets me at the end. Particularly at the moment where he Fate says, "I'm still alive!" I freaking love that part. I also cried at the end of Kingdom Hearts II, and it was basically all thanks to Kingdom Hearts I. Stories where people who were best friends become enemies at the end REALLY bother me. The whole time I played the first KH game, I just kept tellling myself that I'm gonna get Riku back, patch everything up, and go back to the island. I was so happy when he appeared at the end of KH2. The end of the final battle where you and Riku are working together throughout the fight is the greatest. At the very end, you are both surrounded by mist of lasers that shoot at you one-by-one very rapidly, and you and Riku are deflecting them all together. It's like a thousand lasers, so you have plenty of time to watch it and take it in. That scene combined with the dramatic music probably affected me more than any other in a game. In short, yes I have and the music was an important part of it.
  8. I suppose the fact that they're dressed as the Mario brothers makes it appropriate to talk about on this forum... But forget about Mario. Look at how badly they brutalized that guy. I didn't enjoy watching that video one bit. Sorry to rain on the party but that's how I feel.
  9. I'm late to this thread as well. How come the topic of the thread is not explained in either the title or the first post? By reading the first page of posts, it sounds like Square is using that American song in the American release of Final Fantasy Something (I assume XIII) instead of some other song. And what do I think about all this? I don't think anyone will care. If you like the song, great. If you don't, there have been plenty of equally horrific pop songs used in pop games. I personally believe that you can't go wrong with Utada Hikaru for pop songs in games.
  10. Let me know if it works out. Recording is downright enjoyable now. It's like the first time ever. Hahaha.
  11. I've got this crazy lag problem. I record guitar with a Cakewalk UA-1G audio interface to go with some soundfont drums and then when I play it back the guitar is not just misalligned but the misallignment gets bigger and bigger. Meaning, I can allign the drums and guitar at the beginning of the song and they'll be alligned for a short while, but the guitar slowly starts falling behind. By the time I get to the end of the song, it's several seconds behind. I read on the net that the cause of this would be that the drums are using the computer's sound card while the guitar is using the USB interface. Is there ANY way to remove this accumulating sort of lag? I tried doing things, like trying to use the USB interface as the output for the soundfonts too, but that seems not to work. In fact, I can't make any audio go from my computer to the interface. It seems to only work as an input. I thought they were used for both though. Thanks for your help in advance. EDIT: It's working now. SWEET! I can finally record the way I've always wanted to. For some reason having all of the outputs set to the interface worked this time. And now it rocks. YES!
  12. A man. Preferably a black man. You should see my Oblivion character. He's gonna party like it's the year 999.
  13. Thanks again. I have to have a firewire jack to use a firewire sound interface, right? Don't have any on this computer so I guess I'll have to go USB. Are there any particular features I should look out for when buying a USB sound card?
  14. Thanks for the input, Fishy. Upon reading your first line of advice, I tried recording at a really low volume, thinking that would eliminate the limiting while boosting problem. But it didn't. I also get those sounds if I sing too loudly into the mic. But at a normal level, there is no problem with it. Could a USB sound card take care of this kind of problem. Do those USB sound cards have their own inputs? I thought that they did.
  15. Is there ANY way to do it? I think the name of my computer is Prime Note Galleria MV 05. It's a laptop. It doesn't have a line in jack, but a microphone jack. I've tried recording through it several times and no matter what I do the volume fluctuates and there's some static-like sounds that occur as well. It's like it's telling me that the jack is only for a microphone and can't be used as a direct line input but I thought that people record through their microphone jacks all the time. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
  16. Hahaha. I'm sorry, Neblix. I don't hate ALL kids. I just wanted to say that there are tons of teenagers that act like squall acted and they can't all be classified as emo. From what I've read, there are all these cliques and one of the newer ones consists of a bunch of kids who don't get along with all the other kids and feel out of place and so they get down about it and then decide to just continue being down intentionally so that they can generate pity from others because it makes them feel better. At least that's what I THINK emo means. If that's the right definition, then Squall isn't emo.
  17. All before that wasn't emo. It was just stupid teenager syndrome. You know how kids are... they suck. EDIT: I apologize to all the kids out there. ...but you suck.
  18. Xenogears! That's right, I went there. I liked how the review had a pretty original point of view. Reading about how FF7 starts with a bad-ass soldier and then chipps away at him little by little makes it sound way cooler than it seemed when I actually played it. I have never thought of FF7 as emo, but my best friend said "it paved the way for other emo RPGs." I don't really know what she meant, but probably the first example she would've given is FF8, and several people in this thread have also agreed that Squall is emo. But I don't think he's emo either. Granted, I moved to Japan before the whole emo "movement" started, but isn't an emo person someone who acts depressed so that everyone will pity them? It seems like every time anyone gets whiny about anything, they get labelled as emo. Squall's girlfriend fell into a coma! You guys don't find that a valid excuse for being bummed? I do.
  19. Is Demon's Souls really as cool as the videos say? Could someone compare it's gameplay to another game?
  20. How do you teabag someone while stomping on their nuts? Maybe teabagging doesn't mean what I think it means. The only game I've ever played with other people on the internet is Starcraft. I agree with you about the communities. I wish I was one of those super-powered people who doesn't use their powers for good when I think about those kinds of people. Oh the things, I would do to them.
  21. Diablo-esque games are indeed fun. If they release this for PS3, I'll probably check it out. Thanks for the useful info.
  22. You guys buy games way too fast for me. I've still only got 3 games and I haven't completed them enough to warrant buying a new one. Of course, that will all change come February. I think Star Ocean 4 International will be my first pre-ordered game ever. I still haven't played Valkyria Chronicles or Disgaea 3 so I can't add to that discussion yet, although I do plan to in the semi-near future. Right now I'm really interested in the game Trine that was just recently released. Multi-player cooperative physics puzzles sound neat. I hope my wife will be able to get into it, as I'm looking for a replacement for the good old FF Crystal Chronicles that we used to play together on the Wii. Why not just keep playing Crystal Chronicles? Having more than one console just bothers the heck out of me for some reason. I need a sense of completion. Hahaha. I laugh but it's true. One question: Can you play any PSP game on your PS3? The whole reason I don't play portable games is because I'd rather play on my couch with a TV. I'd so go for the FF Tactics remake and Idol Master if I could play them on my TV, though.
  23. He misspelled "bukkake". Hahaha. I don't know. I don't find this FF8 review terribly entertaining. I could understand making something like this solely for the purpose of comedy but I just don't see why he goes on about things like, for example, why the gunblade sucks. Especially, when there's no good argument for it because it simply comes down to preference.
  24. Thanks for the links. Are there people who are anti-Kotaku? I agree. But as long as they succeed in making a completely open world like the one in Oblivion, I can't imagine them messing up on exploration. It's pirates, afterall. The word "booty" ought to be pretty high on the feature list.
  25. http://kotaku.com/5280181/armada-of-the-damned-is-all-about-choices Well, the screenshots are certainly nice and it sounds very cool when he compares it to Oblivion. They said that whatever you do will affect the story and the economy. I hope they will be the ones to deliver me that perfect current-generation pirate simulation I've always dreamed of. I really hope they put a lot of emphasis on the customization of the ship and find a way to make long interesting epic fencing battles that travel up and down all parts of the ship. Anyone else excited?
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