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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. OK, so i fixed that first problem but now I have ONE more. I wonder if this one is fixable. when I line out from my sampler to the mic jack in my computer, it sounds like heck. but there are no other jacks to use. It's difficult for me to explain the exact difference in sound I'm hearing, but to put it simply it's just a major reduction in quality. One of the things that happens is that if the sound is too loud continuously, it gets compressed or something, but not just some. It gets reduced a LOT. but even if I turn it down really low, there is still a weird difference in the sound. It sounds perhaps more trebly and less bassy. I read several articles on the net regarding line out to mic recording, but they all just talked about how much hotter mic inputs are. I don't think my problem is one of volume though. Any ideas? 1000 thanks for all your help.
  2. Hey everybody, thanks for the help. Let me tell you what's been going on with this. Pardon my noobediness but it really is a mystery to me. On my old computer which is not NEARLY as powerful, the noise never occurred AND there was never any latency in the playback that I could notice. So it makes me wonder why, when I open up the audio options section, the playback buffer says that it's set to 105 milliseconds of latency. That should be TOTALLY noticeable right? But I don't notice any latency, just tons of popping. So I first tried out Harmony's method with the number and size of the buffers but no combination that I tried reduced the popping enough and the latency did increase a lot. Then I tried the ASIO method which DID reduce the noise by like 90% but still not completely no matter how high I set it and the latency doesn't change on any setting as well. What's going on? I want it yo be flawless like my old computer was. thanks again. EDIT: FIXED? I set the driver mode to the only other remaining option of MME 32-bit which seems to have solved the problem. the latency says like 40ms but I don't notice any.
  3. Thanks a whole lot Brian. I haven't tried it yet, but thanks anyway just for giving me such detailed advice. Thanks to you too, Zephyr. Hahaha. Actually, I only have one mix up and I only wrote it. Another guy collaborated with me and did all the production part. So, the title of OCRemixer is a little deceptive in my case. I'm really only half an OCRemixer. Now I know what under-runs are.
  4. I just installed Sonar 3 on my new laptop and when I playback audio or midi with VSTi samples applied I hear a popping kind of sound. Kind of like an old record player but really loud and in regular intervals. It doesn't happen while playing through a silent section, only when there are notes. The sounds themselves sound just like always. This popping sound is kind of riding on top of it. According to the volume gauge, it isn't too loud, so I don't think this is clipping. Any idea what could be causing it? Thanks in advance for your help. Edit: I just exported a file to audio and when playing it in windows media player it doesn't have the noise. Interesting. It only happens to sound being played in Sonar.
  5. Everyone's making progress. That is good. I think the Donkey Kong Country remix ought to be my next goal. Thanks for the proponents. I'm a sage now! Hahaha. Why don't you try posting a list as an exercise in combining small tasks into a few number of large ones?
  6. In an attempt to veer this thread back on track... Yo, pcmus1c. I don't know how the hell you.... Just kidding. Hahaha. Seriously, I think you could get a whole world of advice if you posted a midi or even an MP3 of something you're writing for this game. We promise not to steal it. But we can give you really detailed feedback that way. In hopes that you won't give up on this community, let me point out something positive: You've gotten the attention of Rozovian and Another Soundscape, two ace evaluators. I'm SURE they'd have some useful stuff to say if you came back and posted something for us to hear. "Go for the gold!"
  7. Yoshi! I've been doing stuff while I was away and was able to erase like FOUR things from my list yo! Happy!!! How about you guys? Let's do it to it!
  8. Yeah, I meant SNR. Thanks a lot. I'm planning on finally buying a new computer at the end of this month. It's gonna be a laptop so I was pretty stoked to learn that there are USB soundcards out there.
  9. This is an amazing guide. Before stumbling across this guide I basically only knew what processing speed and RAM were. I read through several sections and now I feel like a know a whole world more than I did. I was just thinking about making a thread asking how to eliminate that noise (sound of silence) when recording audio and the lag when recording midi with a controller. I found the answer to both of my questions in the guide yo. I recommend that any music maker in this community who doesn't know about how a computer relates to the sound of one's music read at least the entire sound card section. Good stuff yo. Can I ask a question in here? An external sound card (like the SoundBlaster that you mentioned) would take care of that lag when recording midi, right? Can it also affect the noise problem? Thanks a lot.
  10. Although I can't do it right this moment, later I could write the translation for you guys whom are interested. But there are a lot of Japanese jokes in there so even with the translation there'll be some parts that are hard to understand. But I'll explain it as best I can and then maybe you'll get an idea of what Japanese comedy is like. For now, I'll just say that the song is about the guy in the picture and he is a famous comedian named Kano Eiko. Already 1200 views! That is nuts!
  11. Man! Some of you guys have a shopping list for a to do list. Hahaha! That rocks. I wish that's what my list was like. I finished recording drums for my ZOLTAN Demo CD. Next is bass. It's not on the list but it's important. I also finished redoing my Xenogears rap for that guy whose name I can never remember and finished one of the hip hop songs I was working on. Strike those off the list!
  12. Being funny was the intention. I'm glad that even a person who doesn't speak Japanese found it funny. I'm surprised how many views that video has gotten already. I posted it like 2 or 3 days ago and already more than 500 views. Sweet. I'm gonna be famous in no time. I'm gonna have to keep track of this baby. The views are increasing like crazy. Video Posted on March 18th, 2009 Number of Views: 825 as of March 21st, 2009
  13. I finished one whole song. Check it out yo! Garimacho!
  14. SWEEEEEEET! A concert hall made this video from live clips of my band. It contains some random live scenes with an instrumental BGM track and one live song called Forest Run. I wish I were an audience member watching that concert! I'd be so damn entertained! Demo CD comes out soon yo! Be ready for it.
  15. Psssh! He had me going there for a sexond!
  16. If I were rich, I'd pay you to make sweet music videos for me. I have freakin' ideas man! How much WOULD it cost to do a 5 minute synchronized music video anyway? And what does your animation look like.
  17. I liked Shenmue and Ikaruga for the Dreamcast. I'm glad that someone out there shares my opinion about the Skies of Arcadia battle mode. I played it and it was ok but after a while I got tired of the battles. So I didn't make it more than like 5 hours or so in. Grandia 2 on the other hand was crazy fun the whole way through. I gave the fastest character all the fastest accessories and then she was running around the playing field at unbelievable speeds. Hahaha!
  18. Bah! I have to redo my Xenogears rap. I got sick. And I have to teach additional English classes at night starting today. Blah. I spent 6 whole hours just preparing two lessons. Anyway, I'm complaining about stuff but I still plan to finish everything on the list. Just wait.
  19. SWEET! I was able to remove "-Write a rap verse for the Steel Giant remix." from my list today. I'm uploading it now and then I just have to link the dude and I'm set! I mentioned that my first recording sucked but this new one should be just fine. I'm satisfied, at least. Maybe I should eat some ramen to celebrate.
  20. I feel your pain about the fafsa. I had to fill it out like 5 times too. But I find that the dread of thinking about doing it is greater than that of actually doing it. In fact, a lot of things are like that. Don't feel bad about 6 months man. Some people feel like their lives haven't gone anywhere for years yo. If you want it, then there's not better reason to get a new sig, but I personally love the current one. (AC fan) If there's some kind of community center or a place that has something in the way of different kinds of clubs, you could probably make a whole new group of friends yo. There's a community center in my town and there are all kinds groups there. Drama, Foreign language, music, all kinds. WAIT A MINUTE! You're a college student! Is there not a plethora of clubs to choose from at your school? I went to itsy bitsy teenie weenie University of Hawaii at Hilo, and they had quite a few. As for myself. UWAAA! I took like several steps backwards yesterday. My recording yesterday is not quite the quality I hoped for so I wanna redo it. I also recorded some vocals for like 3 different songs and I've realized that my rap voice is just not that cool. I love my lyrics though &_&. But I probably have to redo those too. ARRRGH! We'll see what the boss of thatsong thinks.
  21. Today I did a very big thing that isn't on my list. I did some drum recording for my band. We're gonna make a short album. About 25 minutes. We had SO many freaking problems too man! The first one simply being that there was NO place to park and thus, didn't get into the studio until like 20 minutes late. Had just that one thing not happened we could have finished everything we had planned, but unfortunately the 5th and final song only got half done. So now we have to borrow ALL those freaking mics again just record that one song. Oh well. That's how it goes. But he did a great job playing those beats so I'm can't really say that I'm not stoked. _^
  22. Hahaha. I haven't forgotten about my RPG in the making yo. I've got all these cool ideas and characters but now I'm having trouble putting it all in order as one cohesive story. But I'm glad someone's interested. Thanks.
  23. DUDE! Aomori's like right next to Niigata I think. Of course it would still be a pretty long way. I don't think the Shinkansen goes up that way so one of us would have to take the regular train.
  24. That's one heck of a sauce you're marinating in. . . At least you're trying to find a job. Although not very slow, if you're interested in a mix of choir and metal, I recommend checking out the album Symphony of Enchanted Lands Pt. 2 by Rhapsody. You might like it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/index.html?curid=2050134
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