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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. Happy birthday, metal brother. We should collaborate some time yo.
  2. I think you should learn how to press yourself against naked against various surfaces and blend in flawlessly as your birthday present to yourself. Happy Birthday Gecko!
  3. Happy birthday, Coop! I always enjoy watching your signature animations.
  4. But honestly, Monobrow, I've been a badass who hasn't cared about anything including his face ever since I was born and they STILL haven't made any games starring me! Can you believe that?!
  5. I too liked his video and despite the fact that I am familiar with most of the games mentioned, he sort of opened my eyes to the fact that all the heroes are semi-bearded white boys and I'm SO glad he dissed that for me cause lately I'm getting sick and tired of people who look like me. And I especially agree with the whole beige ruins theory. I too have noticed that a lot of fun games are set in places like that. I've always said that I would love to play a game like Devil May Cry (It's got the color, but it's always dark) a lot more if it were set on a sunny beach or something. I think Monobrow had a good point when he said GameFAQs, though. There are lots of different kinds of people reviewing the games there. I'll never forget the time I read a Guilty Gear review and the guy referred to the music as "stereotypical hate rock." I'll never get over that one! Hahaha. I wonder if that guy is from Hawaii, because he said two things that I always say: "... brah." And "... is nuts." At least I THINK it's only in Hawaii that people use the word "nuts" to mean cool.
  6. I'm still interested too. Reply in thread, email me, or PM me.
  7. I learned to play the following on guitar. By ear: Everything from Guilty Gear, including the harpsichord solos on Writhe in Pain Several songs from Testament's Demonic album Several Valkyrie Profile and Star Ocean songs Tons of Amon Amarth songs By sheet music: Some stuff from Handel's Messiah and Verdi's(I think) Dies Irae, All the parts of Symphony of the Night's Wood Carving Partitia (That's the library BGM) Several other video game tunes that I can't remember right now Most of my original songs (Yes, I write them first and then learn to play them). Of course there are more, but it's probably not a lot more because I don't often practice other people's music.
  8. A mix of Men's Magazine and Metal Magazine. What you need is a magazine with naked pictures of Metallica. WAAAHAHAHA! No but seriously, I can't remember the names of any of the metal magazines that I've seen, but even in Hawaii, where there's ABSOLUTELY ZERO metal, I saw some magazines at Borders. So if you have a shop like Borders, just check out the music magazines. You can tell which ones are good for metal just by the covers yo.
  9. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it Snapple style, like OA did. Happy Birthday you uninteresting son of a bitch.
  10. Thanks Moseph. This stuff is too complicated for my feeble mind. Hahaha.
  11. OKAAAY! Back to the appreciations, baby! I'll give us a couple of example posts. Thank you, djp, for switching from mysql to mysqli and refactoring the datalists into a class hierarchy. I have no idea what that means, but I bet it was freaking hard and the fact that you would go an do something like that for six whole hours has got my whole body feeling all tingly at your dedication to this amazing site that you run FOR FREE!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Yes, down there too. ! OR Thanks, djp. That rocks. Edit: Ah! Looks like Phil got in before me. That smooth mother.
  12. I just started inputting midi into my sequencer, Sonar 3. After I input a piano part, for example, I record another track starting from the beginning. While recording in this way I can hear the first part (the piano part) playing back at the same time. However. If I change my new tracks patch to something like strings, one of two things happens. 1: If my inputs are MIDI OMNI, then the piano part also becomes strings, or 2: If I set the inputs to MIDI1 and MIDI2 I don't hear anything. Can someone help me make it so that I can record a strings part on track 2 while the piano part of track 1 is playing at the same time? Your help is greatly appreciated.
  13. Thanks a lot DJP! I am always happy that you continue to run the site for us with steady improvements to boot. So how was the food at this coding festival? Were there cute girls?!
  14. I completely agree with the guy who said Tales of Destiny PS2 Remake. I haven't played it, but I played the original and this is more than just a port like FF Chronicles or whatever it was. To quote http://www.videogamerecaps.com/: This RPG is all about guys with "big swords and even bigger hair!" If you're into that kind of game, I think Tales of Destiny for PS2 is the way to go. I'd also recommend the PS1 remake of Tales of Phantasia. These remakes never came out in America yo! Another good SNES title that I think nobody mentioned is Bahamut Lagoon.
  15. Sounds like a one of the dream jobs available to musicians. Congratulations. I hope you make lots of memorable beer tunes.
  16. I think you guys should start announcing it like a week in advance. I guess it's been done this way all along, but I totally can't join most of the time without prior notice. And I'd really like to join it some time. . . Or perhaps this is a conspiracy! Hahaha.
  17. I'm gonna agree with the guy in the rubber suit (lol) and say that Nevermore is a good one, especially if you're concerned about vocals. They guy doesn't growl and he's got a few different sounding voices that he uses. I'd say that all of their albums are good but my personal favorite is called Dreaming Neon Black. In fact, the SONG called Dreaming Neon Black is a good example of how impressive this guys voice is. That's not to say that the other instruments aren't also great. In particular the guitarist is amazing and the riffs are really creative. Highly recommended yo.
  18. Yo guys. So what I did was I imagined the placement of a high hat, snare, bass drum with dual-pedal, 1 rack tom, 1 floor tom, two crashes, 1 ride, and 1 china and practiced playing those imaginary drums with real drum sticks for 1 hour a day, 7 days. Here's the song I was trying to learn the drums for. http://media.putfile.com/ZOLTAN---Sonic-Sands Yes, I wrote it. Then I went to a practice studio and practiced it on real drums for one hour and then made this recording of my progress. Linkety Linkage http://media.putfile.com/CHIPP-Damages-first-drum-practice I was pretty satisfied for my first real practice after just 1 week of air practice. although I was kind of annoyed that stomping on the bass drum pedal feels completely different from stomping on the floor. Thus, I didn't have very smooth bass drum hits. Also, there was no china at the studio so I hit one of the crash cymbals. I couldn't play the two "problem areas," even after mastering them on the air. I suppose I could have picked a much easier song as my first, but I had fun anyway. Check it out. CHIPP Damage
  19. My remix is called Destroy Movements. Feel free to destroy it further.
  20. Happy Birthday Fusion-meister. I think I missed some people's birthday threads. So, as a birthday present to you, I'll let you let me use you as a sheild if those people get upset and seek to exact revenge upon me. ^_-
  21. I don't know. Newgrounds is dedicated to all kinds of videos, not just flash ones right? I think you should try to find a place that specializes entirely just in flash videos. I'm thinking that if the community you request in is really full of people who love flash videos, they'll take the request seriously and leave out the mocking. Although, that's never stopped the sarcasm of OCR. Hahaha!
  22. I think you should get sauted in a light wine sauce myself. Happy birthday!
  23. Wow, Shadowolf. Thanks. I totally learned a lot about computers from that. I can totally see the microscopic penises on the Mona Lisa becoming a movie plot. Hahaha!
  24. Man, you guys suck. I want to talk about Xenogears! Xenogears Xenogears XENOGEARS!! Hahaha. But yeah, I should have realized it as soon as I read it. As Pezman wrote, they didn't mean DNA that's still in a person. Which means that, as Shadowolf wrote, they just thought of using DNA because it's really small. Maybe they're planning to do it with something other than a particle beam. They must have some kind of idea of a way to do it without killing it since they expressed that they'd like to do it.
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