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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. I love this idea. I can't think of anything I'd rather listen to with other people than xenogears songs. I too wonder what time that's gonna be at.
  2. TENSEI! Happy Birthday! You rock! Metal Brothers Unite! Additional generic metalhead colloquialism!
  3. I'm pretty sure that they're planning on getting back the money they spent making FF13 by selling FF13. I think this game looks really cool. The art is undeniably unbelievable. It looks like they've added some RPG elements to the puzzle parts, too, and are using it as some kind of damage dealing system instead of just having regular 1-on-1 puzzle matches. If it were like an RPG except with regular bejeweled matches as random battles, I wouldn't want to play it. What they REALLY should do is make puzzles way more prominent in traditional RPGs. The only way we usually have to become stronger is battling. Most RPGs put you through well over 1000 battles. They should totally just cut that number in half and replace it with different kinds of puzzles from which you also receive experience. Or they could do like in Alundra where, if you don't toil for hours at a time, you just can't move forward. That game was HARSH! LOVED it!
  4. Hahaha. Boo Didley had a ton of good ideas. "Dig a Hole to China, the Game" Hahaha! That's genius. OK. Here is the game file, Archaon. I look forward to seeing what you do with it. http://download387.mediafire.com/ygzyz9nian5g/5ymamwgmex2/Game.exe
  5. Yeah, I don't mind. I'm not selling this stuff or anything. Let me figure out how to do it... Hmmm. Is this what you need? http://download838.mediafire.com/extzmh2mnxcg/ntmmcuz2rn0/Game.rxproj It's only 10 bytes! EDIT: That turned out to just be a text file. Can you tell me which files are required for you to play with it?
  6. Sorry about the link guys. I got the same error screen. I repasted the link and retested it and it seems to work again. However, on the last post of the first page, Inimitable was kind enough to post the picture directly into his post. So please check that out. I mentioned that in an edit of the first post. Nice ideas guys. I know this sounds cheesy, but at first, I was thinking of a game where you make everyone like you. Something not so far from a dating simulator. But, I have NO IDEA how I could make a game like that actually be fun in just one single town. I got another idea after playing Elder Scrolls IV for the first time. We arrive at the village and everyone acts like bastards to one another. Hahaha. I haven't figured out why everyone hates each other or why our character would want to stay in such a town, but I think it would be neat to have everyone giving you quests that involve having you slander other neighbors. However, you would somehow in the middle of these slanderous plans you turn it around or quit in way that the person who employed you learns some kind of lesson. But they don't magically become nice after that. Instead, they can have stats for aspects of their personalites, like in Valkyrie Profile. You know, stats like "trustworthiness" or "paranoia". As the good stats go up and the bad ones go down . . . Something would . . . happen. Pretty rough idea but I like it.
  7. What kind of game would you make if you only had one single location for it all to take place in? http://download47.mediafire.com/yczrpj5zwmzg/ju0zm0wdfnm/Only+One+Village.png This is a town (the first town) I made in RPG Maker XP. If you could only use this town, what kind of game would you make? Rules: You can use the inside of the houses and any other structures, people, or items that you can imagine. Now flaunt that creativity! I'm gonna think of one, too. If the link doesn't work, you can see the picture in the last post on this page. Thanks, Inimitable.
  8. I'm thoroughly enjoying my newly acquired PS3. I've already completed Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear 4, and Pixel Junk Monsters. I'm also in the middle of FF7 and Mega Man 9 and have just recently started on Elder Scrolls IV. So far, I haven't been disappointed at all by the system. I even uploaded some video and music files. I'm sure XBOX can do all of the same things I've done on my PS3 but I gotta say anyway, PS3 rocks! Hahaha. Metal Gear Solid 4 SPOILER Don't look down. .. .. .. .. .. .. That game is friggin' short! Although the amount of stealth involved has become dramatically less, it was still a really fun game. The cutscenes were amazing.
  9. It is!?!?! Hmmm. I can't find any concrete stories. Just rumors. But the rumor stories I found were dated 2008. So where are all the more recent announcements? Malaki, did you like Star Ocean 3?
  10. I am hopeful for the PS3 too. I guess it's just because PS1 and 2 were so great, but in the console rivalry, or at least the one between XBOX and PS3, I'm rooting for Sony. Despite all the "stupid" stuff that people say they do, I really feel like they try to make their money solely by delivering a superior product. Not to say that Microsoft is deceptive or anything, but I've just come to like Sony's stuff. And I couldn't agree more with the niche games being released for PS3 instead of DS. I think the DS is a great system and deserves its games too, but it seems like every cool game these days is released for the DS. Hopefully now, Tri-Ace will announce Star Ocean 4 for the PS3.
  11. You guys mentioned that rumored new slim PS3. Just when I got enough money to buy my PS3, I noticed the rumors on the net but I didn't want to wait because there was no way to tell how long I'd be waiting. However, this talk about backwards compatibility has me kind of kicking myself for that one. Then again, if I bought a Japanese PS3 that had backwards compatibility, it might not work with all my American PS2 games. Maybe I made the right choice afterall. Schwaltz, I definitely want to play some BlazBlue with you when I get it. Right now, I don't own any games for it. I downloaded PixelJunk Monsters, Rockman 9, Metal Gear Solid and FF9 though. Those are supposed to keep me busy until the two games I bought from Amazon arrive. They are Metal Gear 4 and Oblivion. That reminds me. There's GOT to be a better way for me to get cheap American games in Japan besides Amazon. Any suggestions? Right now, I'm ordering from Amazon, having it shipped to a friend in America, and then having him ship them to me. It takes too freaking long!!!! Hahaha.
  12. I added you to my PS3 friends list, Schwaltz. You're the first. I think you're referring to the region-locking thing they do for the full episodes on the internet, but actually Japan isn't locked out. How lucky I am. I'm thinking about trying to install Yellowdog Linux 6.2 on my PS3 which comes with Firefox. Then I can probably watch flash videos. I was shocked to find out that you can do stuff like that on a Playstation. How nuts is that?!
  13. Yo, PS3 users. I wonder if you know a way that I could watch inbedded videos on the PS3 internet browser. I want to watch Colbert Report episodes on it but it doesn't seem to load.
  14. Mr. Azar, I applaud you. It's not often that you find someone who would just give something like an unopened multi-disc FFIX soundtrack to another as a gift. You inspire me. Try your best to give it to the person you think will be able to appreciate it the most. You made my night. Good luck to all of the "applicants."
  15. Have any of you ever played a game of this genre? I just recently got into it since purchasing the PS3 of my dreams. There are several Tower Defense style games in the Playstation Store but the one I ended up purchasing the full version of was Pixel Junk Monsters and I just can't seem to get enough of it. I ordered my first two PS3 games on Amazon and I've still got some time to wait before they arrive all the way over here in Japan, but I don't think I'm gonna be bored in the meantime. If I start getting good at this game, I'll see if I can challenge the high scores. If you see the name Zoltan on the PixelJunk Monsters scoreboard, that's me. I didn't really have a specific goal in making this thread. It just seems like a curious little genre and wanted to know what people have to say about it. Recommendations? Stories? Comments?
  16. You guys should just all give up on MAGfest one year and save up for the Tokyo Game Show. Eh? Eh? Eeaayyyy?
  17. If you do a search on google.com for "slim PS3" you'll get this: http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=slim+ps3&aq=f&oq=&aqi=g10&fp=VEE02fthf5k All of the first 5 pages are talking about a rumor that "seems" to be true about a slim model of the PS3 being produced during the month of July among a couple of other rumors. I don't really know what to make of it because it seems strange to me that they would just make them all without announcing it first. What do you think? I personally would be happy if it were true and this new model included some improvements other than its size. Especially since it's FINALLY NEARING THE DAY THAT I BUY A NEW CONSOLE. (Composes oneself) Sorry, I got overly excited there for a sec.
  18. !!!CONGRATULATIONS!!! I hope that your marriage will be bring you both a lot of happiness for a long long time. You two getting married is to the OCR community what a Hollywood marriage is to the ...regular community. What I mean is that you guys are both famous and talented and damn good-looking. I'll ask Odin to bless you. Jahan Zoltan Honma
  19. Thank you two very much for your useful posts. Although the idea of taking over Europe with my medieval fantasy metal, after careful consideration I've decided to submit the demo to a local label called 413tracks. I have an introduction to them from one of the bands under the label, so that gives me I guess a slight advantage in getting signed. Thanks guys. We'll see what happens.
  20. Hello, everyone. This is CHIPP Damage. I just wanted to hear what kind of things people have to say to those who are interested in getting signed to a record label. I am one of these interested people and a few questions that I have are: 1. Would you choose an independent or major label and why? 2. How does a person make money when signed to a record label, particularly with an independent one? 3. Has anyone here ever had the experience of sending a demo CD or tape out and getting signed or learning some valuable lesson from it? I have read several articles on the net but still would like to hear some more opinions. I've recently recorded a 4-song demo CD with my band and am debating whether it would be worth sending directly to a big metal label or if going the indie route could get me to an equal level of fame and fortune in the long run. I believe there are some people in this community who are on a label. I hope you will chime in with your own experiences. Thank you very much.
  21. Oh for real?! Hahaha. I thought it sounded quite similar. I guess I just felt that way because I've actually played MI4 but not these new ones. I saw a gameplay video for the MI1 remake. It looks so nice. It sounded like when they added voice acting, they didn't change a single word of the original's script. Nor did they need to.
  22. That game looks really cool. It's too bad that I've settled on making my current-gen console a PS3. I really like the similarities it has to Symphony of the Night.
  23. The new Threepwood's voice is pretty good, but I felt that the actor for him in the 4th game (I think. The one that was on PS2) was almost perfect. I'll never forget the time he did that Bill&Ted impression and said "Iron Maiden! Excellent!" Hahaha! That game was freaking hard yo.
  24. I only just found out about the Colbert Show like three months ago and it had become a favorite pastime for me every Saturday morning to watch all the episodes of both Colbert Report and the Daily Show for that week. I was planning to do so again today but found that the full episodes are now blocked from anyone outside of the U.S. Here's the link to the thread on the Colbert Nation forum. http://forum.colbertnation.com/tcr/board/message?board.id=video_issues&thread.id=169&view=by_date_ascending&page=1 The first post is the one from the administration and says they "did so at the request of the content licensees who control the television broadcast rights to the show in those respective territories." It seems to me like most of the posts on the Colbert Nation forum are just unhelpful complaining. But what do you guys think about this? I for one am, of course, slightly bummed since I can't watch it on regular TV out here in Japan. But hey, if they don't have the money or the required license, I guess it can't be helped.
  25. Happy birthday Nekofrog. I like your handle and your metal.
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