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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. I haven't translated it, nor can I pick out the entire thing by ear, but it's about a girl and a boy falling in love for the first time and going to the Summer festival for the first time together to enjoy the fireworks show during which they'll happen to hear our song in the background. Well, maybe not that last part. I agree that she has some forced-sounding vibrato.
  2. So I entered a song in this REALLY exciting contest. The objective was to make the best song that portrays the image of nature. And the prize. . . the winning song will be played during the finale of the Matsuhama Fireworks Show here in Japan. Aside from having your song being played in such a unique setting as a fireworks display, what really makes this prize sweet is that 200,000 people go to that festival every year. TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND! I don't know how many people go to big concerts in America but out here in Japan, I think 200,000 is basically unthinkable. Ayumi Hamasaki, perhaps the MOST famous Jpop singer at this time, came out here (I live in Niigata) and gave a concert for two nights. The turnout was 10,000 per night. Add those together and it's only 1/10 of what the winner of this contest gets. Perhaps I'm getting more excited than I need to be, but never-the-less, I am STOKED! Here's the song. Have a listen and feel free to critique the heck out of it. http://avaris.studios.googlepages.com/Jahan.mp3 Title: Destiny Night composition by my friend Hotaru and I and produced by Avaris.
  3. This does sound freaking fun. I can't wait. HOWEVER, I guess it's only works on the PC version?
  4. bLiNd, I'm hoping to see you back again in full health someday. Please come back to us.
  5. In response to the very first post: You're worried about other people making it while you're not. You can try thinking about it the same way that I do and you MIGHT feel a little better. Of course, I'm trying to make it too yo. I also went to college as a music composition major because I wanted to learn how to write music. So now I can write music but I still don't have a music job years down the line. But trying to get something that's easy is no fun anyway. If I make it before I die, it will be a dream come true. If I don't, knowing that I tried my best until the end will be enough for me to die happy. Travelling the path is more important than reaching the goal, wouldn't you say?
  6. Now that is something that brings hope to my heart. I hope that's what it is. Chrono Trigger could be well worth a remake if it were actually that. What Chrono Trigger doesn't need is a port which is what this looks like. Im always gonna be for a Xenogears remake.
  7. Man, I love how The Coop can keep his cool no matter who says what. I gotta learn to be like that. So, who here played Chrono Trigger for the first time in a gaming generation that was later than the one it was released in, and what did you think of it? I played it shortly after it came out and loved it and can still enjoy playing it today. But part of the enjoyment could be coming from the nostalgia of it. But if someone played it for the first time during the PS1 era, (or even better, the PS2 or 3 era) and loved it, wouldn't that be a good measure of whether it's being overrated or not? So did anyone here play Chrono Trigger for the first time during the PS2 generation?
  8. I've read all of the posts and I agree whole-heartedly with Arek the Absolute on the following accounts. Especially the one about Xenogears. All I ever tell myself that I ever need is a remake of Xenogears. . . directed by myself. But Chrono Trigger would be great if they REALLY messed around with it. A 3D world with a completely controllable camera gets me singing every time.
  9. I'm in the same boat as sephire. I wasn't planning on getting a psp, but with all the recent games, I really want one too. The thing is, I hate portable gaming. I just don't feel like I'm relaxing and really enjoying my game. I want to sit home and use my large controller with my large screen (not really large but much more so than a PSP, of course) and take it all in. I don't want to make it my job to level up in Disgaea. But now that FF Tactics, Star Ocean, and Xenosaga games are all out on it, I really want one. Is there any way to hook a PSP up to your TV?
  10. It's crazy because Japanese people are not only into those androgenic characters, but real life men who happen to be really "pretty" are STILL gettin' famous left and right over here. When is it going to end?!
  11. So even the supposedly epic Metal Gear Solid 4 wasn't a good game according to Yahtzee. So, so far the only game he likes is Portal? He doesn't like any of the games he reviews, so I wanna know what he actually likes.
  12. No matter how low the price is, a deal in which you turned out to love the game to death would be the better one every time in my opinion. I can think of three instances of that for myself. The first: Star Ocean 2 for $17.99. I hadn't ever heard of it at the time, but after seemingly countless months of noticing it at the game shop, I finally decided to buy it. I took that mother home and right from the beginning I was like, "Who wrote this freaking amazing music?!...Who came up with this freaking interesting talent and item creation system?!...Who designed this unfreakingbelievably insane battle system?!" I played that game many times and loved it all the way to the hardest version of the final boss of the hardest difficulty setting yo. The second: Valkyrie Profile for $24.99. Having not remembered the name Tri-Ace from Star Ocean 2, I didn't realize that this game was made by the same company. Never-the-less, I was somehow drawn to it by it's cover art, title, and screenshots on the back in exactly the same way I had been to Star Ocean for all those months before. Took that mother home, played it, and from that day forth I declared that Tri-Ace was my all-time favorite game development team and that Motoi Sakuraba was my all-time favorite musician. I've just recently picked up Radiata Stories and it's happening to me all over again! I can't believe these guys! The third: Alundra for $10. This was in Japan, so it was actually 1000 yen. If you've played it, then you can definitely understand why this deal rocks. Aside from being cheap, it's got the most painfully sweet puzzles you can find in a game. I was able to enjoy the heck out of it even in Japanese.
  13. I don't suppose you'd be willing to sell me FFX2 just by itself would you? I'll pay you more than just 10 dollars and of course more shipping since I live in Japan.
  14. Everybody knows that everybody at OCR looks just like their avatar. In other words, JJT is the suave Brad Pitt-looking dude.
  15. Waahahaha! Dude, using Babelfish to translate stuff doesn't prove anything. On the other hand I do see what you mean just by looking at my own translations for this band. Oh! I like not having the whiny sound too yo! Thanks. That's a good point. Thanks for the advice. I could let you hear them. I'll do it after work today. But if you listen to the Japanese one, then maybe you'll think the English one sounds more weird. Nooooooo! I agree whole-heartedly with you. When it comes to music, I treat the lyrics themselves as a secondary thing. If just the sound is cool then I'll like it and the meaning of it all will just be an added bonus. And in the case of a Japanese band like this, I feel like that's the best method to apply since we simply can't understand what they are saying. However, when you actually DO understand and you just happen to not like the topic (like sappy love songs that everyone's going on about ) whether you want to or not, you can just get turned off. And of course that means that if you like the meaning, then you'll like the song more. It's a complicated as heck system of emotions yo! Hahaha. Although I don't care for Elle Garden myself, upon hearing Elle Garden for the first time I felt the same way. They should be able to do it.
  16. Perhaps it was mentioned and instantly rejected in one of the previous 288 pages, but since there are so many people participating in this thread, why don't we make a top 10 or 20 list? Don't you think it would be fun to try and beat the 20 hardest bosses in video game history as it is retold by OCR? I think it would be. What do you think? We could have a vote or something.
  17. There. I got the lyrics up. Yeah, Tensei I guess you're right. As long as it sounds Japanese, it may not be able to make it in other countries. I don't think it's that heavy though. I always compare Another Aspect to Evanescence. I haven't heard much Evanescence but my memory says that the heaviness isn't so different. Nekofrog: Exsanguination! Lol
  18. I don't know why but no matter how much a popular Japanese band sounds like a foreign one and no matter how good their English is, they can't make it big in any other countries. The perfect example of this is a band called Elle Garden. Japanese, but their songs are in English and they sound exactly like a lot of other rock/pop/punk style bands that have made it in the past. But as far as I know, they aren't famous in America or Europe. So how about this band? They are my friends from Okinawa and their band's name is Taia which means "Great Raven." They're a great band and I've been translating their songs into English for their English Demo CD. I've always like this band's music but upon studying Seika's (The vocalist) lyrics for translation I found myself constantly being moved by her stories. I've been trying as hard as I can to preserve the meaning of her lyrics while making it fit into the melody and sound unnatural. To be honest, it's REALLY freaking difficult. Hahaha. So here are two songs from Taia's upcoming English Demo Album. Please tell me if you think of their music and go ahead and critique my translation job too if you'd like. ^_- Magnolia - http://chipp_damage.sitesled.com/02%20Magnolia.wma Another Aspect - http://chipp_damage.sitesled.com/04%20Another%20Aspect.wma Unfortunately, you probably won't be able to understand what she's saying just by listening. So, I'll post the lyrics later. I don't have the files anymore so I have to listen over and over again and rewrite them. Doh! Magnolia Brought up with so much love and caring tenderness. Your heart is innocent In any hardship you face you seem to be able to turn it into strength. The wind is blowing so hard, making it difficult to breathe like a Magnolia blowing in the wind, trying to resist. And if everything gets swallowed up by a raging sadness uncontrollable "Something's always left. Something that can make us glad. Reach out and take by the hand, hold it ever close to the heart When that night of pain is gone." That's what you'd say. And you'd smile through it all. And you'd smile through it all. So just keep smiling on Magnolia. There's no way you could never have dirtied your hands before. How can you look at me with those eyes of innocence? Even if you are hurt and taken away by darkness, your fingertips become ever colder as you walk through anxiety And no matter where you go it seems there's no place you belong. "Something's always there. Something new that makes us glad. It's something that we've never seen before and we should just reach out for our happiness." That's what you'd say. And you'd smile through it all. And you'd smile through it all. So just keep smiling on Magnolia. Another Aspect I'm crouching, crying in the night and I can't move a muscle. Although the dawn has come I can't hear a thing. Not a single thing. Oh, please let me perish here and now because I can't forget you The memory of you just won't leave me alone. It keeps tormenting. I just want to that this was all just a big mistake. I just do not want to accept this. If I offered everything to you; my tears, my voice; we'd just get tangled. though the thread's been frayed by us before, it's strong enough to bind us down once more. You still don't seem to understand. There's no way we can stop it. No point in looking sad cause the ball has already started rolling. Follow the trail of sound to find a misaligned gear. A gear that's too heavy. There is no way to remove it. If I offered everything to you; my tears, my voice; we'd stay connected. though the thread's been frayed by us before, it's strong enough to connect us once more. You said that there was nothing out there in the world you can't regain. I want you to remember that I'll forgive your mistakes forevermore. Now there is nothing left for me that I can call precious Because ????? of me was with you but it's gone now. I will be waiting right here and knit this dress of hair So I don't miss the sound of your footsteps. If my thoughts do not reach you, I will have to chain myself to you forever. While I rub my cheeks against your skin, your worn out skin, to you I will hold on. As I am embracing you where can I go? It's not too far so You do not need to be afraid. You're shaking so to you I will hold on. _______________________________ In retrospect there are some funny parts in Another Aspect. And she changed the accented syllable of some places. What the heck are our problems?! Hahaha.
  19. Oh man! I'd better take this opportunity get nostalgic about all the experiences I had with these three. (Don't worry. It isn't much.) The Orihalcon: . . . Well, crap. I don't think I've ever had the honor of being judged by The Orichalcum(Star Ocean 2 spelling. ). I'm sorry I missed out man. Pixietricks: Thank you for giving me advice about my Guilty Gear remix back in the day. Being the opera singer in the house you had a lot to say about an orchestral piece like that one. I'll never forget the time you told me that "chimes are a cliche that people only use when they don't know what else to do." It's funny because, even though I'm the one who composed it, my producer-man George James was the one who got upset about that comment. Hahaha. He was fine though. JJT: I was slowly building up a give and take relationship with the dude. I was constantly giving it and he was taking it. Hahaha. It's unfortunate that everything I said around him tended to annoy the heck out of him more and more as his judging career neared its end. Looking forward to more piano-y goodness from you in the future none-the-less yo. Have fun you three.
  20. I haven't analyzed that "dissonant" solo's notes or anything, but relying upon just my ear, it sounds like it's creating a very intentional effect. It doesn't sound too dissonant and I think that changing the notes to be less dissonant would make it sound less interesting. In short, I think it sounds cool the way it is. I agree with Scaredism. You should submit this mofo.
  21. Wow man! I gotta say Tensei, everything you make totally appeals to me. there are lots of great guitar remixers on the site, but your style is totally my thing. I dig this. Sorry I can't be of help on the production side which is really the only side you seem to need advice on. You ought to be shredding this site up with your sweet guitarage pretty soon I think! DO IT!
  22. 2 things: 1. That is a WONDERFUL story. That means he probably started playing the very first generation of games when he was 30? Hahaha. I love it! 2. MONOBROOOOOOOOW! I didn't know about Chrono Crisis! Thank you! I'm reading every word printed on the site after work today yo! I LOVE YOU! I wonder how old the oldest OCR head is.
  23. I too like Stratovarius. I thought the split up was coming as I had followed a bunch of Stratovarius news back in the day and noticed the increasing harsh problems popping up. Breaks my heart, too. I still never heard the Elements Part 2. I need to get listen to that. I like how there are lots of love songs by Stratovarius. They sound totally different from love songs in the Pop genre. In particular, A Million Light Years Away.
  24. I dig it. I'd be honored if you wanted to play my Guilty Gear remix that's on the site. It's called Destroy Movements. It doesn't have lyrics though. If by any chance you were interested in playing a work-in-progress that is just about ready for resubmission, I'd have a Valkyrie Profile Death Metal remix for you. It has lyrics.
  25. Happy birthday, you Star Trek reject. Hahaha. Just kidding. You da man!
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