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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. After discovering it, it just seemed like the kind of thing that I'd see countless threads about in here. Has nobody ever tried making their own RPG with a program like that? I for one am VERY curious about it. I've been fiddling around with it a lot lately. So far I've discovered how bad I am at making area maps.
  2. Oh hey man, don't worry. I haven't forgotten about your song. In fact, I suppose I do need to give your song priority, so that's what I'll do. Sorry, for the delay man. You've been waiting for quite a while already.
  3. I've heard Dragon Ash and also Rappagariya. But I'm going with my own style here yo. Most Japanese Hip Hop seems pretty fast to me and, though I do plan to do some fast ones too, I wanna do some slow stuff. Supposedly Japanese sounds kind of odd rapped slowly I've been told, but I can make it sound cool. But putting all that talk aside, I'm making English ones for you guys. Basically, I want to get along with you guys because my beats sound totally different from Chrono's and Chrono's sound totally different from Salluz's... But if I just wrote Japanese lyrics for them, you guys won't know what the heck I'm saying and you probably can't really show it to your friends right? So, you let me use a beat of yours for my JRAP to perform out here and I make an English one for you to share with everyone in the West...Kind of thing. I'm stoked that everyone's starting to share their beats on here. I'm gonna post my two that are in progress this weekend. there are probably some other vocalists in the house in here besides me so you guys should lay a verse down too. Let's do it!! Edit: Meteo, that's an interesting beat you got started. Sweet. All you guys' beats are sweet!
  4. Oh sorry man. I'm not trying to scare you. It's been referred to as a project but really it's just me wanting to collaborate with people to make rap music. There's no deadline or quota or anything. Just, if you have a beat that you don't mind letting me use, please let me use it. That's all. I hope I get to hear some Xavier beats some time in the future. I checked out your myspace rap and I liked it a lot man. You left the groove really open and spacious. Interesting. You can go any way you want to. I don't mind you letting me use your old beats if you think they do you justice AND you haven't been using them yourself already, like sharing them on the net. But when I get honest with myself, I'd have to say that I really prefer a new original one.Man, you guys are gonna have me swimming in beats soon. Thanks. I'm gonna do my best to make some quality rap for them all. By the way, the content will probably be on the light side since I like songs with a comic element to them. Anyway, like I said, I love Ludacris and often pretend that I'm him when I come up with lyrics these days. But I don't talk about the hos and the bustaz since I don't know anything about that. Hahaha.
  5. Waaahahhaa! Once again slayed by JJT humor. . . You're tryin' to tell me that I use too many happy faces, aren't you? Man, you guys rock. I didn't think I'd find anyone eager do get involved so quickly. Especially, since this has nothing to do with game music. So yeah guys, bust out any kind of groove that you like, PM me the link, I'll do my best to put some clever lyrics to it and send it back to you. I'm gonna continue working on my own beats as well so that things keep moving. If we've got 10 songs, we've got an album yo. So it's ok to count Salluz and Meteo Xavier in right? I've got one beat in progress. I'll send it out to you guys when it's done.
  6. These days I'm heavily into rap and I do enjoy making the beats and putting lyrics to it but I'm interesting in putting lyrics to other people's beats, too. So I'm looking for collaboration partners for original hip hop (not remixes). Anything we make, we just share with the community. I'm gonna write lyrics in English for the sake of the West, but I'm also gonna write Japanese lyrics for it and try my hand at J-rap. If a song becomes famous in Japan, I'll drop your name as the composer/producer and you'll get much bucks. Just so you have an idea of what kind of rap I'll do, I used to listen to good ole Coolio and Doug E. Fresh but now I can't really get into anyone except Ludacris. Every time I write a rap song I pretend I'm him. Man I wish I had his voice! Hahaha. Now, who wants to make some Hip Hop?
  7. Sweet. The Audacity thing worked. Thanks a lot man. Yeah, I guess I should have searched harder before coming here. I'll stick to it more from now on. It's too bad that before I read your post I had already begun re-recording everything from scratch. (sigh) Thanks!
  8. I recorded a song, exported all the tracks to individual wav audio files, I reinstalled Windows XP and now every time I try to listen to those files, I'm told that I need some codec. I click the "get codec" button and then it says that the file type may not necessarily need a codec after all and that it could be a problem related to some old codec that's still on my computer. If I try to import the files into Sonar, it just tells me that it's unable to do so. Any ideas as to what I have done to my computer? Avaris said that it's probably because I exported those tracks to 16-bit or 32-bit audio and that's what's causing the problem. But they always worked before I installed Windows XP again and that's the state I want to return to. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  9. This is just what OCR needs. Since the bulk of us are heavy gamers, I'd really love to see some people surprise themselves at the fact they can do exercise without it being some kind of torment. I got pretty large goals in this area as well since I too am one of those heavy-bodied game-players. Height: 5ft.11in. Age: 28 current weight: 83kg./183lb. target weight: 75kg/166lb. It may not sound like a lot of weight but I've got this big, tasty looking meat donut of stomach on me. Not to mention fat, chickeny thighs. Although, my goal weight is 75 kilograms, my first real goal is just get into the habit of doing some really hard exercise EVERY day. I used to go to the gym once in a while, but now that I'm moving, I won't live close enough to go there any more. So my new plan is to do... ...Are you ready for this?... BBC! Billy's Boot Camp. I tried this thing about 4 times in the past when a friend of mine brought it over. Let me tell you, it is one harsh workout. You'll get tired as heck while packing on some muscle at the same time. I remember the first time I did it. I sweat so much that my living room became "The Jahan Sea." So I'm gonna get it just the first DVD for now and work it hard everyday if it's possible to do so inside my new place. I'll let you know. I'm looking forward to hearing some success stories in here. I hope Arek becomes oh-so sexy again.
  10. Hey Prophet. Can you make an update for me? I thank you for recommending my keyboard but it looked like nobody was ready to buy it so I went ahead and sold it at the local music shop for a measly 125 bucks. Oh well. So in other words... No longer for sale: Yamaha MM6 Keyboard/MIDI Controller that Prophet recommended Also, I didn't see it in the Wants section so if it's not there, could you please add one for me? Wants: Alundra (PS1/US) [CHIPP Damage] Thanks a bunch. This thread was a FREAKING good idea.
  11. The answer to your question would be easier to find if you told us what version you were playing. U.K. version? I played the American version a long time ago and found it FREAKING hard. But, I think it's just that you're older now. Upon playing some games which I found really hard when I was a kid, I found that most of them are a breeze for me now. I'm really interested in getting a Wii and playing two player games with my wife, and Secret of Mana is one of them. That ss such a fun game for cooperation. I hope it's still hard when I play it again.
  12. Dude! I think I figured it out. I opened up the volume control and set it the recording source to line in. It sounds dumb, I know. But I just assumed that since it was always picking up my guitar from the line in jack, it was always set on line in. . . But it wasn't. interesting. Thank you!
  13. Thanks for the advice guys. It looks like you guys really know what you're doing. Despite that, I still haven't fixed the problem, which probably means I just need to describe my situation in better detail. Here we go. I'm recording with my guitar plugged into my sampler (just acting as a kind of mixing board because directly from the guitar never seems to work) and the sampler's line out going into the computer's line in. (so, no mics or amps.) I wrote a drum beat and applied the HyperCanvas sample library to it. They are or WERE VSTs. To use them in Sonar they were converted to DXIs. I have no idea what the difference is, but any time I want to use a VST, I have to use Sonar's VST to DXI converter first. Tracks: I got a midi track for the drums I wrote with the output set as "hypercanvas 1 output" and the input as "none" or "omni." I got the DXI track for the Hypercanvas. Input: "Hyper Canvas 1 Output" Output: "SoundMax Digital Audio 1/2" And I got my Audio track for recording guitar. Input: "Stereo SoundMax Digital Audio" Output: "SoundMax Digital Audio 1/2" The Goal: Once again, is to listen to my drum beat while simultaneously recording ONLY my guitar playing to the audio track. The Problem: However, is that every time I try it, my recording audio track picks up the drums as well. I tried my best to mimic the stuff you showed me, Chaos in a Can, but it didn't work out. I wonder if I can make this work by using the mic instead of the line in jack. Thanks again for your help guys. If you can help me solve this problem, you'll be changing the way I make music forever! Until now, I've been doing the "drawing notes with the mouse" method and it's TEDIOUS yo!
  14. whoopsy. SALE: Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix (PS2/Japan) Devil May Cry (PS2/Japan)
  15. Mayne, Whatchoo talkin bout foo?! You got an SNES avatar! Upon hearing that this game will be 3 player, I REALLY wanna get me a Wii and play it with my wife and friend. Although that game is probably too hard for my wife. I remember having a heck of a time beating it when I was younger. Maybe it would be easy now that I'm older. The thing that I'm worried about is... Can I buy an American Wii and then download American VC games while living in Japan? I wanna play my games in English.
  16. Hey, that's what you get for eating everyone else... and I know you did it too, because it seems like you're the only European person I ever see around here anymore. By the way, I do have Japanese versions of Devil May Cry and Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix, if anyone is interested.
  17. You know correctly. I see it with my own eyes every Tuesday because on Tuesdays I work at a "bad school" where literally MOST of the students are extreme gamers who constantly play Puyopuyo, Metal Gear, and Monster Hunter Portable. They bring it to school and everything! Hahaha!
  18. Great idea for a thread indeed. I want to buy several games from Pezman but I'm gonna hold myself back for now. FOR SALE: Yamaha MM6 keyboard/midi controller. $350. That keyboard costs between 500 and 600 as far as I've seen. I personally think this is a great deal. It's still in perfect condition. It's only about half a year old since I've had it. I really hope someone can take it off my hands. You don't even have to worry about the shipping cost from JAPAN nor will I ask you to think about currency exchange rates! Just 350 flat for the keyboard and all of it's components in a box. Instruction manual is not English, though. REALLY REALLY WANT: For the past three years, I've had one game on my mind that I don't have and it's all I really need to feel like a complete man. Alundra (PS1/USA). Please fulfill my desire. ^_-
  19. dude, that was great. ESPECially for a first-timer. Is camera abscura the thing where you were walking up and down the stairs in the background of the final scene? Cause, I thought that was a genius thing. Use of music was good too.
  20. I tired some things but they aren't working out. the drums are midi with soundfonts on them and the output is the . . . What should I call it, the Soundfont's own output. It's called Hypercanvas. So the Hypercanvas track's output can be SoundMax 1/2, SoundMax 3/4. or SoundMax 5/6. If it's not set to one of those, I can't hear it. Then for the audio track to which I'd like to record guitar, I can only choose inputs of: None, Hypercanvas, or SoundMax Audio. I just don't get it yo. is there some way I can make sure the input is just "line in" or something? Thanks for your help.
  21. I don't know if it will be possible for us to chat in real time except with MSN or IRC. However, I know all the Japanese that you'll ever need for your class, so I'll be willing to give you a lesson by text about whatever you want yo. Ask me whatever yo.
  22. Mustin won't be taking it from me after all. SO--- My keyboard is still for sale. so please let me know.
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