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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. Hey guys. I've looked all over the help menus in Sonar 3 but can't figure this out. I made a simple drum beat just for the purpose of keeping time while I record audio with my guitar. Everytime I do it, the audio track with which I am recording records my guitar AND the drum part as it plays. Is there any way I can make an audio track only record my guitar while still listening to other parts at the same time? Thanks a bunch. CHIPP Damage
  2. I just emailed Mustin about it. If anyone else is interested please feel free to mention it here or PM me about it. Whether Mustin will be able to take it off my hands or not, I'll let anyone else who is interested know. Thanks.
  3. Sorry, I edited my last post. Just selling it because "I'm gonna get a guitar midi controller and use that for the bulk of my Electronic Music making since I can play a lot more guitar than keyboard. It'll take up less space too."
  4. Alright Mustin. It's yours if you want it. Should I hold it for you? Wow, I had no idea I had such a quality product on my hands. There are no problems with the keyboard. I'm just selling it because I'm gonna get a guitar midi controller and use that for the bulk of my Electronic Music making since I can play a lot more guitar than keyboard. It'll take up less space too.
  5. Hello. CHIPP Damage here, trying to sell his keyboard. It's a Yamaha MM6. Here's one link about it. There may be more helpful ones out there, though. http://www.yamahamusician.com/yamaha_mm6.html I'm hoping to let this go for $350 including the shipping. There are newer keyboards than this so if you're looking for top quality samples to use in your next OverClocked ReMix, you may not want this one. However, my impression of this keyboard is that the samples are of good general quality. I personally really liked all of the synth sounds that it had. It has a USB port for midi-controlling and perhaps some other possible functions that I don't know about. So, you could still use it for high-class remixing if you applied computer based sample libraries like most people do. But if I had to pick just one type of usage which suits it best, I'd say in a band. Anyway, you guys know a lot more about keyboards than I do so it's probably best that you just check out some online info if you don't know about this keyboard already. Just to be clear, for $350 you will receive: -A Yamaha MM6 Keyboard -It's power adapter (Yes, it will work in America) -The instruction manual in Japanese. (Sorry. Perhaps you can look at it online somewhere) -The box that it all came in. The condition is perfect. I bought it for 600 bucks a little over 1/2 a year ago and just don't use it much and would like to sell it, preferably before I move to my new apartment on November 2nd. Any takers?
  6. . . . >|<__>|< Well, I'll be damned. It IS just relocated to Off-Topic. This is embarrassing. Nothing I ever say on the internet goes the way I plan it to. I don't even know what else I can say except that I hope you found it entertaining. But, I do agree with Starla that it should be deleted. If it were just me making jokes it might not be so bad, but me trying to get everyone to post a whole thread of most likely derogatory things totally should have set off a bell or two in my conscience. I'm such an unprofessional mutha. (sigh) I'm just gonna try and forget about this nonsense and read my book now. Thanks for the relieving comments though.
  7. Hello. This is CHIPP Damage. This is message of apology to anyone who took offense to the thread I created earlier today. (If you don't know about it, that's good.) I asked people to post jokes and stereotypes about a certain race of people (all in good fun) without even thinking that someone might be offended by it. But after returning home and finding the thread gone, I thought for a bit and came to the conclusion that it must have been deleted because of its inappropriateness which I somehow failed to realize. You're probably thinking, "How could anyone who made that not notice?!" But it's possible with me. So, those of you who were offended, I am sorry. It won't happen again. And I promise that it was just me being absent-minded as usual. Please forgive me. This thread doesn't really need any replies, though, if possible, I hope I can get an "apology accepted" from the person who deleted the thread for me. Thank you. PS: I'm glad to have people around to help keep me in check.
  8. You guys come in here with a limp in your step and all your classical anime knowledge. . . But FAIL to mention "My Omelette" !!! This song exists on a completely new tier of "anime opening themes respect" because it's pop music and "real" music at the same time. Paying tribute to everyone's favorite omelette-destroying classical composer Beethoven while simultaneously making omelettes sound appealing to the younger generation. There's hardly a masterpiece that makes as daring a mix of ingredients as this one. Kindgom Hearts 2 spoilers, I think. http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=0Zh25PnNFtA
  9. Yeah. Like you said, that's not a technical barrier but a productical one. Come on man, he doesn't do it on the site, but since he was asked directly in a recorded interview, of course he wanted to give them an answer.I have several miscellaneous comments about this. What were they all...? -DJP's house looks REALLY freaking comfortable. I'd like to go there one day. -I too thought DJP would look totally different despite having seen pictures. -THAAAANK YOUUUUU! For mentioning my mix of all the ones you could've mentioned. That kicked my ass and made my entire month of September! Now I feel all inspired to make another remix. -That clip within the video was my first time to hear the Shinobi soundtrack and it sounded cool. -I like Dragon Song, too. -I have no idea who these Internet Superstar interviewers are, but I do know who DJP is and I'm stoked that he got chosen. Seeing stuff like this gets me all excited and makes me start having fantasies about what's gonna happen to OCR in the future. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be something like Zircon collabing with Uematsu, Pixietricks being the soprano vocalist for the PS3 remake of Brave Fencer Musashi, DJP becomes known as The Father of VG Music ReMixing for pushing the emphasis on arrangement, OCR has a full Japanese release of the site and becomes one of those ridiculous booms that every single Japanese person will try to access at the same time and mistake Monobrow for a man and I'll get to make Star Ocean and Valkyrie Profile metal remixes with Motoi Sakuraba. My god, it will be beautiful.
  10. My parents were hippies too, but I got named Jahan Zoltan (?). So NOBODY'S ever met Gray Lightning in person? He's never come to one of those meet ups or to MAGAZINE FEST? He gave me some brutal advice once It was something along the lines of "This slap bass rocks, but can't you sing this thing in key?" Hahaha. But for me, since I didn't really know him, what stood out most about him was his avatar. It was a picture of a Japanese girl that looked a heck of a lot like Ayumi Hamasaki. Maybe it was her.
  11. Well, you know, djp could just make an original song. She'd probably be so stoked. That's what I did in my wedding. There's one scene where the father walks the bride down the aisle and I meet them halfway and he gives her to me. During that part, they played my original and it was so cool yo. He could write the music for the whole thing if or just the final kiss, whatever he wanted. It should definitely be electronica, though.
  12. There is no Metal Scale. After all, there's blues-based metal and there's classical-based metal. Whether this is a metal track or not depends on what you song sounds like. This melody could be worked into a Metal song very easily yo. You should go for it, if that's what you want.
  13. I know it's only the beginning, but I don't think playing verbatim like that is a good idea. Of course, turning any song into any other genre is possible, and Marble Zone to Heavy Metal is not a stretch at all, but the judges will basically say that "there is no arrangement to speak of" if you leave it as a straight up guitar version of the melody like it is now. I thought the ending part sounded particularly cool in this style though.
  14. Living in Japan, I see commercials for this game ALL the freaking time. They usually show several random scenes that can be described with words that sound similar to the word mabinogi, and then they show a scene from the game at the end and say "Mabinogi." Anyway, from the way they do the commercial, I was under the influence that it's a game where you can do, dare I say, almost anything. Anyway, it looks like fun to me.
  15. That Zelda trailer was cool. But you know what could make it 10 times better? . . . Some black guys and naked Korean women. As for the argument in here, I'd really just rather see the finished product. It sounds like it's already done. If it is, how do we see it?
  16. I agree with the robot heads about ZOE2. I don't think there's any good reason to get the original ZOE since ZOE2 basically one-ups the original in every way. Of course the story is different so some might say that they like the first one more. I also agree with shadow of the colossus and of course Metal Gear Solid 3. Oh yeah. And if you can handle speedy 2D fighting games, then I recommend Guilty Gear X2 Accent Core.
  17. Yo. It's not that bad looking to me. Although, it's not my thing. I don't care for violent, dark movies. But, I'll tell you what could really save this thing. You just need to put some black people in it and also a naked Korean lady or three.
  18. So what death metal is classified as brutal? I assumed we were talking about Grindcore or something.
  19. Now THAT'S a good idea for some metal. HAHAHA!This is a moment for me to shine I guess. I was in "the fastest band along the Japan Sea" for a while. It's called Gevotais Borken. I haven't heard much professional brutal death metal, but if they all have as complex song-writing capabilities as the leader of Gevotais, I'll start listening to a whole lot more of it. Constantly changing time signatures, hard tempo changes and complete atonality that still makes a bit of sense to one's ears; I can't think of a more winning combination for that genre.
  20. You just beat me to it Broken. His stand up was extremely funny and most of all, the stage presence was unbelievable. He was one of my favorite comedians, too. I hope he's somewhere better now. R.I.P.
  21. Oh man, Bahamut! You're speaking in tongues now, and I fear I may be the only person who understands you. The Last Candle is one of my all-time favorite sing-along songs yo! It doesn't make me feel pumped or aggressive as much as just happy. Another song that forgot. Have you guys heard the Korean version of Dizzy's theme from Guilty Gear XX? That one is pretty heavy and gets me going. As for boss themes, hmmmm. There's probably a boss theme I like more, but as far as FF goes, I gotta go with FF IX's song. It's just got that brutal string riff in it.
  22. The song that really makes me want to get aggressive is DJCarbunkle's (He changed his remixer name though) Suffering Planet. That song kicks my ass every time!
  23. Thanks for all the constructive criticism guys. Indeed there are flaws all over this thing, but we didn't have time to tamper with it anymore because of the deadline. Thanks for all the luck. I think they'll decide the winner by this weekend, so I'll let you guys know. And IF I get some kind of debut out of this, I'll let you know that too. So do you guys think that I'm making too big a deal out of 200,000 people or is that as significantly large an audience as I've been going on about?
  24. I didn't think her voice was bad at all until the chorus, personally. It sounds kinda like Enka music, if you know what that is. Hopefully it sounds better to Japanese people than it does to American ears.
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