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Everything posted by Otakatt

  1. This is fantastic, and a great opening for The Fabled Warriors - Wind. You play that first track and your attention is immediately hooked by a rockin' rendition of the game's main theme. Epic. I can't really think of much to say about it... it's Sixto. It's guitar. It shouldn't be looked over or skipped, regardless if one is familiar with the source tune or not. And two days? Really?
  2. I really enjoy this, whether or not that's because I've always been in love with the source *and* string instruments... I can't say. It's just great to hear Edward's theme expanded on and fluffed out. I wouldn't have minded hearing some more up tempo things in this piece, but as is I still find it enjoyable. It's great background music without being overbearing. Around the 5:40 mark there's something that sounds like.. plucked strings? I'm not sure because I'm kinda slow about music, but yeah, I like that part.
  3. O Remix, Where Are Thou? Considering the source and the fact it has 'Hoedown' in the title, this wasn't something I planned to really give a listen, despite being a fan of Vurez. I'm a terrible person, I know. But I heard it, I believe on Kyle's show, which has prompted me to come back and give it a proper listen. I like that it's a fun remix, and it reminds me that Vurez is just pure talent. I've heard him make many remixes in a rather large variety of styles and no matter what style he chooses it sounds authentic to me, this mix included. It's not something I'm going to listen to a lot, admittedly, not for a lack of quality or anything of the like, but the genre just isn't my thing. I'd still recommend people give it a chance, because like 42 said, it's a really fun mix and the world needs more fun.
  4. The source, Deception, is a pretty short song. I'm always really impressed when a remixer can take a source that's really short and work with it and evolve it into a full song. That sort of thing doesn't always work out as sometimes it gets repetitive or you get a bunch of filler that isn't related to the source, but I don't find that to be the case here. This is really catchy, and I love that it evokes the feel of Final Fantasy V, if that makes sense. If the game were ever remade, I think this would fit in perfectly. Big thumbs up to AeroZ, a name I hope to see in every Final Fantasy project henceforth.
  5. << >> *raises hand* I've played it. I enjoyed it. I still own it.
  6. If the 4th album would have been as sweet as the first or second, I'd have been all for it. But if the Black Mages aren't feeling it I think no album is better than another like the third. I like some of the third, but feel that overall it pales so very much to its predecessors.
  7. I think simple and effective can be said for a lot of the Lunar songs. <3 Part of me hears it and thinks its cheesy, but next thing you know I'm hitting replay. Can't say I care for the new boat song on the remake...
  8. Oh, a vg song with vocals that really left an impact on me when I first heard it was Minuet, from Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song. It's beautiful and I think it works perfectly with the opening and sets a great tone for the game itself. Bards and romanticism and meeting and parting with a wide array of allies. Fun times. ETA!: The live version is pretty fantastic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6Olgn7T-Y8
  9. No me. I should up my activity levels. I'd probably be Al Pacino since I scanned my face in one of those things that tell you what celebrity you look like. And I'm Al Pacino. ETA: Upon running my picture through another celebrity face thing, I'm suddenly a cute asian girl. What
  10. Final Fantasy Tactics: Trisection http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVrQv36YFgg I first heard it the first time I played FFT, of course. First 'battle' of the game, and I thought it fit perfectly. Dreary rain, thunder, church, and sexy violin. You can never have too much sexy violin.
  11. Having typed up a resume for someone and having a friend help with editing it I've been talking with them a bit about... well... resumes. Stuff like that. As a terrible person who has never had a real job or made a real resume, I try to at least absorb some knowledge on how to go about making one. When you haven't had a real job, putting anything you can on a resume seems important. I asked them if it'd be viable to put something on one, like the fact I helped with some art on the OCR FF5 album, and was told experience is experience, so that wouldn't be a bad idea. However! They also went on to tell me I'd have to be careful who to submit that to, because if more professional people saw "The Otaku" listed as the one credited, they might be pretty "Ehn" about it. And before anyone says anything, yes, I know The Otaku is a horrible name. I've been teased about it on VGMix. I've been teased about it the other day when a friend saw that. While I'm not going to be going for anything professional any time soon, if ever, I wonder if this is something I should nip in the bud? Is "The Otaku" going to come back to haunt me later? It also makes me nervous because I have various cat related names attached to my DeviantArt account, as well as my email address. And my YouTube... But it's more the DA account that worries me. I'm really a personal person to the point of paranoia, so I keep my real name pretty guarded. I'm trying to get over that though, and have been known to out my first initial, middle initial, and last name for art related purposes, at least. Still, The Otaku, The Catlady... it's still there. I figure this is a good place to ask about that, considering the various musicians here that go by pseudonyms and even attach them to their work. Successful musicians at that! Zircon comes to mind, although zircon is a tasteful name. I have to wonder what would have happened if he was head of SirVegetaStudios. Are pseudonyms generally frowned upon? Are they okay if tasteful? Has anyone had first hand experience with terrible online names biting them in the butt? Any insight about this from anyone would be greatly appreciated!
  12. It makes me really happy that such an underrated game and soundtrack from the SNES era is getting the attention and accolade it deserves. I never thought I'd ever see FF5 get this treatment, but sure enough... I really enjoyed this album. I listened to it, then promptly had to play FF5. All the different styles the artists bring help make the album stand out. I love the rawk Sixto brought to the main theme. The high energy really fits. The Fire Ship theme. I have to admit I don't like it. But then I heard what Nutritious did with it, and... yeah. Wow. I love it. I'm even going to be bad and say that Edge of Valor ended up being my favorite on this album. I'm always really impressed when people can take something I don't like and turn it into pure awesome. And.. I'm bad with words. I hate to 'leave people out' but I really think everyone did a great job, even if I don't go into specifics. <3 Although I do have to say In the Shadows? Fit Thief like a glove. And Jose did a great job with the trailer, as always. I find that when a project comes out I really look forward to seeing what he puts together for the trailer. I'm sad to have to wait so long for further releases, but really looking forward to what you guys are going to do with other themes I adore from FF5.
  13. Seconding(thirding?) Monster. It's really amazing. Though if you have a short attention span and don't wanna keep up with a story for 70+ episodes, it might not be for you. I know some prefer shorter series.
  14. I'm not so sure about that, considering we have Aeris and not Aerith, and Terra and not Tina. Either way, main protagonist from FFV and my favorite from Dissidia FTW.
  15. Butz sounds stupid to me hence me calling him Bartz. And since he was brought over as Bartz, I would think if he did go up it'd make more sense to put him up as Bartz and not Butz.
  16. Instead of adding new names to the fray, I'll back up some that have already been mentioned. Ramza Beoulve from Final Fantasy Tactics. Bartz Klauser from Final Fantasy V. Lenneth Valkyrie from Valkyrie Profile. Luna from the Lunar series. ...okay I'll add one of my own. Balthier from Final Fantasy XII.
  17. Truth. Of course my problem was that I got ALUCARD. Having played SotN first, I had some idea in my head that he'd be super awesome because he was awesome in SotN. I ended up never beating CV3. D: Nario you are just too cool.
  18. If I had the talent for doing this, I'd so do it. But alas, after trying to turn bLiNd's Golbez and Goblins into a step mix... yeah. Epic fail. If people take this on though, you have my luck and support*! *Especially if you use Golbez and Goblins. It just screams for you to dance to it!
  19. Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness (freaking Etna mode) and Lunar Harmony of Silver Star~ Disgaea is great of course, although I feel gimped without Laharl and the rest of my people were really neglected. :\ So now on the last boss of Etna mode... I just can't do it. Lunar HoSS is not a bad remake at all, but I am a little grr about the voice acting. I really prefer the original there, as well as the old songs. Also, plz go away Yuri Lowenthal, thx.
  20. Wizards and Warriors 1 Title Theme from Wizards and Warriors series.
  21. I thought Legacy was great. Beginnings certainly wasn't bad at all either!
  22. Not amazing or classic, but it made me smile. It was enjoyable, which is great for free! Nothing like paying for a hyped moving and discovering it sucks. Watching a free movie with caution and enjoying it when all is said and done? Success. I think Roll could have had a nicer wig though.
  23. The themes from E.V.O. has always induced bouts of rage in my soul.
  24. Brentalfloss. <3<3<3<3<3 It's super awesome to see him here. 2-2 Blues was one of my favorites by him, even if not one of his more humorous pieces. I really enjoyed the piano and the singing, and particularly the lyrics. It's just a... sweet little song? I don't know how else to put it, exactly. I hope to see more of him here in the future.
  25. Thanks! :) To both The Damned and Level 99.

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