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Everything posted by Otakatt

  1. DeviantArt lets you share writing too. If you're looking for critique on your writing, however, I don't think much critique goes down at DA. Aside from that I'm not too familiar with non-RP writing communities. I've seen some things around Livejournal, so you could try searching around there? Google lead me here: http://www.writerscafe.org/ Maybe something like that is what you're looking for? Or http://www.nanowrimo.org/?
  2. I've seen some people call the Breath of Fire series a knockoff of Dragon Quest, though I'm not sure why... except maybe the first two have a bit of grinding. But those are nice, particularly the second one with the retranslation patch. Oh and for SNES there's a game that's not particularly well known. Ancient Magic: Bazoe! Mahou Sekai. The encounter rate is crazy high (yay for cheat codes >>) and I honestly expected to hate it but was pleasantly surprised. I thought the battle system was kind of neat, but I really liked the story and how it was told. It's less Dragon Quest, and more generic RPG. And Tecmo Secret of the Stars isn't... terrible. I just could never stick with it myself. ETA: Took out a couple suggestions because I need to learn to read.
  3. Not gonna lie. As soon as that album is out, the opera is probably the first track I'm going to listen to.
  4. That's what I was reminded of! But it didn't sound like the whole soundtrack of FFVII, no. XD ETA: Also I've never heard of ELP but this is some awesome stuff. >> ETA2: And parts of Toccata vaguely remind me of FFIV's Red Wings the more I listen...
  5. Super excited about this contest and this project! But I wanna say to those that are thinking of entering/want to enter but might not on the grounds of not being "good enough"... try anyways! You guys shouldn't be so down on yourselves. You can't get better at something unless you try try and keep trying. Even if you don't win hopefully you'll walk away having learned something or at least having made something you're proud of.
  6. I was toying with the idea of getting Diablo III at some point. Then I saw TORCHLIGHT 2 PREORDER. What's Diablo again?
  7. I can get on board with that. As far as female composers and arrangers go, Laura Shigihara has done original works and some remakes on her channel. I think she's probably most well known for the OST for Plants vs. Zombies? Unless there's something else she's done. I could be wrong.
  8. A lot of the Star Ocean 2 music makes me think of space and space travel, but all considered I think that's appropriate.
  9. I've been waiting for this game for a looooong time. I absolutely loved Torchlight and the sequel looks to be even better. Multiplayer~. <3
  10. Plenty of characters in video games either just don't do it for me, or are downright disastrously portrayed, male and female alike. I find good, fleshed out 'realistic' characters hard to find in any medium. Whether that's games, books, anime, movies, tv, comics etc. I never really felt that women were more poorly portrayed in video games, because I find the men are pretty laughable too. Am I annoyed by things like super sexualized or stereotypical women? Sure. Do I deny there's sexism in games? Of course not. Am I particularly bothered by it all? Naw. I don't feel like sexism in games is what keeps women from playing games either. I won't pretend that I fully understand why anyone isn't drawn to games because as long as I can remember I have loved and adored video games, so it boggles my mind when people are "PFT" about video games. I have even known males who aren't into games. Some people just aren't. And I would agree that maybe it's more about the stigma a lot of girls grew up with than anything. I won't pretend to know about that either, because I was very fortunate. My mother never pressed any sort of gender role on me and let me play with whatever I wanted growing up. (That's not to say I didn't get grief from certain girls in school for it) I loved my video games, and my barbies, and my pocketknife, and playing outside with frogs, and fishing, and stuffed animals, and legos, and action figures. Not every parent lets their child explore such a variety, and I'm very sad that way of thinking exists, and I am sorry for anyone that's had to go through it. However even if you have? You can't make blanketed statements as if you're an authority figure that speaks on behalf of all women. I can respect Monobrow's opinions, even if I don't share all of them, but that starts to get flushed when saying something like, "Get any woman talking about this subject where she feels comfortable, and has the ability to expound, she will tell you that she has a problem in some shape/form." Even though we're both women you don't and shouldn't try to speak for me or any other woman. What you think and feel is how you think and feel and what I think and feel is how I think and feel and I don't expect anyone to share my opinions. Varied life experiences will color a person's perspective in different ways than another. But I think the stigma of girls playing games is going away, like another poster said. And that's great. Hopefully that means less parents will force gender roles on their children and allow them to explore more. Oh and I do want to say I don't quite understand why people saw the need to skewer Darangen. There's something people here obviously want to know. What keeps women who don't play video games away from those video games? Is it the sexualization of women in games? The logical choice here, to me, would be to ask some women. He did. It doesn't make him an authority on the subject, no, but I find doing that to be far more productive than conjecture. Generally when I want a male's PoV on something, I will ask one of my male friends. If I knew anyone who wasn't into video games I'd ask them why they weren't, but I unfortunately don't.
  11. Oh man. I was listening to my Winamp earlier on shuffle and a Rockman World V song popped up and I fell in loooove. Jupiter's Theme is just so happy and catchy. <3 I YT'd it and found a decent cover: I think I'm gonna check out more Rockman World music later today.
  12. I'll see dat ass and raise you dem abs.
  13. When it comes to the actual content in games, I rarely feel offended by it. At most I might roll my eyes a little when a girl's boobs are bigger than her head and her clothing defies all logic, but I understand that sex sells and blah de blah. If I like the gameplay I like the gameplay and I will play and be happy, even if my Death Knight is running around in a loincloth. I actually see guys complain about the sexism related content in games more than girls do. But I myself have never played a game and been like ZOMG SEXIST to the point it's been that offputting. Most times it's more amusing than not. I find the attitude of a lot of guys to female gamers to be what's sexist and offputting, moreso than any game ads or game content. And sometimes it's surprising to me that this attitude STILL exists. It's 2012, geez. But this attitude isn't limited to just games and I've seen more or less the same on the internet. Given that I would say it's just an anonymous issue, but I can tell a pretty big difference in how Gamestop employees treat a male customer as opposed to how they treat me when I walk in a Gamestop. And I've known a girl who wanted to work there before who was flat out told no because she was female. fds;lkidfs;kldnf Both sides of the spectrum are annoying too. If it's not "LOLOL BITCH GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN!" attitudes it's "OMG U R GURL WHO PLAYS GAMES MARRY ME" types who cling to you in an MMO if they discover you're female and insist on doing everything for you because obviously you are unable to click buttons because your breasts get in the way. Oh wait, they don't... So I'm more concerned about that than game content. Guys seriously need to stop treating girls like trash in the gaming community. Also had to edit because my cat jumped on the keyboard and borked my post and sent it before it was done. >>
  14. This is so so obscure, but it doesn't change the fact it's awesome. Majin Tensei II is an SNES game that never came out here and it's got a translation patch in progress I do believe. I want to play it really bad so hopefully the patch will be out sooner than later. Anyhoo, I was checking out clips on YT for MT2, and checked out some of the music out of curiosity. Then I found this, and it was glorious: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZR53n0VPtIQ&list=FL40Acjn8yUDi-COddV4oHbg&feature=mh_lolz I could easily see people from OCR doing something amazing with it, since it's already pretty amazing. It's upbeat and listening to it kinda makes me wanna dance. XD
  15. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00587/ http://remix.thasauce.net/game/43/
  16. Strongly considering this, since it's a great deal and I was happy with my last bundle. I have a ton of music as is, but even still my Winamp Shuffle manages to play Final Fantasy music again and again and again :\ I need variety. And my BFF says the Jamestown OST is great and he usually doesn't lead me astray.
  17. The ending to this game made me inside so hard. Soundtrack is gorgeous though. I remember years and years ago before having a computer, my tech savvy friend had played this game and raved about some of the music. He then let me listen to the Krysta theme over the phone and I fell in love. Then I had him play it again so I could record it with my cassette player. The quality was awful but I still listened to it all the time. Luckily the Krysta theme is one of the themes from the soundtrack to actually get some remix love but the OST as a whole was really great. This is pretty nice for those not aware of it, or ThaSauce: http://remix.thasauce.net/song/RTS0010/
  18. BFM was one of the first games I ever got on the PlayStation and it blew me away. Was fun, I enjoyed the story, and the music was fantastic. Definitely support this thread. Those not familiar with the OST should at least give The Musashi Legend theme a listen.
  19. I can always get behind Drakkhen music. Although the SNES soundtrack is completely different from the original versions (There might even be more than just two versions as well). In most cases I think it's an improvement, but one version of Drakkhen had a really rad opening theme. I'd post a YT link but I can't find it anywhere there; I have it on my Hoot player. If you've never heard any of the original Drakkhen songs you should definitely give them a listen: http://snesmusic.org/hoot/v2/?system=PC-98&page=13 It's on that page, and you can get Hoot from that site as well. . . . Oh oh oh, I lied! I poked through youtube a little more and found it. Too bad the game itself is actually pretty terrible. I love it regardless, but I can understand how most would play it for a minute then abandon it forever.
  20. Gee, thanks for the accusation. I know there's a PSP port, but that doesn't change the fact the PS1 version is rare. I've looked around and I've seen it go for anywhere from 50 to 75 to 100 to way higher than that even depending on the quality of the game, casing, instruction manual, etc. Final Fantasy 7 for instance, is easily obtainable through the PSN; the PS1 classic version is also pretty cheap, but some people pay hefty prices for the original PS1 release of the game. (that doesn't have the green logo proclaiming it a classic) Ports, roms, etc aside there are collectors who like having physical copies in their hands. It's not that hard of a concept to understand.
  21. I've got a copy of Valkyrie Profile for the PS up on Ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320842048269 Runs great, condition is pretty great (not any kind of collector's quality though if you want mint) and it has the instruction manual. If you're interested and find the price too steep feel free to contact me after the auction if it doesn't sell and we can negotiate something.
  22. Halo! Could I please get my username changed to Otakatt if it's not too much trouble?
  23. Truth. Do the wrong thing on the internet and you end up with hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines or risk prison for 10+ years. There are rapists and murderers doing less time than that. I'm not against trying to make proper laws for the internet (that don't trounce on our basic rights...) but holy crap someone downloading a few songs without paying for them did NOT cause anyone millions of dollars in "damage". ;iknasdfknis;alfik
  24. Happy birthday! I wonder what that Mega Man cake tastes like...
  25. I remember when I tried 7th Saga. I really really gave it a shot but I couldn't get into it. It was just so fracking hard! I picked Esuna and picked up the little dwarf guy as my companion and marched into a dungeon thinking I'd kick butt with *two* people and I got trounced. So I ragequit and put it away forever. >:\ The music always stuck with me though. I picked up the SPC and found myself enjoying most of the tracks, particularly the overworld and town themes, so I was excited to see one of the town themes had been covered! I really like the atmosphere of this remix. It does the tavern/bard theme it was going for well. I also appreciate the melancholy to it because that was something I liked about the 7th Saga OST. Themes in other games usually presented happily (like town themes) were more melancholic in 7th Saga. And I'm always happy to hear anything out of OA and DA, you guys make a great team!
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