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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. Best way to do akimbo assassin is to not pick up a gun at all. I had trouble with this cause if I got healed, it would automatically switch to your main weapon, and fuck you over. As far as the expert campaigns, for the beat one expert mission, you have to play from start to finish, and survive. I got screwed out of it cause I died in the finale a few times. But even if you die and your team survives it does count towards your all 4 campaign total.
  2. People seem to forget that versus is not human vs zombie. Its technically human vs human. You are trying to beat the other team's human score, their survival. Zombies are there to make that difficult. And people on the steam forum are the biggest cry babies and make a big deal about the closet issue though. In fact now that the melee has been worked on, that is their new big reason why the game is ruined, and valve ripped them off of their hard earned 50 bucks. I personally have no problem with the closet thing, cause just like any zombie survival strategy, you put yourself in a place where you can cover all sides, and hold out. If people bitching gets that fixed, all that's left is gonna be big open fields and long straight hallways. Irritating.
  3. Isnt the BF version suppose to be almost 4 hours long?
  4. http://www.fileshack.com/file.x/13584/F.E.A.R.+2:+Project+Origin+Singleplayer+Demo It's out now for pc, and also on xbox 360. So far this thing is bad ass. Great production, great weapons, and hot mech on mech action.
  5. If someone played steam games with us more, we would know it was a month ago. But noooooooooooooooooo.
  6. Dyne you dirty bastard, you know I wish you happy birthday. Just remember mine in a few months and everything will be A OK.
  7. Congratulations dyne, your birthday made mousemuffins post. You suck ass.
  8. Fuck shai, fuck the new indiana jones, and fuck anyone that liked it.
  9. After my steam decided to poop out, I tried to search for that mp3 brush. If anyone here was there that night, someone played micspam of a reading of batman begins, summurized, and comedy style. Brush said it was called Batman Begins Begun. Anyone got this?
  10. The american market would probably pitch a fit about the christianity over tones and such too, and there would be protests. But I'm still waiting on the retelling movies that they are releasing in japan. So far the first one came out, and funimation got the rights to release it here.
  11. I'd love to see a live action eva, just to see if they could work in the whole "I'm gonna jerk off on asuka in the hospital" scene.
  12. She's not even average to me. I don't even see why guys think she's the best thing ever.
  13. Nothing wrong with Evangelion stuff. I got so much shit for having the complete series on dvd though. I thought it was good.
  14. As long as they don't do a resident evil style setup where they go off in some random direction and have main characters in storylines that make no sense, then it can't be THAT bad.
  15. And what puts you in the "no wrong" zone there mister? Don't come in here jumping on someone's case calling them a fag just for saying something about the series. But go right ahead and keep on asperging here and get banned. We will continue the cowboy bebop talk.
  16. Ill join probably around 9, got a pizza in the oven right now, so give me about 25 minutes
  17. Ferret, cut the internet tough guy gimmick, it doesn't suit you. You're just gonna get banned here like you did in the IRC channel, but if you want to keep going round and round with people, go right ahead. On topic of course, the internet nerd rage is at an all time high on this one. It's like people's mothers are getting raped by keanu reeves. I'm enjoying it
  18. This is nowhere near as bad as the casting for the new Street Fighter movie.
  19. It's cool to hate windows. Worst thing MS ever did to me was WinME. And that was years ago.
  20. I've had vista now for 6 monthes or so, and have yet to have a BSOD. And of course win7 either in the little bit I've had it. But of course, sounds like they are just being douches about it on gizmodo and trying to find something to fuck up just to wave it around.
  21. I like how all they have to post about it is that they think MS should change the BSOD. Is that really necessary to even make a post about?
  22. I didn't know this existed. This is quite possibly the greatest mod ever.
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