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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. The regkey doesn't work for me, says the file is corrupt or something...re-DL'd like 20 times ug.
  2. Yeah the soundscape needs WAY more filling out. Big reverb effects, cool percussion SFX, choirs, some form of beat - orchestral or African percussion - something!! The key word here is atmosphere - set up a mood and fill out the sparceness, cuz otherwise, this comes off as bland and overly simplistic. Yes, there is minimalistic music - even piano solos at OCR, but they compensate that by having complex melodies and so forth; however this is, as Dannthr put it, simply plodding along. Sorry if I came off harsh or whatever, but it's WAY better to listen to the workshop ppl than to have to deal with the judges when they finally get to your work. They can be equally blunt if not worse than here.
  3. movie based remixes are usually not passed...though correct me if I'm wrong, I think that a Finding Nemo remix did end up getting posted. I think. But why the lack of comments here people?? Don't just ignore a track cuz you don't know it...sheesh =p Barring the fact that it's a remix of a movie-VG-based theme, this is actually pretty hawt. Hm, maybe the bass is a notch too overpowering and the HH and OH stand out a bit too much, which makes the piano back-melody a bit too overlapped. Nice gating effects and that reverse cymbol/pan effect there. Also there needs to be an ending =p
  4. listening. Wow nice starting FX...EXCALIBUR!! Not sure on what to gripe about as it seems solid - it's not repetetive, has pretty decent dynamics and has a jazzy feel to it which compliments the dance motif well. The E-guitar is a nice touch too. Reminds me of 90's trance at parts. Good work
  5. Can you include Bill O'Reily in that list as well?
  6. I had trouble with the whole registration thing, so I gave up and went back to 8. Is it cuz I bought FL 7 XXL and not 8??
  7. *SIGH* Another must-have album of tracks to download...I've got like wut...200 songs that I still have yet to listen to. Way to go Willrock, it's all your fault Good stuff btw =p
  8. Is there any decent vocal sample sets, other than the uh rather lackluster SampleFusion vocal samples??
  9. Is there an update coming?? I'm real eager to hear it.
  10. Very nice intro, especially with the percussion. Though i can barely tell that it's Fear Factory, sounds more like Winky's Mines =l Oh wait I hear the source tune now. Well in either case, this is pretty hawt, not sure on how to crit it cuz to me this seems fine; other than it needs to be longer
  11. And if all tracks followed that same formula then this would be one trite site. Oh right - I forgot - it already is
  12. Anyways I'm digging this mix...this is the one that Rozo remixed and got posted with. Your take on it is purty interesting. Except if that;s supposed to be a guitar oof...that's some work ahead of you in getting it to sound good.
  13. I love meandering, but the J's don't - but anyways, I think this has enough direction to be passable...er I think - I've never been YES'd so it's not like I can talk lol. I think that the bass and drums overpower the rest just a tad too much, bring em down a bit and sharpen up that mix - which is of course the "funnest" part of digital composing, right?
  14. You know; I think that a second vocalist would really help out, perhaps for back up and occasional chorus help - especially one that has more range and finesse - no offence intended (I couldn't sing to save my life, so I know how hard it can be...lol...drunken karaoke for the win) Anyways, compo wise I think this is actually pretty much done there Dragon =l, so I'm not sure what the gripe is there. Maybe you should run this through with one of the J's at #ocrwip or w/e.
  15. Well I dig it. Not sure what the other picky dinks think, but it's good to me - nice production, sweet pads and stuff; also cool cut off technique - plus how did you make that sweet saw sound at 1:15 or so?? BTW, this reminds me of DKC 2, so it has a 2x nostalgic factor going on for me lol.
  16. O o /¯________________________ | IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZOR!!! \_¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  17. Well, I think it's pretty good now, except that trumpet sample near the starting is kinda weak, but brass is real difficult to make convincing with soundfonts, so I know the pain lol.
  18. hmm well my rock samples suck and I have no real decent orchestral samples, except for squidfont GM and a few other crap-tasting soundfonts, so I'd probably not be a good candidate here.
  19. Er, yeah how do you load it on to Korg Player?? Or do I need a different program?
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