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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Woah mad clipping/over compression here I think. The composition seems fine, but man there's a ton of bad distortion going on. Try reducing volumes of every single track and get familiar with EQing and stuff. Also, maybe reduce the gain of your compression and the ratio amounts. 'Cuz as is, it's sorta like over-kill. Otherwise, this is a pretty dang good track. Keep on 'wippin' it
  2. wow Gario, you teach math? Very nice Anyways, I must say that despite the said bad mastering this track is sexy. Keep at it Ellywyuueei
  3. Needs some more change, without losing focus, which for the most part seems to be pretty focused, I think anyways. Also need some more instruments, especially a backing. More interesting drums too; you can't just loop a single bar over and over, then expect ppl to dig it. Heh, this reminds me of me when I started off >< Keep on trying
  4. You only answered one of my points and turned it against me, as if that somehow makes the rest of my argument void. Such a lame tactic; but I suppose that that's what hacks like you do, right?
  5. My opinion? Current OCR music is striving too hard to be mainstream sounding; video game tracks are meant to be innovative and unique, yet we hear a lot of them being turned into cliche genres, with overly predictable progressions. Sure, OCR is getting better soundwise and so forth, but as the years pass the soul wanes. Moreover, I don't think I've enjoyed all that many oif the new tracks, except for the album projects... Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this for my own sake (as I'm aware I'm still a nub) - I'm saying this for the other great tracks that get NO (resubmit) but then never get resubmitted because the artists are either burnt out, or too pissed off to attempt them again. A lot of good stuff gets rejected...a lot of it over asinine, over-done subjectivity. It's even lamer when we know that the head judge can't even compose, yet he has the audacity to critique other people - and his taste in music is a bit...well...tasteless. You guys know who I'm speaking of. In fact, if Thasauce and VGmix were still kicking, I wouldn't even be lurking in these forums and I know that many others think the same way. Hell...and I still wonder who hacked VGmix? Perhaps DJP had a vested interest in doing so...no? Anyhoo...there's my 2 cents...ciao for now.
  6. Well, at least you gave a detailed response there. I suppose that's enlightening, doesn't make me feel much better =p, but perhaps i will look into that theory thing. But one thing, re: your statement: "It's not a RIGHT to be a musician or remixer D:" Sure, it may not be an absolute right, but it sure as hell is not a privilege either...'cept I lack the means to support that argument because I'm tired. So on your face lol. Oh and I refute your claim that OCR doesn't make all that much money - I'm certain that DJPingish is swimming in a giant vault of gold bricks, just like Scrooge McDuck You lot of scandalous bigots! All!! ...jk don't hit me T-T <3
  7. What would u rather have than a guitar? A saitar? A banjo??? Wet vocoded farts?? My point being is that doing an orchestral cover/remix has been done 5000 times already with various bands. And electronic covers can get kinda trite, so I say that 80's rock influence is where it's at here Mm mm thats some good willcock shredding
  8. I think we also need a set of rules on how to critique other people's works...as there have been some issues regarding deconstructive criticism, which only serves to scare away potentially good remixers and makes other people less likely to add in their own crits. We need more TLC, not bashing. Also, we need a clearer statement on what makes a good melody, as me and several other people seem to be melody-challenged. Reason being is that not everyone learns by listening to other pieces of music, sometimes they need more guidance (I'm one of those people). Which also brings me to my last suggestion: I think it's time that we set up some form of one-on-one lessons, either through voluntary or paid incentives, as the wip forums and #ocrwip aren't sufficient for everyone. I mean, this site does make a considerable amount of money (for a fan site), surely there's some way to go about this. I know I'm not the most favored member of OCR, but please, consider my points. Thanks for reading.
  9. Oooo dark stuff. My favorite variety However, I think the lead synth doesn't mesh too well with the dark pads and the gungy drums. Get it to sound fatter and scarier. Much scarier. However, the melody for it is fine, so it's just the sample. Otherwise, I'm digging this track 1:50 onward impressed me very much - it's a little reminiscent of Diablo. Very ambient too - which is great. Good stuff insofar.
  10. That, or make connections. That's how I got in with the Microsoft Arcade game industry =p
  11. Yes quite...would you want a world where anyone can jack people's intellectual property for their own gain? I don't think so. It's good to know that not everyone on this site is eccentric and narrow minded.
  12. Such a Republican view. For shame. Not everyone has a practical mind you know - and you're posting this on a video game remixing site. Do you realize how asinine you sound? Moreover, if you think that making profit off of art is what's holding us back as a whole, then you're one sad, misguided individual. For countries, especially America, invest in foolish endeavors such as war and reality T.V. shows, when they ought to be spending that said money in infrastructure, education and health care. Finally, egotistical, pretentious misfits will exist until the end of time, no matter the medium from which they thrive in, whether it be art or "practical" professions. You are no such exception.
  13. Yes...that's what I meant Anyhoo...gonna get that damned sample set soon!! Fucking money taking forever to process in my bank T-T
  14. That's not a good excuse! /super slap J/K I second that - please re-host this link.
  15. Yes quite Doug- SUB PLZ. If your percussion mix made it in - this SHOULD, unless of course they decide to be extra Nazi-tastic.
  16. Every month is long for you Rozo, ya slacker
  17. Funily enough, I actually enjoyed these mixes. If this is your cream of the crap GT, then you must shit golden nuggets, cuz this stuff isn't all that bad lolz. Good first mixes
  18. well that goes to show how lame the wip forums can be =p 10 ppl downloaded and only 1 bothered to critique your mix - they couldn't even bother to say if they liked it or not. Well, anyhoo, the fact is your DL limit has maxed out, so use tindeck or mediafire instead =p
  19. get cho ass in gear boi =p I finished my mix
  20. EDIT the space shooter OSTs are meant to sound low-fi; so don't bother critting for production, unless it's EQ issues Thanks for taking the time to listen! Sorry I messed up; meant to edit not quote - can a mod fix it? thx
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