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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. I'm a noob at making music and even I could think of something ^^
  2. Wow...that just made my day. Good ole nostalgia ^^
  3. Lol, I like your music Skry, listenned to some of ur stuff with OverCoat and I think Ubik ><
  4. http://media.putfile.com/Breath-of-Fire-II-Jaded-By-Death-New-Idea OK I think this is improvement from the old crap I was dropping in this forum, I think it has direction, groove and stuff, but I think it needs more bass and a fatter beat in the second half. What do you guys think?
  5. My name's Alex too >_< and I must say this is really good; I don't see why the judges wouldn't allow this, because this is pretty authentic IMO, most arrangements like this are kind of bland and not really engaging. Maybe you have to know the original material to like it, but man this is good. =D Don't give up if the judges say 'No'; even if they do, this remix is staying on my playlist...can't wait for an update on it.
  6. I agree, and if any1 else wants to do some voice acting too, they're welcome to do so
  7. This is pretty baller Audix...no pun intended lol. You woulda fooled me if you said it's for a videogame or movie too though hehe.
  8. DOH well then go and post this 1 then I can say that w/out looking like a douche ^^
  9. Okay thanks Sensei Tan thats good clarification. But, what kind of brass? <----I R nub
  10. Oh that's why. I thought you were giving me the silent treatment for some reason ><.
  11. BTW for the drums, how is the repeat part with the drums? Is that part written pretty well, or does it need some drum rolls...if so what kind of rolls? Pardon my newbness =/
  12. Okay, Lagunacloud and I are back from the dead, and have our Tyrano Lair Wip around %90 done. How's it sound? http://media.putfile.com/Tyrano-Near-Final
  13. I'm no expert at percussions myself either, but what I read in Zircon's compendium is that all you really have to do is put in a drum roll every 3-4 measure and maybe change the drums halfway through the song, just an idea anyways , hope it helps
  14. I'm grooving, feels like a kick assed retro 80's sci-fi action anime
  15. It's definitely heading in the right direction, I think this is worth developing
  16. definitely sounds like OC material, keep up the good work dude.
  17. Any other songs from that site worth mentioning ?
  18. Very nice song. One of the OC songs that I like to blare in my car <---nerdiness ftw
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