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Everything posted by Gimgak

  1. I'd be up to trying to do something with the DW1 Battle Theme.
  2. Ya, Death Cab is probably one of my biggest musical influences and people often comment that I sound a lot like Ben Gibbard.
  3. I'm really feeling this jam. The lead line is pretty catchy and I like the orchestral elements. It gets a tad bit repetetive on some parts though. I think a little bit more variation would make this a lot more interesting. But good work overall!
  4. So I was originally planning on doing some epic orchestral/ electronic version of some DKC2 songs, but then I started strumming my guitar along with some of the originals and I ended up making this. http://www.archive.org/details/DKC2Song_899 It's still in it's really early stages. I just threw some cheap soundfont drums in for now, eventually I'll get my drummer friend to record some live ones. The ending is still under construction. It has parts from three different DKC2 songs, "Stickerbrush Symphony", "Bayou Boogie", and "Hot Head Bop". Tell me what you think!
  5. I'm a huge fan of DKC2 and I have to say you took these originals in a direction I would have never considered. It's jamming! I especially like the solo synths, very smooth. And nice saxing XO. Great work!
  6. This is a pretty interesting track. The vocal effects you got going are pretty cool, but they may be a bit too heavy. I would try and clean up the vocal tracks a little bit so that it's a little easier to understand them, cause I can't make out the lyrics that well. Some cool synth stuff. I would bring out the instrumental stuff more.
  7. It's been a while since I've done any serious pumpkin carving. I'm gonna give this a shot.
  8. I'm really digging "The Fundamentals", it sounds legit!
  9. Sleepyhead by Passion Pit, which I will be seeing live later today. w00t.
  10. Ya, I had not done any conducting prior to this so I just tried to teach myself as best as I could before the concert. I tried to do some cues, but from the perspective of this video it does look like I'm just doing the same pattern over and over again. I'll have to work on that. Thanks for the tips.
  11. I'll be a freshman in college next year and I have not studied like "legit" music theory much, I composed most of that by ear.
  12. So I wrote a three-movement symphonic piece called "Fireworks" and got lucky enough to have our top band at my school perform it at a concert. Tell me what ya think! (I only have a recording of the second and third movement right now)
  13. I love this original and I'm kind of feeling those heavier beats you threw in this remix. I'm looking foward to seeing where you go with this.
  14. I may just have to enter this one. It's been too long since I last did any CMC-ing.
  15. I really like the guitar at the beginning of this. It's a cool chill riff. Something I can sit back in a chair and bob my head to. Some parts of this sound a little crowded though, especially at the end. There are too many parts that don't exactly fit into each other. And the whole piece is kind of monotone, that bass is just riding on the same note the whole time. I think some chord changes could make this a little more interesting.
  16. Ya, I tried making some home-made pop shields out of nylon and a coat hanger one time, but I ended up trashing them. I'll probably invest in a new mic setup eventually, cause the mic I'm using right now is not anything special. And I agree with you that my drums are weak. Is it just the samples or my sequencing?
  17. I like the beat at the beginning. Rocking bass lines throughout as well. This makes me feel like I'm on the final level of some modern 8-bit game. It's pretty dark sounding and intense. Don't really know what to suggest since I'm not too experienced with chiptunes myself, but I bet you could develope this a bit more and make it longer. There are a lot of cool musical ideas you could expand on.
  18. I'm feeling this. I probably would not listen to this in my free time, but I could definately see it being the background music for a video game or movie where something epic is about to happen. There is just a constant rise of energy. I have to agree with Drayzon. That one lead is a little bit too piercing. Maybe try a different synth? Overall pretty good for a first original, I can sense a distinct style in it.
  19. So I've been working a lot on my song-writing lately, but have not spent much time working on my production skills. I think I did a pretty good job on this song, but I'd like to get some feedback from some OCR peoplez, being the awesome musicians that you are. http://www.myspace.com/dillonhutyra It's the one entitled "Ash". Thanks!
  20. Whoa, ya, it sounds a lot better without those glitches. The percussion is clearer and the synths don't sound near as sloppy. I actually like it a lot And my bad, I did'nt realize this was a finished project. I usually go into the WIP forum thinking everything is a WIP.
  21. That's an odd, but wicked sounding synth line at the beginning. Drums sound pretty cool but I almost feel like they are being covered up by some of the synths you're using. Is the song supposed to be hick-uping like that? Or is the player just lagging? There is some cool arrangement here, but the synths that you have chosen make it sound a little sloppy. Cool little short synth line at the end. A little repetitive, maybe you could change it up?
  22. Cool spacey feel at the beginning. I like your chord changes, they keep it interesting. Synths sound a little cheesy-ish, not too bad though. I like the moving beat that comes in. Neat little synth melodies and stuff going on. Whoa, the second half of the song is really cool. Very well arranged. I would maybe suggest changing up your texture some though. All your instruments sound somewhat like the same synth. Maybe try throwing in some different sounds/ instruments. Ends kind of suddenly, and on a weird chord, but still sounds kinda cool. The percussion is a little dry, maybe you could throw in some crashes or something to spice it up.
  23. I released my first "album", To Infinity, on here a while back. Now, after about a year and a half of work, I have my second album complete. I actually finished it a couple months ago, but I was kinda lazy in posting it. I think I've improved quite a bit since To Infinity, but you guys can be the judge of that. http://www.archive.org/download/Bio-Gimgak/Gimgak-Bio.rar Feedback?
  24. This is some pretty hot stuff. I like the orchestral samples mixed with more electronic beatwork. The orchestral stuff, expecially the percussion, sounds really well done. I can't really find much wrong with this. Maybe some of the percussion sounds a little out of place against the orchestral stuff. Like it's a little too much on the high end or something. But it still sounds really good to me. I'm looking foward to your album.
  25. This is pretty cool. I like the synthy style you use. And even though the song is the same chord progression throughout, you change the texture and lead enough for it to stay pretty interesting. And your transitions are really smooth. Percussion is good except that first bass drum that comes in sounds too high and sounds like it's in front of the other instruments.
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