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Everything posted by Gimgak

  1. You've got a cool chord progression and some decent melodic ideas, you just need to work on the production. First of all, like Dash said, your piano sounds really rigid and robotic. Try editing the velocities or adding some reverb to make it sound more natural. Also, it sounds like the piano is playing some wrong notes at 0:20, 0:33, 0:48, so you might wanna check that out. The beat is ok, but it's really repetitive and the samples sound a little cheezy. Try changing up the rhythyms every once and a while, and expirement with different samples and reverb/ equalization on your drums. The pad in the back is cool, but it kinds just cuts out sometimes so you may want to lengthen it or add some reverb, delay, or something.
  2. I have'nt played this in a while, but I think I'll start playing again. East: Gimgak
  3. Bass Clarinet - 5 years Piano - 7-ish years, though I only took lessons for the first 3 years Guitar - 3 years Harmonica - couple months I have a couple of other instruments (a cheap drumset, some old recorders and flutes) but I just experiment with playing them.
  4. Pretty nice boss theme. I like the fast-paced opening. It throws you right into the fight. Though some parts get a little repetitive, there is plenty of variety and the song stays interesting the whole time. As for the short length, you could just try getting to a certain point and then loop it back to an earlier part. I think that is what the majority of boss theme's do anyway. Overall this sounds pretty nice. I could easily see it in a video game.
  5. You guys got some pretty cool stuff. The instrumental work in your songs is really nice. I love the part of Snowstorms at 2:30. The vocals are'nt perfect, but their decent enough. The main problem that I find with them is that they are hard to hear sometimes, like they are being covered up by everything else. Other than that, pretty hot.
  6. This new dnb track is hawt. I like the growly bass, its very well done. Cool synth work throughout the song. I like the transition into the wide-feeling piano section at the end. I've been meaning to do some research on sound synthesis and music production in general myself, and this piece has inspired me to get started on that. To the library!
  7. Okay, this is a track that I've only recently started, but I really feel the need to get some feedback on my current progress and if you think it's going in a good direction. http://www.savefile.com/files/1405738 ALL feedback is welcome.
  8. I agree that chiptune sounds could use some beefing up. In my opinion the melody is a little bit too quiet for the majority of the song. The drums and bass line take up most of the space in your sound environmnet. I like the epic build ups, like at 1:47 and I like how at the end it fades out into a NESy style. Overall, this song is pretty sweet.
  9. Nice track. The snare is not too bad, I think that it could just be turned down a tiny bit. The other synths and stuff are cool. The track has a nice feel to it. I like the synth that comes in at 0:32. The atmostpheric half is cool too. I agree that a breakdown section at some point would give the song more variety. I could see one happening durring the second half of the song.
  10. I managed to mod my PS2 a couple months ago. I made charts for "From Within" by Darangen and "The Ken Song" by jdproject. I have not made a video of them yet, and they need a little polishing anyway. I'll post as soon as I finish.
  11. Man, durring my middle school and early highschool years I had this crappy little mp3 player with only like 1G. So I filled it up with a choice playlist of OCReMix stuff (with a coouple of other songs) and that's what I lived off of for about 2-4 years. Now I finally got an iPod (80G) so I have my whole musical library on there (including all 1600+ ocremixes). I don't listen to them exactly much as I used to, but I listen to them just as much as I listen to anything else.
  12. Sweet! I've been looking for this. I heard it on SauceCast a while ago. Really cool piece. Stays interesting the whole time. I love the sort of build-up melody at 0:34 and the use of more realistic drums with the NES instruments sounds cool.
  13. I listened to the first two. This is some pretty SNESy stuff. The first one reminds of Donkey Kong Country 1 (mainly because of the grunts). Would be good for a cave or a "foggy" level. The seconds really awesome. I could definately see it in a Final Fantasy-ish game. I'm also kinda getting some Kirby vibes from it. I like the transitions in and out of styles. One moment it's a driving march, then it goes into an offbeat sorta happy theme, and then it goes into a wide orchestral feel. Good job!
  14. Sweet. I'm really feeling my challenge. Lock me in.
  15. I really like the melody that it opens with. Very RPG battle-ish. It's pretty awesome at 1:00 when the song really comes in. Nice synth soloing. Kind of a sudden ending though. Overall its a pretty good battle-ish theme.
  16. I like this. It starts out really atmospheric, but then goes into a heavier Cave Story-type style (mainly because of that synth you used). I feeling the beat on this part. I like how after the synth solo you get plunged right back into the open/ atmospheric style. Then it goes into a new melody with a sort of ethnic feel to it. Interesting piece, I like it.
  17. What's this? A zirconian WIP with only one post? We can't have that. The beginning just kinda absorbs you in, which is perfect because that's what happens in an RPG battle. Makes me feel like I'm in a field or something. Real FF-Esque, reminds me of FF9 the most. Good brass and string work. It should sound awesome once it has had a quality-boost. Great job.
  18. *Supa Real-Time Review Mode engage!* Opens with a cool mellow/ atmospheric mood. The synth that comes in is really cool. Okay, now we got a light beat and some piano-ing in the back. The break is cool, it has a nice and wide feeling. Cool piano sequencing. That synth is back in. Now a new synth that just kinds glides over everything, coating it with a thin layer of chillaxation. Another break...and...end. Cool. Has a really close style to a song I'm working on now. Can't see anything obviously wrong with it. Yay.
  19. This is a pretty generic last boss battle, in a good way. I could see this being in some Zelda-esque game. A think it got a tad bit repetitive, but just the right amount. This would probably sound awesome with some quality boosts, so I'll be watching this thread.
  20. At first, I'd have to agree with HoboKa that this sounds too happy for a last level theme, but you would really have to know what game its for. It could be a puzzle game or something. I'm really curious as to what type of game this is for. Music-wise its pretty sweet. It's got a nice laid-back style, kind of an urban feeling. It makes me think of Megaman 7 for some reason. I can't find anything majorly wrong with it. Quality is very good and the arrangement stays interesting. It may not be something I'd listen to in my free time, but it's perfect for a video game. As for what to do next, I'd say just keep doing what your doing.
  21. What game is the original from? I've heard it in Super Mario RPG, but your original recording sounds different. I agree with everybody else about the piano, it could be a little more realistic. The piano also sounds really dry to me. I'd play around with the reverb and decay to give it a more rich, full sound. The way you have the piano right now sounds good durring the intro and some of the other "empty" parts like 1:40, but it just doesnt blend in with accompanying instruments durring the bulk of the song. Other than that it's pretty good. Arrangement is good. Percussion and backing instruments could use some beefing up. Good remix so far. I look forward to hearing what you are able to do with it.
  22. I'm pretty sure I'm going to participate in this one. I've already gotten a minute into my song and it's sounding pretty good.
  23. Whew...just in Canada.
  24. Awesome turnout this round. Some of these are definately going on my iPod.
  25. Rama, you might want to fix the first post. It was Audix that requested Ken Griffy Jr., not me.
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