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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Sorry guys, I would've done the server stuff by now, but I just got pretty sick.
  2. Happy birthday! I hope you have a nice day and maybe an offer from someone to do an SD3 track (or few) .
  3. I am not playing this game ever again after this event unless you guys work out what you want the policy to be on this and apologize. relyance ragequits after a remake failed in our game and the rest of us suffered through 4v5 for 20+ minutes until we were allowed to concede. Next thing we go into a 4v4 and dots wanted a remake and he got it with most of the people who were against relyance's remake acceding to it for the sole reason that dots doesn't like 4v4 and was threatening about it. If you're going to be held hostage to one person and not the other solely because he's on the other team, then don't expect me to play this game ever again. That is total bullshit that I had to sit through 20+ minutes of everything quite opposite of entertainment and then see someone else's demands trump everything else. It is the most arbitrary thing I've seen in an online game, and one of the most insidious and if you all don't find a way to resolve this, this will probably not be the last of huge problems.
  4. I don't think djp wants to lose a Christmas stressing out over a project release
  5. While this may be a bit spammy, I approve! I love Helloween, they've been far more enduring than most bands I've heard music of! The sound of a medley of all of the long Keeper songs is intriguing though.
  6. He was going to take mid...but then purple (voodoo jester) stole it from him and ruined all of our laning.
  7. Depends on your line of work. I'm probably going to lose most of my free time myself as I'm about to have a thesis advisor in an intense line of research.
  8. Btw, it wasn't just you that post was aimed at - there were multiple instances yesterday that just frustrated me to no end, part of it due to stupid pubs. This is exactly why I despise pub games, in addition to the douches in pubs, and rather keep games to exclusively in house.
  9. I don't feel it's terribly enduring...it's well overdue for a remake to put it up to speed, especially with the laughable graphics in the original.
  10. Because quite simply, the east coast is where it's at!
  11. I'm tired of playing HoN and teambased games in general when nobody works together or listens. It's too much stress & frustration just watching problems with easy fixes cause you to die. I have 0 incentive to work as a team or even want to play when people just leave me or the rest of the team to dry because they don't grasp the importance or an action that usually doesn't require much thinking or difficulty.
  12. I just had to post a comment here (although I'm going through and reviewing every song on the site) - this song is amazing. It manages to meld a vibe of what you'd expect from African music with electronic to create such a sweeping track. It is quite a unique piece of music period, and I'd wholeheartedly recommend anyone to listen to this, even if they have no particular love for vgm.
  13. I'm going to make a post on this sometime tonight or tomorrow - I've been extraordinarily busy, and it seems everyone else has been too. Don't worry, I'm not canceling the project or anything like that.
  14. As far as soundtrack goes, if it melds with the other media it is used in well - for example, how well a game soundtrack integrates with the game itself. As far as music album period goes, generally if most of the songs are good. What is good to me? If a song takes a concept that isn't despicable, and builds around it to enhance or illustrate the concept.
  15. Be thankful for yourself I guess, although I don't see how that validates ignoring the existing well-known problems as if they'll go away. Not once has this point been tackled by the whiners of the thread, which leads me to believe they have no answer. Those who aren't willing to even consider those issues are the ones with no business in game development, wouldn't you agree? If you aren't paying attention to the most gamers as possible, you've failed in game design in furthering product, plain and simple. Unfortunately, most hardcore gamers trying to armchair game design don't understand the basics of game design and don't consider that they might be possibly in the minority. Trying to tackle the problem of making online gaming a better experience for most is suddenly a bad thing? The arrogance of some online PC gamers that only they know right is laughable.
  16. I was busy playing a game, sorry DA - looks like you found the right place though.
  17. And yet he did not once tackle the well-known problems that IW mentioned in that GI article (as shitty as the rest of it was). The current piss poor incarnation of dedicated servers in general needs some sort of massive tweak to address longstanding issues with online gaming that it devolved to. Just because someone may game hardcore and circlejerk into a hive mind doesn't mean that they share a view that's conducive to playing with others in an entertaining environment. Just the opposite, if you go look around, you will usually find most gamers being disenchanted with huge aspects of the current system. As I said, there are massive flaws with the dedicated server setup that could use addressing for a better online experience for most. I'm not saying matchmaking is the cure, but at least IW acknowledges those issues and is trying to find a solution (although Activision probably taints the solution), unlike most hardcore gamers. This is exactly why I wouldn't want to hire a hardcore gamer for game design - the maturity & thoughtfulness needed for good game design is just few and far, and I think this thread illustrates that pretty clearly. And even worse, lashing out at everyone for not sharing your view 100% just shows that you're full of rage & gives the impression you can't be taken seriously - at least show a degree of civility. And before people say I don't know how dedicated servers or blah blah blah work - I run the OCR TF2 server, so yes, I know exactly what the environment is like, and what the problems are.
  18. I told you to think things through - it is clear you didn't. But even ignoring your ignoring of my advice, you seem to forget that OCR does have a quality bar that still needs to be met and you haven't ran things so as to give confidence that it'll make it - this is not an observation that I have made alone, as others have conveyed it as well. This is the last I will say on this in this thread as this distracts from the spirit of the thread with bickering on points you refuse to acknowledge on what is a minor point if you really did mainly care about the music and not a false sense of status you wish others to confer you with.
  19. Because a lot of us aren't tolerant of elitist attitudes or feel the need to flaunt a gaming achievement in a vicious manner?
  20. It wasn't just me though. It was discussed amongst others in staff while discussing site projects and setting a new process potentially. The distinction is there for the people who are interested in doing music for a project that will probably be posted. Other projects being mentioned is out of courtesy to those requesting help or to allow people to help if they so wish. I'm not going to go into a detailed argument here about what it takes to be considered a likely candidate for project acceptance before the real determining factor once a project nears completion. You've been given ample advice and you ignored it wholesale, and it had consequences on others' perception of you. It is only up to you to put things in the right track.
  21. An argument doesn't necessarily mean you're bickering. One standard definition is that it's stating a claim or series of claims. I get the things that you've been saying, but...you're pitting the experiences of the relatively meager hardcore with the general masses at odds with each other. Most people have been disenchanted with playing games online - hell, I even dislike playing with people I generally don't know because of the relatively high frequency of encountering a fuckwad. Nobody says you can't play a game with friends though - that's generally what friends lists and such are for, which I'd be almost certain the game would support. The mods thing though I do think is a problem, but it's clear that IW decided the need to make online gaming enjoyable to more people for an overall more positive experience for more people trumps the view of the hardcore/elitists for good game design for general appeal. I would also dislike the lack of ability to admin a server as well. However, I'm not going to be so disillusioned as to not even acknowledge that there are good reasons for what they're doing by not acknowledging fundamental problems in game experience.
  22. Not meant as a slight, but you haven't handled things in a way where it will likely pass the quality barometer. It is more of a prediction statement, but all indications from staff are that it doesn't and unless proven otherwise through proper management for a project to get posted on OCR, then I cannot in good faith just label it as such. Also the secret project has big names involved, and there's no reason to believe that it won't pass the barometer with proven people on board. I will be revealing it at MAGFest likely.
  23. Well there's two that have played on the OCR TF2 server - one seemed kinda douchey, one was pretty nice. I'm just generalizing the prevailing attitude found on their forums, which is what I meant by people you'd expect from.
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