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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I remember listening to this mix back in 2002 - I liked listening to it because it is a fitting take on the original. As Larry said, this isn't one of Dain's typical works on the site. I just wish the samples held better, as here's a perfect example of a mix that is in line with the original and its setting and developing it some. The arrangement itself is mostly conservative, but the elements that do differ do help develop this further. Also if only this didn't have a fadeout ending...
  2. Here's a nice change in pace as far as quality of the songs back then goes. The samples show off their outdatedness here, but this song takes a nice approach, which makes it even more unfortunate that it's so short.
  3. The background strings really ruin the intended atmosphere in some areas of this song. They are just too muddy in general, and are also outdated. When you'd expect the song to progress further, it also just ends.
  4. I'm a huge fan of the original game - unfortunately, I disliked this song on first listen when I listened to it back in 2002. Samples really kill this, and this sounds like a cheap midi rip of the original with a crappy beat layered over it. It really doesn't do the original justice at all.
  5. This song is too repetitive - the melody is repeated for pretty much the whole duration of the song, and the pacing is kept constant. This approach really could use some changing up to keep things interesting.
  6. The drumming in the background feels out of place somehow - something about their sound makes them sound separate from the rest of the song. The melody being repeated over and over again really rubs off as repetitive. This song is clearly riding on the strength of the melody to maintain interest, which is disappointing.
  7. This song is as quirky as the original - in fact, I'd say that it relies heavily on the quirkiness of the original's construction. It does craft a bit of a unique take still though, which is nice to hear.
  8. Luuuuuuuufia! I think the near constant pacing hurts this song - it gives the impression of plodding along, but the source is used in a weighty way. Samples sound outdated too, but the in-congruence of the source and its usage hurts it a lot more.
  9. This just sounds like random guitar wankery for 1 minute. A very silly song.
  10. Odd mix - I think my biggest gripe here is that for the style approached, it sounds too empty. Part of it might be the volume levels of the samples not being well-adjusted.
  11. Not McVaffe's best effort here, as this doesn't even clock in at 2 minutes. This song really sounds like it's halfway to a promised full song - the ideas that are there though are good.
  12. The samples are way too silent in this song. It's also way too short - nothing really develops, making this pretty bland.
  13. The song is a little too bass heavy, which bothers me. The samples also sound a bit archaic, but otherwise I kinda like this.
  14. I remember this one - I also remember not being fond of this even back then in 2003 when I listened to mostly electronic music. It doesn't do much more than take the original melody, rip it wholesale, and layer it with a beat. In that event, just give me the original that was playing at the start of the song and save my ears .
  15. The spoken stuff at the beginning is pretty tacky. Samples are also brutal. The beat over the beginning really is unnecessary, and the way this song progresses is very basic & repetitive. Not a fan of this by any means.
  16. Given the nature of F-Zero, the intro really is tacky and out of place considering the slow groove of the rest of this piece. My main complaint is that it sounds way too short though. Just when you think it's going to develop shorter it sort of just stops.
  17. I thought it said it was by zircon at first . This is too repetitive though. There's only minor variations from the looped melody, which gets stale pretty quickly. That said, the take does use the appeal of melody and create a soundscape that fits it with its more desolate sound.
  18. I'm pleasantly surprised that Dr. Manhattan decided to sub this track here - I heard it back when it won DoD for that month, and it kicks ass. So one thing that kind of amazes me is that this was kept to 4.7 MB with the 160 kbps CBR compression. This is a really nice funk approach to this song - brass samples could use some upgrading, but this is clearly quality stuff regardless, something I cannot say about the majority of the really old stuff.
  19. Stuff like this is why I hate pubs. You get some of the lowest common denominator as far as gamers go.
  20. So we have yet another secret! ...But I'm holding out until close to the release to reveal this one
  21. I can cancel that one early - we should change the name of the old one so that it lists the IP of a new one (i.e. ocrtf2.com)
  22. There is a L4D & L4D2 bundle for $65 on Steam.
  23. I'd love to submit my vocals, but unfortunately I'm about to enter the realm of research . Good luck with the search!
  24. Aw, don't want to join the pack-o-rama? Actually, I don't know how packed my room will be...nobody seems to have made firm commitments
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