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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Man...samples hold this mix back quite a bit, which makes the guitar stand out quite a bit from the rest of the instruments. Volume is pretty low in general as well. The thing that bothers me the most along with the sample quality though is how empty the mix sounds for a large portion of it.
  2. Whoa, 6 minutes! So as far as I can tell, the main thing holding back this mix are the samples and production overall. The arrangement itself is pretty nifty for a trance piece - I can't say that I was really bored throughout the 6 minutes of listening, as they passed by pretty quickly with what is a pretty solid mix despite its issues.
  3. This is a nice take - but like many mixes from back then, there's a lot more that could've been done with the source material.
  4. Can't say I'm really familiar with Heroes 2, but this song is nice. I wish it were longer though, as there was quite some room for expanding things .
  5. This is a pretty cookiecutter arrangement of Wily Stage 1 .
  6. This is kinda cool, although I don't recognize the original source in this. He keeps things interesting throughout, although I feel like some improvements could have been made such as with the volume levels of various samples.
  7. So this mix has been around for quite a while - I was never a huge fan of this mix though, as it basically was the original with minor adjustments. The new stuff was nice, but there was too much that was basically ripped wholesale from the original, which bothered me greatly.
  8. Strangely enough, this sounds pretty good even for back then. It gives you some insight as to why McVaffe developed such a great reputation early on in OCR's lifetime. This particular mix isn't complicated - it takes things in a pretty relaxed fashion, which makes this a nice track to play when you're laid back or just want relaxing music in the background.
  9. I remember this mix, and I'm still not a fan of it. It is a crappier cover version of the original - for a song that has been done so many times, I'll take numerous other versions of this over this particular one any day.
  10. I <3 Pot Hocket mixes, mainly because of his guitar tone and how well it works for the songs he does. One thing in particular I found curious about this mix is that he approached it delicately throughout, whereas the original grew more dramatic as it progressed. I was somewhat mixed about that, but it worked out for what he was going for so kudos to him.
  11. So I know Edge is up for doing the 4 pack with me - I'll purchase it next week I guess and then prepare to paypal me the money whoever will be up for it? Which two want to go in with us for this?
  12. What the heck - review thread made in 2009 for a song posted in 2000? This is pretty upbeat. The volume is too low overall. The mix itself could use some more variation/development - as far as I can tell, it's like 2-3 loops and a section to break it up.
  13. Another Tweek mix with few reviews! He's not getting the love here . So this is pretty nice - it adds an industrial-like quality to give the song an ominous yet rolling atmosphere, like as if one was just casually walking through one of those sectors in Midgar, or maybe even a mako reactor.
  14. It's interesting, this track has gotten pretty overlooked, probably due to most people's lack of familiarity with the source (I'm not familiar myself admittedly). The flow for this song is pretty nice though - things are kept pretty interesting throughout, and I really don't see anything that sticks out complaint-wise here.
  15. Hm, I don't really remember this one. Despite not being familiar with the source, this seems pretty solid. Typical Mazedude sexiness!
  16. We don't want it done for every song - that'd be a little tacky. But for some songs it could be good, but only in limited amounts IMO.
  17. So never having played any Wild Arms games back as a kid, and only just have finished with Wild Arms: Alter Code F, I actually have some familiarity with the source! With that said, I had a hard time recognizing it, but it could be that I've only been recently acquainted with the music. I'm impressed with the delicate approach the mix takes though - it's quite moving, so it accomplishes that goal excellently.
  18. Whoa, did not expect a Mazedude mix from this game! I see what the others were talking about with regards to the ending - it sounds tacky in what is otherwise an upbeat happy mix! Otherwise, I found this a fun listen, but it jumped around too much from place to place.
  19. That intro brings back memories ha! The samples are pretty rough. The arrangement is ok, but I would've liked to hear this mix end with a sound from the arcade of someone dying in this game before fading in the other arcade sounds - I could be wrong with how the game works though, as I'm just assuming. I never actually played Moon Patrol myself...I think. The intro also took too long to come in - the arcade background noise could be cut shorter so the listeners can get more into listening to the meat of the mix. I would've also liked to see some more progression & development of the main part of the mix too, as the intro really killed its true length.
  20. So this mix sounds pretty nice despite some of the samples. There were a few areas where the instrument playing sounded strange to me, but excepting that, overall this is a pretty solid arrangement here (I'm not familiar with the original source). Things are kept pretty fresh throughout while maintaining the atmosphere created here. Definitely a surprise for me, good job!
  21. I remember back when this mix was posted! I was going through some bad times... ...But I also remember not being a huge fan of this particular mix. One thing I really felt could've used some work was with the guitar playing. There could've been more variation to keep things interesting. In addition, the transition from the intro to the main part of the mix sounded a bit contrived in that there is no real connection between the two parts, and there's no real attempt to reconcile that.
  22. Man, this is a mix by Ty? The samples sound like they could use some upgrading, but I know this is from quite a while back. So one thing I liked was that the arrangement didn't get too predictable...but I would've liked to see some parts developed more - it seemed to have a mini case of medleyitis. There's some nice potential here!
  23. Haha, what's with the spoken clip at the beginning? So this mix surprised me - things started somewhat darkish, giving me the impression that I was going to be listening to something maybe triphopish, but then shifted gears into the main melody. To be honest, I liked that intro segment more than the rest of the mix. The bass was a bit too high, but otherwise that intro segment had some intrigue to it, whereas the main crux of the mix is fairly conservative with the melody, layering a few more instruments in following the progression. It didn't vary things up too much, which just adds to the disappointment for me after the start.
  24. I can't help but notice how poor these samples sound to me now. There's an interesting contrast going on here with the relatively empty sounding drumming and the bigger sound from the other instruments. At around 1:20, there's also an unnatural shift in direction - it doesn't seem like the transition worked very well. The arrangement of the melody itself is intriguing in the first half, but too conservative in the second half of the mix, which is no good considering how short it is.
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