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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Some programs aren't overly great for a Mac, so the extra boost couldn't hurt. However it all depends on how soon you want a laptop. Looking up briefly on Macworld, apparently the latest Macbook Pros were released back in February (damn I'm out of the loop), so you might as well just buy one now (as well as take advantage of the free ipod deal with it).
  2. Alas, I for sure won't be going now - booked a flight to Chicago for the 6th. Hope you all have fun though!
  3. Any other volunteers for the last 6 tracks (excluding Game Over)? I really want them taken right now.
  4. Any others? I'm sure there are more of you who'd like to see the mystique of Coney Island with us.
  5. This thread brought Chrono Cross to mind, but upon looking, there doesn't seem to be Chrono Cross mixes that utilize a cello. I'm shocked! The cello was one of the most defining instruments to its soundtrack in general.
  6. So...I was forced to do a server wipe after I altered something by accident. If any settings are different, please tell me here or in game.
  7. Just a brief look at that list seems to indicate that the leaked list was true. But...what's the deal with so few bonus songs?
  8. Hm in that case, if you can use a nunchuck with that motion plus, then great job by Nintendo. Now, we just need some games to take advantage of it.
  9. I <3 Hydro too - in fact, I like all of the maps except Well if there are good teams really. Well is crappy because engineers have so much power .
  10. I just read about this. Too bad you can't use the nunchuck at the same time though, it would make FPSs amazing to play then. Now, I wonder how much Nintendo is going to charge us for this. Any guesses?
  11. Alright so I just made Dhsu an admin - check the first post of the thread to see instructions for how to use admin. Also a note for admins - if someone mic spams, warn them. If they don't listen, then use the silence or gag function in the Admin menu, Player Settings/Options, or whatever it's called.
  12. Technically, you just need a 64+ MB memory stick to make a Pandora battery. The smallest you really can find these days regularly is 1 GB so it's not that big of an issue.
  13. 90 days is kinda pitiful if you think about it too - that's only 1 month more than a 2 month warranty, which is crappy for electronics.
  14. See, this is what I was thinking about...is this seriously gonna be 3 people? Perhaps I'll bring some of my friends then too.
  15. But for many people who already made the investment in Rock Band, especially if they did so in the past year, it's a huge leap financially. Come on man, think before you blurt something out .
  16. Alright so I'm back. Thankfully, if I lost anything at Atlantic City, it was ~$5, and my parents actually won money for once! So more to the point, I've noticed if I'm not around, there aren't admins around for a long period of time in the games. So my remedy for that is to select more admins! I'm not completely sure who'd be good picks yet, so don't get on my case to make you (reading this post) an admin.
  17. Just so you all know, I won't be around for Saturday - I'm going to be at Atlantic City for the day. If you want the server to fill up, just stay on and play till others come join in.
  18. Actually Sephfire - the DLC thing is confirmed. I'm not sure why some sites don't realize it, but it was someone from Harmonix who gave an interview with IGN who let the cat out of the bag. In addition, owners of Rock Band 1 will still be able to play Rock Band songs on Rock Band 2. But more importantly, there are rumors that the setlist for the game has been leaked Note that the 10 revealed tracks all agree with the leak (this leak came out before the first 10 was revealed).
  19. Ah, so there really is a reason for preferring a laptop in this case. Fair enough then. You may end up waiting until September or October if the past two years ago of any indication to nab a new Macbook Pro model though.
  20. Oh no, not another remixer . Here's to hoping bLiNd pulls through!
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