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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I thought about this for a little while, and I think I know exactly what you mean...yeah, that was the only piece that I was like wtf about. It was completely out of place and felt tacked onto the game.
  2. This game is great, if you're on the fence, just buy it - guarantee you won't regret it. The soundtrack is also very nice for Uematsu fare too - I definitely love how the music fits incredibly well in the game, and it is far more notable for that than most soundtracks.
  3. Ha, all you suckers traded Double Dash in? I sold my copy on ebay months after launch for $40. I have DMC 2 in my collection too, but I haven't got to play it yet (I bought the DMC 1 - 3 collection a while back). Other than that, I have a sealed copy of Eragon that I bought for $10...still haven't opened it up to play it yet. I need to stop buying shitty games for cheap . Edit: Wow, some of you are crazy.
  4. To be fair the loading times are somewhat annoying, but the game more than makes up for that. I'm currently on the third disc just after zomg Gongora attacks everyone at once The game still has not felt old at all to me so far, which is an amazing feat for a JRPG. The music is surprisingly consistently good, and the dialogue is very well done, another rarity for a JRPG. This really is a game you shouldn't miss people.
  5. So I've been playing more Lost Odyssey...and it definitely makes me excited for what the top notch RPGs of this generation will be like. I'm just having too much fun with it.
  6. Yeah, my first impressions of Jansen is that he's hilarious, like that response he made to Seth when you first get to the Ipsilon Mountains. The Thousand Years of Dreams sequences are well done too...game just has impressed me a lot, excepting that certain areas have low encounter rates, making it a little sucky for leveling .
  7. Has EA indicated that it will attempt a hostile takeover if they refuse, ala Microsoft & Yahoo?
  8. Good god, Lost Odyssey is amazing (first impressions). Only question is, are you supposed to get raped by that first boss? I turned it off thinking it was the wrong thing, but I'm guessing you're not supposed to die and you're supposed to level up like crazy...is this true?
  9. I guess I haven't had that problem yet because I don't have an HDTV so far, and the one at home is only like 32" or something like that (DVDs look fine on that one). I'm very cheap though because I buy a lot of music CDs & games, and I view movies as third leg to those, assuming there isn't other stuff I really want as well.
  10. That's not good enough for me when it comes to movies - 50% savings is still too low for a cheapass like me.
  11. I want to go, but there's no way I'm flying from Illinois just for a weekend back home in NY. I wish it was during the summer .
  12. I'm guessing Nintendo is finally getting ready to be serious about online gaming on the Wii. I'll wait until I hear the actual details before I get my panties in a bunch.
  13. Double Dash had its fair share of bullshit too - I remember one time I was in 1st place on that Mushroom Bridge in 150cc, and just when I was about to cross the finish line, I get hit with 3 blue shells, almost costing me first place. That to me has been one of the most frustrating shitty AI experiences ever.
  14. I generally don't hear about any sales on blu-ray titles by that much though - that's why the only blu-ray movie I've seen on my PS3 so far has been Talledega Nights (the one that came with it). I refuse to pay $15+ for a movie unless it's that good, and not many movies fit that bill period IMO.
  15. If you look for sales, you can often find DVDs less than $10, sometimes at $5...that's quite a saving that adds up.
  16. Yeah, those holographic discs really make me think the blu-ray/HD-DVD battle wasn't worth it for the consumer - the potential leap is just too low for me to justify eventually losing my cheap option (DVDs). If I'm going to be paying the outrageous full prices for movies, they have to be worthwhile, and blu-ray/HD-DVD hasn't trickled my fancy so far.
  17. Nope, powersliding in the first one was just to save your top speed while sliding, no extra boost business.
  18. I've come close to buying that HD-DVD add-on for the 360 with the sales going around, but the high def movies just cost more than I'm willing to pay (and that is not much at all). Good thing I saved my money.
  19. I don't see why more people don't ignore him but...it gets really annoying to even chat in #ocremix when you have bluefox monologues in the chat that nobody is interested in responding to, killing any spark for conversation. Thankfully, I've been pretty busy these days and don't have to stress out about it. It's unfortunate that this situation occurs, and it really kills reasons to chat there some of the times.
  20. One game really highlights the difference IMO - Call of Duty 4. It is much harder to see details on a crappy regular TV compared to an HDTV (not even necessarily 720p). Everything is so crisp on my HDTV at home, it really enhances the experience and increases the range of skill based play available to me in that game.
  21. I beg to differ - I've been just fine with DVDs so far, and have always been displeased at this ridiculous format war attempting to displace such a cheap and capable format. Watching TV shows in HD isn't really appealing (I despise most shows) - the main draw is video games for me. Blu-ray/HD-DVD isn't a big enough jump for me to embrace mass adoption quite frankly.
  22. I spent a whole day with a whole coterie of friends making Mario ? blocks at the end of my last semester of undergrad and hung them around campus.
  23. The disc read speed of Blu-ray atm is a problem (especially with the PS3, which reads slower than current DVD players), and there were a few other upsides with HD-DVD, although I don't remember them (something about the video quality?). Anyhow, I still don't care terribly much about this war, as I don't have an HDTV yet (in about a half an year I intend on buying a 1080p HDTV though) - I seem to recall someone posting something here before about a format in the works that will might make Blu-ray obsolete anyway.
  24. Lost Odyssey is out already?
  25. Watched the video on the front page of the site, and I gotta say, it sounds retarded.
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