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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I'm surprised people here are still paying attention to him.
  2. That's such bullshit haha. I did similar things in Melee with Yoshi.
  3. Damnit....so hoarding those hammers is useless?
  4. I think he was referring to a spammy post I deleted.
  5. When I build a new desktop sometime this year, I'll be game.
  6. With their recent trend, I hope they don't touch FF6 .
  7. Problem is, plenty of other formats have had support, but never been able to get over that hump since the quality of 192 kbps mp3s are fine to most, and for most even less works. In addition, you have a lot of companies that keep fighting for their own choice of formats to go through since they each want their choice to succeed, most notably with portable music players. To even take this Apple format for an example, you have it supported on iPods, but what about other portable music players? Or ogg? These formats don't enjoy ubiquitous support, and probably never will because of the thorny issue of licensing issues that could arise if one companies' technology wins out over the currently fairly neutral mp3.
  8. For me, mp3 has proven to be more than sufficient in all things considered with many of these heralded formats not having 1) the nearly ubiquitous compatibility of mp3 with various devices and/or 2) software compatibility. Those really are the killers for me, and the annoyance of supposed audiophiles who want to huff and puff these formats down people's throats for the sake of audio quality over convenience. I think the next acceptable jump to most is when a lossless format becomes the standard format for all devices, which should happen in the next 2 decades (at least I hope).
  9. Mp3 has been just fine for me for my uses.
  10. I guess that does it, I'll go down to 720p and get a good 32" or so. Edit: Oh my god, I can't believe I found the 99th seed in Lost Odyssey. After probably 10 hours of searching, the task of getting all of the immortal skills is almost complete! Now I can finally beat the game soon.
  11. The one time I went to a Best Buy early to try to get a Wii for reselling, there were a ton of people there (I was a few people off from the cutoff) - and there weren't many scalpers there from what I could tell. It was mostly families out trying to get a Wii for themselves, and Best Buy was cracking down on families trying to scalp wholesale. And there are going to be people who really want to buy the Wii and are willing to pay more for the convenience. You act like these people aren't making a conscious decision.
  12. I saw my first Wii in the wild back in October and at Best Buy too, but I didn't have the money to buy it up right then and hoard it for the holiday shopping season. And what's not right about reselling Wiis? If people are willing to pay the higher price for an ensured Wii, then what's to stop people from satisfying that demand? I camped 18 hours for my launch Wii, and I only paid the normal price + tax, while there were people driving by offering $200 cash just for my place in line, which I deemed too low to get me to leave my place. These are people who actively offered money without provocation of any kind.
  13. I guess you guys haven't had the massive bad luck I've had on some of these events, such as the Lucario at lethal damage one, when the CPU would get that miracle item when I'm so close to killing them that slows down all opponents, and then I'd become easy pickings because Lucario is so damn slow.
  14. Yep, and I've even seen a few Wiis go for ~$600 for just the console on ebay, but those were pretty rare when compared to the number of Wiis that ebay went through during that time. My guess is that the mindset of these people is that they're working most of the time, and can't really be bothered to camp out for the consoles, so they pay the higher premium almost out of necessity. No doubt that some of these people make more money in the amount of time they would lose from camping (at work and being well-rested) that the choice is pretty clear for them.
  15. I sold all of mine during the two or three weeks after Thanksgiving, on carefully chosen days & times after observations of when Wiis tended to go for the most on ebay (I also used those pricier visibility options, which paid off). It was desperation time for getting one of the hottest Christmas items, and I knew how to cash out .
  16. I recognized it instantly too, and was a bit surprised (the Super Mario Land World 2 song). Some of the songs they put in the game are <3, like their version of Gourmet Race, and DKC Ship Deck 2. Also I <3 that they put in F-Zero tracks too. However as for the game itself...I'm sort of disappointed that they catered to the hardcore so much with the game. Looking at some of those "challenges" that the game expects you to do would make me want to throw the controller at the TV if I were to attempt them. I've been already dangerously close to hurling the controller as it is, and its been frustrating dealing with crappy events.
  17. Funny thing is, I didn't camp for these 3 - I waited on Amazon.com on Black Friday since I knew they would have Wiis in stock as soon as it turned midnight on PST, and I bought 3 up as soon as they were available.
  18. My Wiis all sold for ~$500, with 2 going for a little higher. Minus fees, I made ~$200 per Wii.
  19. It says PCs will follow after them - which means that they'll get it, just later than sooner. Sales & profit margins on the consoles appear to be too much for Epic to avoid.
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