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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. F-Zero GX I'd give it a YES. The game easily deserves recognition for its overall level of polishness, and crazy hard addicting gameplay. It demands perfection to unlock everything, and rewards you at a good rate for it. Easily my favorite racing game from last gen. Loco Roco I'd give it a NO. The concept isn't so bad, but not much changes after the beginning to really compel you to keep going on. Advance Wars DS I have a hard time deciding on this, which probably means a NO. The game certainly kept me hooked for a good amount of time, but there are clearly areas in which it could use polishing, especially in the godawfully long multiplayer games. Multiplayer games should never require that length of time on a pick-up-and-go handheld, and some may argue that they should never be that long period.
  2. Yeah sure, we can make things work out if things don't work out for you!
  3. Actually, djp said earlier in the thread that any artist would be able to distribute their music however they like, just excepting the OC ReMix labeling & tagging. This protects OverClocked ReMix, and still maintains the artist(s)'s rights in all but the removal of the remix. Also mentioned earlier is that the intent is to not allow trivial matters cause people to sway back and forth between requesting to take down remixes or any other such decisions. If people would like, a formalized policy to outline under what circumstances can OCR reject removal requests and such be drafted, so that they are 100% confident in exactly what the site does, but djp needs to know what exactly can be done to protect all of your rights that would not infringe on OCR's. The only clause I see a possible problem in an arranger's rights vs. OCR's rights issue is the absolute power to reject a request for removal, but that can be amended with clearer terms & elaboration. And people, please refrain from unproductive remarks in this thread. If you disagree strongly with the current stated policy, that's fine, but try to help amend it if you can (which is the reason for this thread in the first place). Keep all flaming & otherwise retroactive remarks out. Consider this a strong warning to all.
  4. Wii Play blows all ass - it's more worthwhile to buy the remote separately.
  5. Bump...it's heading down to the deadline people! Better grab your seats fast!
  6. Every time I see that game, I get tempted to buy it - maybe I'll buy it on my birthday.
  7. Well, I can't speak for others, but my question was a legal question so that it could be worded better when it comes to technicalities.
  8. Yeah, that annoyed me too - just give a heart scale to a guy in a house in Pastoria City to relearn old moves (they can be found by digging in the Underground).
  9. I'm wondering about this because if a remixer submitted his/her remix prior to the change (accepted or still in the queue), what would the legality be here?
  10. Yeah, I know what you mean - I'm from around NYC, and a lot of people don't know NYC that well (tourists), so they know little about where the real gems of the city is at. My mom is a bit wary though about me taking a look around Chicago since when she lived there, she remembers there being a lot of quite bad neighborhoods. How is it now? (she lived there ~30 years ago) I'm afraid that because of my limited time, I may be forced to go to more typical tourist attractions And holy shit is that Tru restaurant expensive as fuck. I'm a poor grad student, not a wealthy businessman.
  11. So, another question - anyone know of any good hotels around the area? (cheap preferred)
  12. Well, Amtrak is nice about letting you switch tickets at least.
  13. Nah, I stopped playing for a week too...then I started it again and got back into it.
  14. I just put that there for now - I have no idea what order the tickets were purchased.
  15. There are plenty of good bands still around, but this is a topic for another thread.
  16. That doesn't equate with intelligence though. I respect their musical abilities more than most mainstream bands as well, despite my strong dislike for them (especially lyrically), but intelligent lyrics should have a strong principle associated with them (i.e. Iron Maiden - The Trooper), or deal with intricate subjects in a sufficiently deep way (i.e. some Kate Bush).
  17. Since when has Linkin Park's lyrics have intelligence to them? I can't say I know anything about the new album from my own observations, but one of my friends despises the album since it's basically shitting on the fans they made their music on (paraphrased). Edit: A band might say so-and-so, but that doesn't make it the truth. It could be the record label making huge pressures to cause this change, which has been known to happen behind the scenes.
  18. From what I've heard, this album is like the very definition of a sellout. I'm probably going to download it when I get home for laughs.
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