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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I'll take boredom over seeing people acting like children any day. This is not the appropriate place to discuss this anyhow.
  2. I don't remember, but I think buying the card is cheaper anyway, as you get 12+1 months for $40.
  3. Yeah, we're on IRC on #d2ocr @ irc.enterthegame.net and there're usually several people on every day.
  4. Not to mention the sheer texture ability thanks to the 512 MB of RAM.
  5. I'm sure people could do without water balloons exploding on them.
  6. No worries, there'll probably be a summer Baltimore and a summer NYC meetup
  7. NiGHTS sequel is official for the Wii: http://www.gametab.com/news/850197/
  8. Just a side comment, I'm going to have to disagree with the FFX & FFXII suggestions - FFX was just tedious towards the end, and FFXII really suffers from bad grinding...although everything else about FFXII is amazing. Still not worth playing due to the grinding though. If you haven't played the Mega Man X games, I'd highly recommend the Mega Man X Collection. The Guitar Hero games are also great though.
  9. I'm still content with my $200 XBox 360 Premium...and the black one sounds like such garbage for most people. They should at least drop the price on the current Premium, but at $480 for the black one, I don't see that happening.
  10. Yup here's the new XBox 360: http://www.gametab.com/news/848763/
  11. Heavy rumors suggest a $300 premium, so I'd hold off on buying the 360 until Microsoft makes its announcement. It's predicted that it will come out in early May, so maybe an E3 announcement?
  12. So we traded away an assload of pgems and got 2 Um, 1 Pul, 1 Jah, and 1 Mal.
  13. Oh, you missed out by a few days then - amazon had them in stock and were shipping. The game is really horrible though. If I bought Wii Play for the remote, I'd be pretty pissed at how bad it is.
  14. Agreed, you're much better off just buying the remote by itself than Wii Play. It's not even worth $10 in my book. If you really want to buy it though, just order it through Amazon.com (and of course from here: Amazon Outlet - OverClocked ReMix )
  15. I'm almost 23 and my parents still aren't comfortable with the idea of me meeting people I've talked to from online . Don't let it bother you that much.
  16. Yeah this year is killer for the 360, I'm impressed. Also Symphony of the Night for $10! Definitely purchasing that on XBLA.
  17. I got to gank Gore Rider for D-Lux and Gheed's Fortune for myself during baal runs tonight . I hope this is a sign of things to come *cough*Tal Rasha's ammy*cough*. Oh and I have 378% mf atm. And we found your ist andy, plus chapel has a bunch of sols if you want them.
  18. I think it's so the parents have to put less effort in making it work the way the parents may want it to.
  19. Nintendo may not be responsible, but it would hurt their image as a console safe for kids to use for online gaming, and to them that image is more important than the cries of foul by more hardcore gamers.
  20. Wrong forum you noob . I think Radio Shack may have the cable necessary for this though.
  21. Friend code hell is back: http://www.gametab.com/news/843673/
  22. What? This makes little sense, especially the quantum relativity part, and I have a B. S. in physics .
  23. What. There is a problem in art with most people misunderstanding it. As someone earlier in the thread mentioned, art is about creative expression - there is no aspect of comparison in terms of what artform is better, although one might compare how well a work fares in conveying that message with another similar work. But subjective? How well something accomplishes it's aim isn't subjective - if you mean enjoyment of particular works of art is subjective, then yes, but subjective in achieving it's goal? I'd say no.
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