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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Yeah, I forgot to tell my brother about this, he could've made a ton yesterday. And I'm really disappointed that it's on Cingular - I'm not switching from Verizon to Cingular's crap. The phone using GSM is another downer for me - that clicking crap that it causes on speakers is lame. I'm wondering how that GSM thing is not a violation of the FCC standards, about not interfering with other devices, but whatever.
  2. Pretty much (Sauzer's post). Vig summed it up well too. I guess I chose a bad day to go have some night time fun.
  3. http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?cgiurl=http%3A%2F%2Fcgi.ebay.com%2Fws%2F&fkr=1&from=R8&satitle=Gamecube+component+cable&category0=&submitSearch=Search Looks like they're pricey though.
  4. This thread is fairly silly. Locked
  5. Yeah, the TV thing doesn't interest me, but the phone one does - also, it gets released at about the time I have to buy a new phone, so it'd be perfect for me, assuming that Verizon supports it...
  6. Hey, it's an awards thing for gaming, and I don't care about those things because they do nothing to enhance my gaming experience.
  7. And you and I were such assholes - SnappleMan called you a loud asshole in IRC haha (about the DoD listening party stuff).
  8. Or, it could speak about how many people visit this site. This site is far more known than people seem to think - the mirrors and the main site move ~6 TB monthly after all for good reason. One could argue that it wouldn't dent the audience at large with a look at some of the stats. But again, this is irrelevant to the points of discussion, and really is just a petty comment.
  9. http://www.macworld.co.uk/news/index.cfm?RSS&newsID=16889 So how does people feel about some of these announcements? I'm quite curious about some of these (and no, I'm no Apple fanboy), especially the cellphone. Apple is synominous (sp?) with quality at the moment, and the phone would be nice, considering most cellphones just plain sucks. Edit: It is a little off topic but there's no forum for it atm, so here it goes till then.
  10. Yeah, ironically djp went to sleep just before this problem happened: ( .
  11. It's still there: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4193&highlight=internet+video Maybe you should check your forum settings? Right now we're loathe to moderate threads unless it's more necessary due to the situation.
  12. Well, jdghate is in good fun, and she can appreciate that. I've gotten modhate as it is so pour it on! I'm a shtymodfgt.
  13. I saw part of the panel and I was quite impressed. VGMix is finally coming out as its own. Also, virt said they're aiming for release in two weeks.
  14. Unmod was backed up (everything gets backed up before any changes are made to the forums). I don't think the off topic forum is made yet though - we have yet to decide on the final name and completely on the rules (there has been some protest over the no porn heh, and we have to revisit talks about deleting PPR or not), although some have requested we leave the name as Off Topic. There's a good amount we're going to make solid here in the next few days, so if anyone has any input, feel free to post it. It's true that that problem may be there, but it always is, and OCR would be quite bland with just a Gen Disc when people are more than just about those things. We don't want it to be as separate a community as Unmod was though. More staff interaction, more of the good stuff of Unmod, and more of the jdgh8 that we all cherish.
  15. Seeing as how many people went on childish flood abusing and troll responsing, I would say it's at least 50% who didn't care or are at least misguided about what OCR is about. I don't even want to know what it would've been like with advance notice, especially considering the lack of maturity that some exhibited and are known for. It also makes it incredibly hard for anyone to make a full and complete response to the legitimate complaints like djp made when some people do things like that. Even when I have posted that some of us have apologies to make and we will make a public one soon, people still continued with the same generalizations, and the same assumptions that some of us have made and which got us into this big mess in the first place. People need to calm down and try to understand the rationale on both sides without preconceived notions before getting angry childishly (this goes for everyone, not just you, not just me). Just to add about the deletion of Unmod, this was not only an unanimous agreement by the moderators, but with many of the judges (if not all), and from what I see has long been planned. The timing was what we were not necessarily in agreement with. I do remember voicing concern that we shouldn't do anything like such while a good portion of the staff was at MAGfest, although in retrospect I should have held to that concern. Knowing what some of Unmod is like, I feared quite strongly that there would be an incredible concentrated backlash if there was advance notice - not necessarily by some of you, but definitely by some of the others who have been known to do despicable things. I do agree that there should have been more preparation, but I do not agree with some people's sentiments that the new forum should have been up - there were a lot of people who were angry at the deletion because they never thought Unmod would be deleted, and took it for granted. We want the new forum to be without any preconceived notions after things calmed down, yet with a lot of the freedom that Unmod had (minus the despised activities). For an example, I know Unmod did some of the trolling because of the newbies they didn't want there - what some of what those newbies have done wouldn't fly in the new forum, and will be handled via moderation.
  16. I'd say no - I refuse to buy any PSP game at the $40 price tag, and the same goes for the DS.
  17. djp is in the photo on the very left, as well as me, rama, pixie, and zircon. It was a joke photo, although some did take it a little seriously in its posting (which is why it shouldn't have been posted and has been deleted from the original post since). Notice Rama has his hands up, someone had the \m/, and I wasn't even really looking at the camera (I am a lazy fucker - I was lying down).
  18. Damn I remember that pic . Good times!
  19. Well, we were concerned because your IP traces to Beatdown. Whether it is or not, we're letting it go for now.
  20. Yeah, this is sad, and it sucks that he got stranded alone to handle the floodwave backlash after the deletion of Unmod - he didn't deserve that, and it shouldn't have been done at a time when a good chunk of the other moderators were gone. He will still be submitting and still be a part of the community though.
  21. We're going to have a talk about this - I'm trying to get it as soon as possible, but of course some people only come on at night. There are definitely apologies to be given from the staff though. We'll probably make an announcement about it and have each of us post in it with the relevant comments. I understand how some people won't be coming back - some of those people were wanted out, some not, but there has been some bad blood left behind that needs to be addressed. It is definitely something of concern though. However, people should not forget that there were many childish actions done during this time as well. The flooding and trolling that occurred after the deletion was a definite indication that something was wrong. I talked to some of the .org people earlier, and they admitted that some stuff was out of hand. The crux of the problem appears to be miscommunication, and I aim on trying to get that fixed for the future.
  22. The plan has always been to delete Unmod - the question was of when it should be done. The new forum should be up by the end of the week, once we flesh out the rules for it. How this was handled definitely could have been better though.
  23. I also have said that pic should definitely not been posted (I was in the pic for fun, as were some others like rama) - I said that right when the picture was taken.
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