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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Just like the rest of us posting here tonight .
  2. I found info on how to do it while browsing http://forums.maxconsole.net. Thanks though! I'm actually psyched for when my friend will get a PSP of his own, so I can get my PSP back and we can get some nice multiplayer fun. There are quite a lot of nice games for it now worth playing, and the PS1 emulation is just icing on the cake. He bought Portable Ops too, so I'm going to have to too (besides, if it sells well we're supposed to get another PSP MGS) - I've been hearing nothing but good things about that game.
  3. Fuck...so my friend upgraded the firmware to 2.80 without realizing it. Anyone know how to get 3.02OE to work?
  4. Calling friends and playing Gears of War.
  5. I think that's a vBulletin default - it will be noted though when the finetuning gets done.
  6. Whenever they run out of games - it's a clearance. If you want a heads up in the future, check http://www.cheapassgamer.com - likely almost all the Toys 'R Us stores are ransacked by now.
  7. Also keep in mind, aesthetic and other minor changes will be made, but right now security and integration are at the utmost concern right now.
  8. Damn I tried the best I could to change the title, but it only changed the title of the post . Edit: I got it to work thanks to Smoke!
  9. So I keep hearing that Excitetruck really is worth a buy - should I go for it?
  10. Of course it'll be a little more money (or possibly the same price point) but would it be worth it?
  11. So, there are rumors (just that) about a 60 GB PSP update. Thoughts?
  12. Well also about those damn credit card offers, there are only so many credit cards I can fit in my damn wallet. Also more PS3s are being sold tomorrow morning when Best Buy opens. (post to get the subscription thread into the User CP)
  13. Damn I wish I knew about this
  14. I just got home and it was a great time . Oh and Jill won the Monopoly game . Andy and I just got crushed landing on Luigi and then Mario back to back.
  15. Just a last minute reminder, make sure you all bring a good amount of cash, since NYC is no cheap place.
  16. I blame the lack of public transport in America. I occasionally play in bed, but usually I'll just play my consoles when I'm at home. But a DS or PSP makes an hour long train ride seem like 15 minutes. At the doctor's office waiting for your appointment? Same deal. If I go camping or on a weekend trip I bring it along for any unexpected times of boredom. I even bring it to work for a little gaming during my down time. Using a portable system exclusively at home seems rather pointless to me. Oh I agree, my friend holding my PSP at the moment uses it all the time because he has to take the subway to get into Manhattan a lot. My greatest usage of a portable is waiting at a damn airport for several hours for my flight. It's just that it's hard to get actual portable usage out of it when you spend most of your time couped up studying. Also, I like the convenience of being able to play on my bed with a handheld. For such relatively small space of my dorm room, it just feels nicer.
  17. I actually play my handhelds on my bed usually. It doesn't really compel me to play my games on the go, although I can see younger kids loving them for the portable gaming. My traveling habits just doesn't lend to portable gaming very well.
  18. You likely have to send it in - I had a similar problem with an older iPod.
  19. So, it looks like we have 21 people that'll be here, and potentially up to 25. This'll be great.
  20. So, I finally bought some PSP games - caught X-Men Legends II, the Gradius Collection, and Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth for $40 total. The best part? I paid not a dime since I have a $100 gift card to Toys 'R Us from my XBox 360 purchase. Puts me up to 6 PSP games and hopefully counting.
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