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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I see much disaster in this contest.
  2. you gave and recieved a hat... are you part of a expensive hat trading club? or were you regifted, or regifting? He's referring to the I-got-pissed-at-mom-so-I-bought-a-$350-Time-Mage-hat thread like two years ago.
  3. Every time I look at one of these Christmas threads, I just think how spoiled everyone is .
  4. Yeah, I missed out on all of the pre-SotN Castlevanias too, I need to play them all sometime.
  5. So, maybe we should put cool stuff about the Wii in the first post (i.e. that Wii tabs thing)? What do you think people?
  6. Here're some SNES games to look for (some are RPGs, some are action/adventure): Super Mario RPG Earthbound Final Fantasy 2 Final Fantasy 3 Secret of Mana Secret of Evermore Breath of Fire Breath of Fire 2 Lufia and the Fortress of Doom Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals Chrono Trigger Super Mario World Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Mega Man X Mega Man X2 Mega Man X3 Super Tennis (yes a sports game, but this tennis game is still awesome to this day) Tetris Attack Super Metroid Kirby Super Star I'm sure I missed a lot of games there too.
  7. I am in need of more XBox 360 games too . This probably means an after Christmas stop to Toys 'R Us to go use my $100 gift card on an XBox 360 wireless controller and some game (or a premeetup stop by the Times Square store). And my brother plowed through Gears of War last night and today to beat it already. Fairly short but still awesome.
  8. Fact. Unless you have the multi-tap adapter, in which case 3 player Secret of Mana so wins. Haven't played Secret of Evermore, but Secret of Mana has one of the most annoying battle systems I have ever experienced. The best football game on the whole system is ISS Deluxe. Good luck finding that, though. The only real horrible things about Secret of Mana were that leveling up stuff sucked and magic was supremely cheap on bosses (chain casting).
  9. Yup, it's the Metro North - the only train that goes to Pleasantville . How is the Fordham Rd. area of the Bronx though? I have a friend who currently lives halfway between the Wakefield and Woodlawn stations, and he's scared of walking around at night, and he's Jamaican. And Merry Christmas Eve/Day to all you NYC OCRers!
  10. That's America for ya. Merry Christmas in ~3 1/2 hours!
  11. Same here. I can't wait for Wario Ware to come out, but until then, I'm casually playing Wii Sports every now and then with friends, but mostly going back to my PS2. God, does Guitar Hero EVER get old? One of the best values I ever got out of a game. Me three. Good thing I got a new XBox 360 & Gears of War for the moment. And Guitar Hero is just fun to pick up and play...who knows when it'll get old, especially if they keep releasing games, although MTV recently bought out Harmonix .
  12. Oh I didn't read it carefully...guess I need those hooked on phonics.
  13. Once you gave all that info, I figured it out quite easily. It's not nice handing over the tools if the tools are only like 2 things .
  14. If I remembered right, djp said his sister moved and doesn't live in the city anymore, so his reason for stopping by disappeared.
  15. Well, the hardware sales has been erratic due to the extreme shortage, so we'll see what happens to software sales after. That software library of exclusives may look low now, but remember that the smaller Japanese developers in general will probably still stick with Sony. In any case, this spring should bring us some more news about the future of the console.
  16. Would you rather I call you a fgtmod, just to make you feel like a welcome mod? Because, you know, you can't be a good mod if you don't have a lot of time to hang around the forums and, well.. moderate. (I'm just joking, of course. Now, if Evilhead had been made a mod in gendesc, you'd have the OCR Troll King, out to ban everyone who says anything positive about Nintendo ) Evilhead is fairly mature about things, even if he does troll a bit. But the point there was that these politics really don't mean much to gamers - it's only the games themselves that matter, and gamers have shown that they're quite willing to take crap up the ass for the games (PS2's PR lies and hyperbole). I wouldn't worry too much except about the game selection. If blu-ray does take off I will most certainly buy a PS3 though, despite my reservations about giving Sony control of a format, as a DVD player for my parents.
  17. You have too much time on your hands SilverStar.
  18. Crazy, hackers are going nuts on the Wii.
  19. Launch day craze - people are idiots regardless. And someone got massively lucky - they also used the American Express 25% off a total purchase coupon at the Times Square Toys 'R Us on Friday to get themselves a PS3 for $450.
  20. LOL, the day I get made mod the the day I snowboard in Satan's backyard. Most likely, I get banned by Bahamut for not liking the Wii. ;_; Haha, I've actually been a little disappointed by the Wii as of late *hides from stoning*. The day you become mod would be when Nintendo fanboys riot and start trashing the place.
  21. I'd just get the XBox 1 games - no rush right? Besides, in March there'll probably be an official price drop.
  22. Haven't read a bad review yet. Loved the campaign, beat it by myself, once and I've basically beat it 3 times with friends on co-op. I still only have 19 COG tags though The live was a bit disappointing, don't get me wrong the game play for the live is amazing (Although I think they should have scraped the satellite of Dawn for the multiplayer) but I don't see why producers copy a bit from Halo, once the games done you just go back to the title screen, no way to join a party to play ranked games, and in ranked games you can't even see you rank, with a mod free game I don't see why you wouldn't put your rank on there I think all XBox Live games are somewhat similar, aren't they? I probbly won't play this game on Live, but it's good to know that Epic is capable of something other than fast paced FPS.
  23. Ok, so I just spent ~2 1/2 hours with my new XBox 360. Ironically, I spent the first half an hour playing Geometry Wars and some of the other XBox Live Arcade cames that came with the Unplugged. Afterwards though, I hit up Gears of War, and after 2 hours of play, I am thoroughly amazed by the game. I haven't been amazed by a game in a while, not even Twilight Princess (as good as Zelda is of course). If you're an XBox 360 owner, pick this up.
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