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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Well, we don't want an overflowing of the fad threads (come on, you know that some of those cases were pretty extreme and stupid), but yeah, we just don't want massive trolling, flooding, spamming, and abuse of that nature. Essentially Unmod with the crap taken out. Also if someone acts really dense and posting to piss people off, they will get just as moderated, so as to keep the forum clean of that. Also, I'm not sure where the whole no porn thing came from - even djp was like "no porn?" We'll probably be discussing this in the next few days (I'd lean more towards the end of the week though).
  2. Last I checked, maturity includes stuff like not acting like a common troll and respect. Lacking in one area of maturity does not justify another lack of maturity.
  3. Hm? The XBox 360 HD-DVD drive is $200.
  4. Well, there are also the heavy rumors (supposedly leaked news) of a new version of the XBox 360. It looks like Microsoft is being quite aggressive this generation.
  5. Yeah, this has easily been one of the most amazing and awesome experiences ever - there were just so many great things going on. Dave and Jake shaking hands, good music (Smash Brothers is my favorite of the performers, although others were great too with some unexpectedly solid ones like Armcannon), and overall great times.
  6. I bet now people feel really stupid for buying the 20 GB PS3.
  7. Damn DKR for DS? And I just bought Elite Beat Agents .
  8. Alright, I got back from an amazing MAGfest, but I'm too tired to play tonight. I'll be ready tomorrow though.
  9. Would I be a little early to call that the best quote of 2007? We were dying here when I read that quote at loud here just now.
  10. The problem about playing imports though would be that Sony could patch the PS3 right?
  11. Not to single you out, but we do plan on changing things like this - unfortunately this is a vB default. People should stop acting as if this is the end result though.
  12. Damn...I found out my friend upgraded to 2.81, not 2.80. I'm fuxx0red for a while. I have time I guess. Buying PSP games doesn't look too bad though.
  13. Its been posted before - besides, I have to waste my time around, I'm a moderator . I was just being honest about my thoughts about that list. Some of those in the list really only applies to one game as another has mentioned, and some were pretty crappy.
  14. Oh the irony - you can use the Sony credit card offer I linked to in the last page if you want $150 off (although you have to wait ~2 1/2 months to get the money credited).
  15. I vote for kamoh - he needs a tournament win .
  16. Slightly offtopic but I'm starting to realize how much I've neglected my PSP these days - I have only 6 games so far, 3 that I bought two days after Christmas in a Toys 'R Us clearance sale, and just bought Me And My Katamari and Gitaroo Man Lives! I have a few other games on my list like Mega Man Powered Up, Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, and Capcom Classics Remixed - it's surprising how many games the PSP has worth a go now. It's no DS, but it has a respectable set of games.
  17. You could try the Writer's thread: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=5154
  18. There already is a PSP thread here: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=5203
  19. Give it a month or so - the post-holiday shopping craze is going on now.
  20. Yeah that thing is old and much of it is incredibly retarded/exaggerated.
  21. No idea, but unfortunately it doesn't come with wireless support .
  22. Whoops, forgot the e (posting cause kamoh told me to).
  23. So, I was just looking around Amazon.com for some of the rarer PSP games...wow, some of these PSP games are pretty cheap now. I just snagged Me and My Katamari for $20, and Guiaroo Man Lives! for $35. A lot of the good games are $20 or less right now, which is a pretty damn good deal. It's a great time to snag a PSP if you're on the sidelines.
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