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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. So there's a rumor that Devil May Cry 4 might come on the XBox 360 too after a time exclusivity period - that's good news for us 360 owners!
  2. I say who cares about the sales. Play/buy what you like.
  3. Yeah a lot of those comments were so stupid.
  4. I'd say going on all those trains isn't worth it for just that amount of time - you're from Long Island right? So you'd have to go up to Pleasantville, stay for 2 hours, and then leave to go back to Grand Central, and then take two subways to get back to Penn Station for your train back home. That sounds like too much of a hassle.
  5. zircon's is a little too much distance if you're not staying overnight or live in the county - it's about 45 min to an hour by train to get there. Dinner should be sometime at 6-8 or so. As for Penn Station to Grand Central - take the 1, 3, or 9 (the red subways) up to Times Square, and then take the S (the gray subway) to Grand Central. Find us in the main hall, which is where the information booth with the clock on top of it is. You can't miss it, trust me.
  6. http://www.destructoid.com/playstation-3-kiosks-freezing-up-on-purpose--28860.phtml This news gets the ROFL. Fuck Sony PR, they're full of shit.
  7. He put his number up in the '05 meetup thread too. PM me if you want mine, although it'll probably be unnecessary.
  8. Also, a lot of the PSP games can be found for discounted prices now. Megaman Powered Up & Maverick Hunter X (I have this one) for $20, and X-Men Legends II, Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, Capcom Classics Remixed and Gradius Collection for $10, all at the Toys 'R Us clearance now.
  9. Yeah, there really are quite a bunch of good PSP games out there now, I'm surprised at how many I have missed in the half an year that I lent my PSP to a friend. I wouldn't put WWE Smackdown vs. RAW there though due to those obscene load times.
  10. This just in - there's a working downgrader for even the new PSPs (as in with the most recent motherboards).
  11. Pfft. I'm not falling for that. We all know you're a good Christian boy. I on the other hand do have a lady to entertain tomorrow night, and by entertain, I mean removal of clothing is intended. So, yeah. I can't play tomorrow at all. Kamoh where are you? I'm online and ready. Damn you, spoiling all my fun! But it would mean that I'd be out of commission because I'd be spending time with close friends. It does sound like your holiday season is better than mine, on the whole. I'm working every day this week, and what's more, I have to, because I'm in hock with Visa over all my Xmas shopping. It'll be nice to graduate and stop spending 80% of my time on something that not only doesn't pay me, but costs me a substantial amount of money. The life of a poor student. Prolonged adolescence. Meh. I've actually been stuck this break studying for most of the time so far - it sucks. My fun time is starting to come though so that's good. I spent most of my night and early afternoon dealing with those god forsaken spam bots though .
  12. Pfft. I'm not falling for that. We all know you're a good Christian boy. I on the other hand do have a lady to entertain tomorrow night, and by entertain, I mean removal of clothing is intended. So, yeah. I can't play tomorrow at all. Kamoh where are you? I'm online and ready. Damn you, spoiling all my fun! But it would mean that I'd be out of commission because I'd be spending time with close friends.
  13. So...Rainman, where are yoooooooou. December 28th and the 29th are both busy days, and possibly the 30th and 31st for me too (NYC meetup, and I have two lady friends to...entertain).
  14. Less systems around? Depends on how much you value your space I guess. I never was into console emulation myself.
  15. Actually, there's an entrance to get to the Times Square subway station right in Port Authority, and then look for the S subway. And there is a small possibility of a girl friend of mine joining us for a lunch, I'll call her again tomorrow or on meetup day to find out.
  16. In many gamers' eyes, Zelda OoT is still the standard. I sure hope not, because OoT was still lacking for even its day.
  17. Also, it is far more useful for us if you can link to the profiles, not the posts, as has been said before. That way we can ensure the removal of the spam by each of these names.
  18. This has been posted in unmod before, but Final Fantasy Tactics is being upgraded for the PSP with 2 extra classes. Also, there is now a fully functioning PS1 emulator for the PSP, which is very mouthwateringly tempting.
  19. Well, the music industry has been experiencing a shakeup in the past decade or so - for example, in Europe, some metal bands have been making the top few or so in sales, such as Nightwish reaching #1 with their 'Once' album. Hopefully the videogame industry experiences a shakeup of their own as well.
  20. I think gaming has a long ways to go still, in terms of how developers approach a game. Just take Twilight Princess for example - it is just chock full of stuff, but even it seems to have more to go. Compare that to most of the games you see around. Even awesome games like Gears of War seem to be lacking in comparison. In fact, people tend to compare Twilight Princess only to the other Zelda games. Shouldn't we be holding all games to the same standard, and not just certain franchises?
  21. There's other incredible deals at Circuit City this week too - check CAG for details.
  22. So today a friend told me that you can use the d-pad on the remote to pitch to the left and/or right, which added a ton of fun to Wii baseball.
  23. i will hate you for eternity. One of my friends got a 2007 Eclipse in the Fall.
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